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Dunno what to call this... Lani Rambles?... again :)

Postby Lani » Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:55 pm

*Hug9* HEY Y'all!! *Wave*

Let me start by saying.....

I mean NO copyright infringement and if Shane, the author of this awesome book, stops by and reads this post...

*Hug9* THANK YOU! For this awesome tool to touch hearts, in children AND adults! *Hug9*
PS Could we have another copy bro.... lg loved the first one to shreds. :)

OK, Y'all ready? Here we go:

While Walking in a Toy Store Book, written by Shane DeRolf wrote:

While Walking in a Toy Store, The day before today;
I overheard a crayon box, with many things to say.

"I don't like Red." said Yellow and Green said, "Nor do I."
"And no one here like Orange, But no one knows just why."

"We are a box of crayons, that doesn't get along." said Blue to all the others.
"Something here is wrong."

Well, I bought that box of crayons, and took it home with me.
I laid out all the colors, so the crayons could all see.

They watched me as I colored with red and blue and green
and black and white and orange and every color in between.

They watched as green became the grass, And blue became the sky;
The Yellow sun was shining bright, On White clouds drifting by.

Colors changing as they touched, Becoming something new.
They watched me as I colored, They watched till I was through.

And when I'd finally finished, I began to walk away.
And as I did, the crayon box had something more to say...

"I do like Red!" said Yellow. And Green said, "So do I!
And, Blue, you were terrific, So high up in the sky!"

We are a box of crayons, Each one of us unique.
But when we get together...

The picture is complete.

Ya know, I've read this book a MILLION times, I kid you not! I can recite or in this case, type it, without even opening a page. Yet, today... the Light Bulb went Bright!

I tell lg,
"The crayons work together and in the end, they can see the BIGGER picture that no one of them can work alone to paint a picture of His glorious surroundings".. yep still stand by that BUT

I also think... they get along better cuz their pointy heads got worn down a little too....

Kinda like Pride... ya know

Pride is an UGLY tool the enemy LOVES to toy with. I've seen it ruin families, devour friendships and build Walls a thousand feet high.

I think, one of the reasons I despise compliments is because it can be ego juice. Maybe it is just me, but when I would get a compliment man alive, I'd start to think I was "all that". I would feed off of it and try harder to please he who complimented me to get more compliments and then ego would go out of control.... where would God be in all this?
mmm hmm Standin there shaking His head going.... "Here she goes again".

I know... sad but true. When I first identified this ridiculous pattern, I prayed to our awesome Father and asked... ok well now that I know where it starts.. what do I do.

Yeah know, there are times when I should be made to wear a "DUH" sign over my head... Praise to God He doesn't see me as I do. Being Patient beyond my understanding He gently guided me back to the answer He gave Long ago. Thankfully, I have now learned a new "game plan" all compliments are givin to Him... reflect outward not receive inward. As I said, just me :)

I know ya already have His answer in your heart too, so I'll leave ya to it.

Pride is a tricky, sticky, weed.... I have watched it separate so many and witnessing such hurts my heart. It grabs hold sometimes when ya aren't lookin and just takes over, kinda like Ivy.... and removing it is painful but God is good and He will do all He can to help each of us through these shadows.

Weeds divide that which holds us together, Love... get ya some extra strength weed killer (I am SURE ya have some in His garden shed) and hold on tight. ;)

Why am I sharing a kids story? Cuz He told me to.
and to whomever is meant to read it...

May this awesome lil kids story touch the child in your heart as well.
He Loves you and so do I.

Peace n Love in Christ,
*BlessYou* Lani

*Cheer3* "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace." (Romans 15:13 *Cheer3*
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Awww Sis...

Postby Wonderfilled One » Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:52 pm

...that was beautiful. Thank You PaPa for using your precious child Lani to focus the Sons light!! Which reminds me of something I heard on WORD-FM about how we call God what we do. The original Aramaic word Abba, is used in the context of the relationship between a father and child. And being that we have "adopted" God as our father, that act makes it ever more special. We chose each other, it was something we had to decide! "Abba! Father!" PaPa.


p.s. (I can't get any emoticons to stick...grrr)
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