Christianity Oasis Forum

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So , some knuckle-head thinks he's right ...

Postby vahn » Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:21 am

Ok , so , we all know about Daniel - Walked with God , everyday right ?

Nothing would deter him .

Lion's den ? Sure , Go ahead ...

Look at my three friends , fiery furnace ? Right , go for it !

We all doing the right thing , KNOWING God would deliver us !


Ok , soooo , How abooouuut , we all put our money together , annnnd , instead of buying somebody else's Word(s) of God , we buy an airfare to Afghanistan (or any other so-called "opposing" religious country for that matter) , but Afghanistan would be perfect pick .
Why ?
Well , that's where we could find ALL of the Quran's we will ever need to make the BIGGEST bonfire ever !! Who knows we might even make it to the BOOK OF RECORDS (Guiness , that is !)

Fringe benefit : You could also be the FIRST Christian EVER , martyred for your stupidity !!

Oh ... Don't worry ... God will deliver you !! (IF , He thinks is right !!)

In Christ , our Lord
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Posts: 809
Location: Earth (STILL !!)

Postby Deepsi » Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:32 pm


I apologize if this is hijackin' the topic ...

But I was talking with my dad about this, kinda jesting with each other. Here's part of the convo:

Me: Are you gonna burn your Quran on Saturday?
Dad: Nah, I'll keep my money.
Me: People burn the Bible everyday. You don't see us getting all crazy about it.
Dad: Let them burn our Bibles; the Word of the Lord will never be destroyed like their "holy" books.

AMEN!?!?!?!?!?!? *Guitar*
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