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A Lesson In Listening
A Lesson in Listening
Luke 6:46-49
Early in life, I learned to listen to the Lord, and this most important lesson is the foundation of my confidence in God. Moreover, because I pay attention to the Father, He has given me courage in my convictions, strength in times of trouble, and unspeakable joy.
I opened my spiritual ears because of my grandfather's words to me. Oh, he didn't say, "Now Charles, you've got to listen." Instead, he described what the Lord was saying to him and how He was speaking. The powerful evidence of Grandfather's faith gave me a burning desire to hear the Lord too.
No person can hear without actively listening. God taught me how, and it is this important lesson that I pass on to you. Heeding the Lord begins when I meditate upon His Word. I listen prayerfully for what He is saying to me through the passage, and I am expectant. The Lord is not secretive. He clarifies Scripture to those who desire to know its meaning and are willing to abide by it. Often I have to be patient. God reveals His truth when a believer is ready to hear. I continually return to a portion of the Bible until His message to me is clear. Sometimes that means going over the same passage for days at a time.
God will speak with clarity to anyone who listens prayerfully and submissively. He wants to speak to you! His great desire is for you to know Him as intimately as did Moses, David, Paul, and others like them. Dig into the Bible every day, and listen to the words the Lord impresses upon your heart.
Charles Stanley
Luke 6:46-49
Early in life, I learned to listen to the Lord, and this most important lesson is the foundation of my confidence in God. Moreover, because I pay attention to the Father, He has given me courage in my convictions, strength in times of trouble, and unspeakable joy.
I opened my spiritual ears because of my grandfather's words to me. Oh, he didn't say, "Now Charles, you've got to listen." Instead, he described what the Lord was saying to him and how He was speaking. The powerful evidence of Grandfather's faith gave me a burning desire to hear the Lord too.
No person can hear without actively listening. God taught me how, and it is this important lesson that I pass on to you. Heeding the Lord begins when I meditate upon His Word. I listen prayerfully for what He is saying to me through the passage, and I am expectant. The Lord is not secretive. He clarifies Scripture to those who desire to know its meaning and are willing to abide by it. Often I have to be patient. God reveals His truth when a believer is ready to hear. I continually return to a portion of the Bible until His message to me is clear. Sometimes that means going over the same passage for days at a time.
God will speak with clarity to anyone who listens prayerfully and submissively. He wants to speak to you! His great desire is for you to know Him as intimately as did Moses, David, Paul, and others like them. Dig into the Bible every day, and listen to the words the Lord impresses upon your heart.
Charles Stanley
Bloodstone - Posts: 158
- Location: Under the shadow of Gods Wings
- Marital Status: Not Interested
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