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Postby Lani » Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:43 pm

Greetings Y'all :)
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
For each of you.... I am truly thankful :)

I've spent a great amount of time (in my waking hours) pondering this holiday.... "Thanksgiving". Why, comes to mind.
Why do we celebrate this one day, with all it's preparation and excitement?
When God calls us to "give thanks in all circumstances"

1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV)
"give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

Yes, LOTS of planning, time, effort, work, days in advance to celebrate this joyous holiday insuring its a truly special day.... Why?
Cuz some oddly dressed fellows crashed a boat and took over the land? lol yeah... I won't go there, Moving on :D

I've prayed for direction on what to do this year.... as much as I love a nice meal and the company of family..... I simply did not have the free funds for such a BIG meal when lg could care less about turkey and I am just as happy to enjoy a bowl of Chicken Noodle Soup. I am a sister of limited resources, please don't get me wrong... I want for nothing as I have all I need (usually); God is good in providing such. So, I had resolved to a "normal" day with nothing special planned.... however... God had other ideas :D He rocks like that!

A few weeks ago... I "wasted" a dollar to buy a raffle ticket in our community "Thanksgiving Meat Raffle" Turkey is of course the big draw :) However, I had completely forgotten of this purchase until my phone rang a few days ago to inform me, I WON A TURKEY!

Talk about answering a prayer huh? I'd been asking God to reveal if this was a holiday I needed to concern myself with as I give thanks daily for all He does. Well, turkey "in the bag" I figured... Ok Papa, now what?
I collected my bird.... all 24 lbs! of it and headed home. On my way up the walk to my front door, one of my neighbors poked her head out the door and said... "Getting Ready for Turkey Day?" Well, we talked for a few and in the convo, I learned they were basically in the same boat, however being a little more "adventurous" they decided they would cook hotdogs on the grill and have a cookout! OK, side note, It got to a steamy, 34 degrees today! not exactly grilling season in my opinion. Northerners are odd in this respect, I still don't get it :)

Anyway.... I said... "Well the Lord has provided a gigantic bird, can't say we will have much else, but y'all are welcome to join us." She smiled and said... "We will bring the Green Bean Casserole!" mmmmmmmmm Deal! Later that night, I went to visit my elderly neighbor, her husband passed a few years ago and her children don't live that close. I told her of our Lords glory and said... if you haven't any plans, please join us! She offered to make rolls and bring cranberry sauce... deal! It was shaping up to be a lovely holiday indeed.

Long story short... There were 8 of us, included lg and I, all gathered in my itty bitty kitchen with more food than my table could hold. The festivities began before lunch as people started to arrive and carried on until nearly 8 when lg announced it was time to get ready for bed :)

The day was filled with laughter and praise.... and God was definitely thanked, throughout. As we sat talking, the conversation of the verse previously shared began.... So, being the "stir the pot" type in such awesome company I posed the following question:

What does this mean?
Is it really possible to give thanks in all situations?
Are we really called to be thankful for.... divorce, death, cancer, job loss, etc?

This is my take....
I think it is possible to remain thankful despite the circumstances around us. However, I do not think this means... we have to say "Thank you for this trial" .... in a trial it sure is hard to do so...
But, I tend to try to focus on the Good God provides even in the midst of a storm. What are you talking about girl? hmmmmmmmmm let's see...

While facing the death of a loved one, God showed me all they had touched in their time here, proving their Spirit remains.
While facing a broken marriage and all the pain of that situation, God surrounded me with loving friends to help lift my spirits.
When demoted from a rather high profile position in my line of work, God showed me, less responsibility in the world gave me more time to do His work.... something I had prayed for, though His response to such was NOT what I had in mind at the time. :)
While facing Cancer, God showed me that I still had purpose and I could help those around me. AND...... I will overcome!!!!!

Nothing can take away our Faith.... as long as we hold tight to it and HIM. :)

In each trial we face, yes it can seem overwhelming... IF we focus on the trial itself.
A better use of our time, Focus On HIM... and know the trial will work itself out, we have an awesome support system to see us through.

I also think.... the awesomeness of "Thanksgiving" is it turns hearts towards the SPIRIT of Christmas.... giving to others and being thankful for all we have, because of our Lord Jesus Christ! There is a buzz in the air... you can feel it, the change occurs slowly in the coming days and weeks leading to Christmas... people grow more patient, kind, caring... in tune with the Spirit and call of God.... what a lovely time of year! If only we could ALL carry this SPIRIT throughout the year.

