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Musings about end times

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:19 am

Greetings to anyone who reads this post,

I've been thinking a lot about recent events in the middle-east and how it fits into the end times scenario outlined in the bible, especially the book of Revelations. I'll try to make this post as brief and succinct as possible.

While not claiming to be an expert- after all, I only know what The Lord allows me to know- I believe there can be no doubt that the NWO and all it entails is here. It is busy at work in the middle-east, and it is leading up to exactly the situation that is described in the bible.

If someone doesn't play the game, whether they be good, bad or indifferent, they will be targeted mercilessly by the 'international community', and they will be dealt with.

Don't misunderstand the purpose of this post. There is no political point to be made here, it is a point based on The Word and its warning to us regarding the end times. As for people like Col. Ghadaffi, of course he is far from an ideal leader.

But just as alluded to before, even if it be a brutal dictator that is being dealt with by the NWO, it doesn't make what the 'international community' is doing any more acceptable.

We all need reminders and corrections from our Christian brothers and sisters about various things during our lives here on earth- I know that as well as anyone else. But I feel compelled by The Lord at this point to be the one bringing attention to something. Maybe no-one on this forum needs it but then again maybe there is someone who does.

To sum up my point, the bible makes clear that the leader of this earth at current is the prince of darkness. He is the author of the NWO, and if any Christian doubts that it is here, doubts that the purpose of the UN is less than noble, and doubts that the mainstream media is generally controlled by the super-elites of the NWO (whoever they are- I don't claim to know exactly), then I believe The Lord is compelling you to open your eyes to the realities of the current age, and where that is leading. ie. the anti-Christ kingdom (please remember that in Matthew 24:24 it talks of even 'The elect' being possibly deceived).

What does this all have to do with the middle-east and, in particular, Libya, at this point? It's hard for me to say without rambling. What The Lord has made clear to me is that the fingerprints of the NWO are all over this. If someone were to believe the mainstream media hype about 'legality' of the whole thing, and it being 'moral' and about 'protecting' the Libyan people, then what's to say that the same person, even if it be a genuine Christian, will not fall for the NWO's lies right up to the appearance of the actual anti-Christ and his kingdom? (After all, the media will not be referring to him as the anti-Christ, the hype surrouding him and his kingdom, perpetuated by the media, will all be very positive and glowing).

What is of vital importance is that real people of Christ, including people significantly more advanced in their walk with The Lord than someone like myself, have to be on guard against the lies of the NWO now, lest they be one of 'the elect' possibly deceived in the end times.

That's all. Sorry about the length but I really felt compelled by The Lord to raise this topic somewhere. I would welcome comment and discussion, especially from those with a real interest in the end times.

God bless.
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