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"Tunnel Vision" - (A brief Intro)

Postby vahn » Mon Oct 18, 2010 9:44 am

As stated in previous post (except for the "in a bit" part) , well , here it is .

Let me start with goldieluv's "private joke" , Once upon a Time .

First there was darkness , and the first thing God said was "let there be light "

OK , God-->Light-->Man-->Back to dark-->Christ-->Back to LIGHT . Simple calculation tells me God does not like dark , Man , on the other hand , for some twisted reason , does . But ... Who's Boss here ?

Tunnel vision : We all know the term "There's light at the end of the tunnel" right ? (In my case , I always went "I hope its not a train!) It proves the narrow point of view , doesn't it ? Hey , what do you expect ! I'm an alkie !

Did we ever stop and think that "Hey , there's LIGHT on BOTH ends of the tunnel ? (see "OK" paragraph above) . No sooner that man discovered freedom of his will he puts God's aside ... and starts digging !! ... literally -"Toil the ground" , Only one problem , he didn't ask what the pedal next to the accelerator was for !! Oh he didn't have a car then yet huh ? Oh yes He did ! It was a Plymouth ! It says "And God drove Adam & Eve out of the Garden in a Fury " !! and man still couldn't figure out what the brake pedal was for .
Ok , ok , back to our tunnel . "Did you ever stop and think" #2 , that it is always darkest when in the middle of it ? Either way you move from that point on , it only but lead you to LIGHT , wether you go backward or forward . That leaves us with only two choices huh ? ... No it is NOT FWD or RVRSE either , it is whether to MOVE or STAY !! Another calculation .. you move , you live - you stay you die (slowly!) .

Life Recovery Bible : Jeremiah

Our idols differ from the idols of the people of Judah . as we see in Jer.1:16 their gods were hand/man-made . Ours may come in the form of alcohol, drugs, sex, power, or work. Whatever things consume our time and energy and permeate our thought-life have become our gods. Idolatry will destroy our relationship with God and ruin our life if we allow it to go on unchecked.
Jer.2:16 Idolatry/addiction? involves two grave mistakes ; First , we turn away from our ALL Powerful God , the Only One who could help us . Second , we turn to idols that have NO power to help us -alcohol, drugs, sex, power, or work - to deal with pain that only God can heal . We know from experience , however , that these temporary "solutions" only deepen our pain in the long run . God invites us to bring our problems to Him and return to His Loving care . He wants a relationship with us, free of the distraction of our destructive addiction .

Just an "intro" . (Actually , I need a break ok ?.... so do you !)

In Christ , our Lord
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Postby Lani » Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:29 pm

vahn wrote:Two choices........ it is whether to MOVE or STAY

*ohyeah* *Amen2* *ohyeah*

Patiently waiting for the intermission music to fade :)

Awesome path bro! Cannot wait to see where it leads!

Peace n Love in Christ,
*BlessYou* Lani

*Cheer3* "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace." (Romans 15:13 *Cheer3*
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Postby goldieluvs » Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:49 pm

waits with Lani *Whistle*
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Postby Lani » Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:44 pm

*Cheer3* Goldie!! *Cheer3*

Hiya sis :) Good to see ya!!!

*Whistle* *Whistle* *Guitar* *Whistle* *Whistle*

Hey Goldie?

Think we'd get in trouble if we changed the channel?

This dancin hotdog and pop is kinda getting on my nerves! o.o

*popcorn* shall I pass it along?

Peace n Love in Christ,
*BlessYou* Lani

*Cheer3* "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace." (Romans 15:13 *Cheer3*
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Postby Dora » Wed Oct 20, 2010 1:15 pm

You're right. Two lights. One takes you to a better brighter place. One takes you back where you were. Got it!

While reading I thought to myself....I sure am glad Vahn was led here.

I love ya bro. Oh and btw Happy Birthday. *HappyBirthday*
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Postby ciny » Wed Oct 20, 2010 1:54 pm

Hi Vhan
im glad we have the light of Jesus to gide us and that his light shines through us im glad we are all together hear to help gide eachother.
think about this one we dont just have the light at the end of the tunnel
its in us and shine through us its all around us.
im glad you found this place and that i have a chance to get to know you
you are a blessing to me and to Oasis family,

*hug* Ciny
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Postby vahn » Fri Oct 22, 2010 11:51 am

Ok , so who's the wise guy that woke me up huh ? ... What you mean break's over !!!

Ok , ok , ... a bit of a recap .

Any willful separation from God equals sin period ! .
Addiction(s) separates us from God , therefore ... do the math .

"But" we may say , "I thought I was powerless over my addictions , I didn't ask for it , I didn't know anything of it , and besides even when I tried to do something about it , I found out I couldn't! So ... Not my fault right ?"
Yes indeed , but , let us look at the highlighted words in what we are saying , I thought , I tried , I couldn't , and , the most glaring I WAS ! What is the common denominator ? Answer - The All-powerful I .

Bible lingo (look it up)

Jer. 2:24-25
Trying to "fix" things ourselves , we are essentially rejecting God's Power to work in our lives , aren't we ? - Hey I got this one Pops , no worries ok ? - Well in so doing , we will find ourselves out of control . We will mindlessly chase after after old addictions that brought us so much destruction in the past .
We need to recognize how helpless we are against the pull of our dependency and put our life into God's hands . Only then can we experience His Power and begin the journey to recovery .

Soo , where's the problem ? DENIAL . Nooo , I'm not talking about the river in Egypt either ok ?

Bible time !!
We find that the people in Israel took their sins lightly - "Oh , it wasn't that bad !" . We often do the same thing , perhaps because the consequences didn't come immediatly. If nothing "bad" happens to us for a while , we get to thinking we can get away with our destructive behaviours.
If , on the other hand , had the consequences struck instantly , it be a different story huh ? Well here's the thing , they seldom do . We must realize that God does not take our sins lightly , the cosequences for sinful behaviour will inevitably come - sooner , or , later - Hey , Stove-Hot-Hand-Burn , any questions ?
The prophet warned them ... they refused to listen . When confronted with our behaviours , we go "uh uh , not me" , We foolishly defend and/or rationalize our actions (Mostly by showing how we can direct our index finger or the old reliable "If it wasn't for ... " fill in the blank)
It is clear that our actions may fool others , but we can NEVER fool God . Judgement came to Judah not simply because the actions were horrendous , but also , because their hearts were unrepentant . God searches our innermost parts and knows our hearts . He cares about WHO we ARE , not just about WHAT we DO .
Recovery does NOT begin with some heroic act on our part . It begins as we admit that we are Powerless and unable to do anything on our own and re-turn to God with a humble and repentant heart - NOT MIND !!!

What was the drunkards last words right before he died ?

He said "Watch THIS !!"

In Christ , our Lord
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Postby Lani » Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:23 pm

vahn wrote:It is clear that our actions may fool others , but we can NEVER fool God

Thanks and Praise to HIM for not being so easily convinced or dare I say "Tricked" by the actions we display when others are watching... for that tends to be our polished best... which, much like magazine covers is a lil.... hmmmmmm *dunno*..... touched up.

*ohyeah* Awesome Message! *ohyeah*

See ya next post!

Thanks for sharin and being HIS tool bro!

Peace and Love in Christ,
*BlessYou* Lani

*Cheer3* "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace." (Romans 15:13 *Cheer3*
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Postby goldieluvs » Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:29 pm

wow Amen.
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