Ok... I will hush now :) Just wanted to share my heart for a moment.

Back to our Thanks-Giving Celebration.....

We broke tradition however, we had apple pie not pumpkin but I don't think God minded much.

I can tell you this....... it was the BEST day EVER!

While my thanks are endless..... please know, for Each of You and this awesome Ministry, I am FOREVER Thankful!

I truly hope, as you went about the days necessary activities..... you wholeheartedly found a reason to Give Thanks... if even for the chance to walk one more day. I pray HIS presence was felt in your gathering as well.... and I REALLY WISH Y'ALL COULD HAVE JOINED US!

Peace and Love to you, In Christ,

*BlessYou* Lani


In Closing... I'd like to share a poem by an awesome sis in Christ and a dear friend....

The Seeds Of God

Everything has its season
In order for new growth
One day the beauty will be seen
From the seeds that God has sowed

For our lives are like a garden
The planting of the Lord
Sun and rain combine to bring
A bountiful reward

For seeds need God's nature
In order to produce
A beautiful, fragrant garden
Ready for kingdom use

At times God needs to weed out
Ungodly things in us
So nothing will come to threat
The sowing within He does

As we grow to our potential
In what God's given us
We will be more effective
In the spreading of His love

And as we spread this seed
Of His love to other lives
We will reap a mighty harvest
Of souls for Jesus Christ

Our lives forever changed
From what it was before
The beauty produced in our lives
Is the reflection of the Lord

© By M.S.Lowndes
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Postby Mackenaw » Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:18 am

Hello Lani *hug*

Thank you, Lani, for sharing from your heart.

The dinner sounds like it was a wonderful time for all, while giving God all thanksgiving and praise for His provision: from the turkey to the fellowship, as you joined together...Lovely!!! Praise God!! Thank You Jesus!!!

Then touched by Holy Spirit inspiration, you shared with us. Thank You Holy Spirit.

God is Good, isn't He. Woooohooooo!!!

God bless and keep you, Lani.
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Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Fri Nov 26, 2010 7:29 am

dearest Lani
I think you had more of a "GODLY" day than most of us, your day sounds to me how God would have intended this day to be
first you were thankful for what you had not what you didn't
second you stepped "outside your box" and brought others to feed on His blessings.
then each person brought their own "blessings" to add to the meal
and THEN the final inspiration of the night...I have heard many talk of how trials being blessings in disgise but it never truly meant anything until reading how you stated it
2 little side notes: 1st I would rather have apple, 2nd I get out in the snow and cold to grill when I want that taste...LOVE IT!!
thank you for reminding us what we really need to be thankful for...Him!!
God Bless
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Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Fri Nov 26, 2010 7:44 am

I forgot this in my first post and had to come back,
I LOVE the "papa" remark, you see I have a pastor friend that is also starting to refer to our Lord as Dad or as you put it Papa you and my friend I'm thinking are on the same level of thinking,
he sees our Lord as Dad because just as your relationship with you biological Dad on this earth we should make the relationship with our God more personable and we can do so by calling Him Dad or Papa instead of God or Lord or Father, some will see this as a form of disrespect but I think it is more of a show of love because we want our relationship with our Lord to be as close as possible,
sorry I just wanted to note that
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Postby vahn » Fri Nov 26, 2010 9:13 am

APPLE-PIE for pumkin !?!?! ... Haven't you heard ?? You break ONE tradition , you broke them ALL ???

Great post Lani .

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Giving Thanks....

Postby Wonderfilled One » Fri Nov 26, 2010 7:27 pm

In the short, 56 years I've spent on this little blue ball, I can say with all honesty, that I've never seen in one person, the love, the selflessness, the dedication, caring and giving, the optimism, enthusiasm and encouragement, and unpretentious spirit as I do in You, my Friend. *Buddy*
When I start to grump and grumble to myself, about this little thing , or that, I always find myself humbled when I realize how blessed I really am. Something I have learned to do through You.
Now we see the courage, and the strength You have gained to reach out and let us help You. Been prayin for that, and it's awesome to see!
May God continue to Bless You and Yours Sis.
Luv Ya Much, *hug*
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