Tam's Journal.....Tragedy to Triumph

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

Re: Tam's Temple.....Tragedy to Triumph

Postby Tam » Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:12 pm

Wednesday March 16, 2011
12:30 JR. frito pie wrap and small sprite
6:30 Grilled chicken on lettuce, cheese, egg, onion, bacon bits, crutons, broccoli and very little dressing. Water

Drank water on and off all day
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Re: Tam's Temple.....Tragedy to Triumph

Postby Tam » Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:17 pm

Thursday March 17, 2011
water at breakfast. Had to go have blood drawn for test and could only have water.
Water at work
1:OO 1 cup chicken spaghetti, 14 creme corn and 1 baby carrott. small sprite
6:00 tator tot casseroll and water.
Mood was disappointed because I gained to pounds
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Re: Tam's Temple.....Tragedy to Triumph

Postby Deepsi » Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:37 am

Tam, I am so proud of you for your honesty, both in here and in the program. That's what this is for! Like we briefly talked about the other night at the program, honesty is how we are healed. We have to be real about our food consumption, about how we feel when we consume, so on and so forth.

Gaining weight can be so stinkin' discouraging... especially when you feel like you've been doing everything in your power to lose--especially when everything around you seems to be going wrong (Ugh ... another thing going wrong?)! But let me tell you: you can't lose heart now. Keep journaling and begin to ask yourself: why am I eating/not eating? Is it a reflection of my weight gain?

Remember: "Set your mind on heavenly things ..."

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Re: Tam's Temple.....Tragedy to Triumph

Postby Tam » Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:18 pm

Friday March 18

lunch 11:45 I had a chicken sandwich and small frie and a med. sprite. Mood was very sleepy
Dinner 6:00 we took all the kids (4) out to Ryans to eat. so I had the salad bar and some ff with gravy and cheese on them and some crab salad 2 pks of crackers, 4 fried shrimp, 1 fried fish, and a little ice cream for dessert. I had water to drink ( 3 glasses to be exact)

UGH all this fried food. Gotta stop eating fried.
Mood again was very tired and irritable.
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Re: Tam's Temple.....Tragedy to Triumph

Postby Tam » Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:20 pm

Saturday March 19, 2011

I didn't wake up until 12:30 today. I had a pack of pb nabs. and a glass of milk. was still very very tired.
Didn't eat anything else until dinner at 7 when hubby grilled some burgers. I had a hamburger patty and a glass of water.

Mood today was very blue. THe new meds is really missing with me. I am not taking them anymore because I can not stay awake on them.
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Re: Tam's Temple.....Tragedy to Triumph

Postby Tam » Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:40 pm

Sunday March 20, 2011

8:00 had a pack of nabs and bottle of water
3:30 had a small bowl of leftover spaghetti
4:30 had some starbust jelly beans (20)
6:30ish had a hotdog and about 15 cheese balls (the chips)

Mood was much better today and hubby said I was actually being nice again. No more stinking seraquel for me. UGH!!!!
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Re: Tam's Temple.....Tragedy to Triumph

Postby Tam » Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:04 am

Monday March 21

7:00 Nabs and water mood good
11:00 salad with shrimp, cheese, bacon bits, brocolli, crutons and sprite
6:00 2 chicken patties and water
Mood was good all day.
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Re: Tam's Temple.....Tragedy to Triumph

Postby Tam » Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:21 am

Tuesday March 22, 2011

6:45 nabs and water mood anxious had a bad nightmare
11:30 Club Sandwich from McAliasters and sprite
1:00 baked lays from lunch
2:00 very small piece of cake, water
3:00 Chic filet chicken sandwich and small lemon-aide
7:00 5 pieces of pizza and a water

Guessing the nightmare really threw me off cuz I ate all day yesterday and could have still eat more but put a halt on it.
Was real anxious (for lack of better word) all day long. Kinda had my guard up I suppose.
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Re: Tam's Temple.....Tragedy to Triumph

Postby stillstanding » Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:44 am

love you, sis :D

you are so good at this journaling thing *hug*

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i am stillstanding...saved delivered and healed.
Gal 2:20
20 I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.
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Re: Tam's Temple.....Tragedy to Triumph

Postby Tam » Wed Mar 23, 2011 7:05 pm

Wednesday March 23
Ok so I really don't want to post what I had today cuz I so failed my goal for the week already. Woke up this morning in a mood, what kinda mood I am really not sure so I over-ate at breakfast.
I had 4 of those litte bitty sausage biscuits and a bottle of water at about 6:45
Mood at lunch was a little more frustrated on top of the mood from breakfast. So for lunch I had lets just say several pieces of leftover pizza, I had a sprite and water at 12:00. Had to leave work early to take son to the dr. and then to the pharmacy to get meds.
Well while at the pharamacy the candy was right there at the register so I bought a butterfinger and sprite and some 100% fruit snacks...gluton free.
Went up to moms when I got home and at about 5:30 and had about 5 sweet gerkins and some water. Why do I do this? Why can't I just stop eating?
Oh well it is now dinner time 7:00 and I am having a big bowl of cereal and more water then I plan on having some cookies and milk with hubby later. So we shall see.
Anyway I failed again but tomorrow is a new day!
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Re: Tam's Temple.....Tragedy to Triumph

Postby Tam » Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:55 pm

Friday March 25

6:45 had 2 little sausage biscuits for breakfast mood was good
11:45 had shrimp fried rice and seasem chicken. still good mood
5:45 had a fish sandwich and fries from mcdonalds still good mood
8:00 popcorn and water good mood

much better day today
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Re: Tam's Temple.....Tragedy to Triumph

Postby Tam » Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:48 pm

Friday March 25

ok so didn't have breakfast today cuz I had to do some fasting labs. Started out in a really good mood
got to work and things went downhill. Why am I always getting in trouble for doing what I am told to do? Guess I will never understand that!
Hubby brought me lunch today...at 11:45 I had a roast beef from Arby's and a Sierra Mist. I was very upset so he stayed there and made sure that I ate.
6:30 tonight I had a few crackers and water. Mood was crying. WIll be so glad when this day is over!!!!!!!
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