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Postby Bloodstone » Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:52 pm

I will be praying for you. People here care very much about you. I care about you too. Pain makes us think all kinds of things sometimes, for me anyway. But when our faith is weak, God gave us each other to stand in the gap for each other. Please take comfort that prayers are going up for you and will continue to until you are fully healed. May God hold you in His arms and give you strength, bless you and your family, touch you and heal you from all pain.

God bless you, love you brother *Pray*
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Postby mlg » Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:57 pm

Bacchus...I want you to know you are very much cared about...I was going through the same feelings yesterday...the no one cares about me syndrome...I've noticed it comes on most when I'm experiencing lots of trials and tribulations...and then the enemy comes and pow hits me with thinking things that aren't true...and you are loved very much.

I'm so thankful that you have an appointment...I know that this will be a step towards helping you feel better. I will pray that the doctors are able to find something to help.

Take care and keep us posted on what the doctor says.

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Postby logi bear » Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:51 am

bacchus, i don't know what exactly you are going through, or what pain you're experiencing. But i have been struggling with a chronic disorder.. (for over a year now) because of it i haven't even been to church or seen my friends in a very long time. And all the doctors i have seen haven't helped me much, so i know you must feel a little neglected. Jesus said that if you have faith even the size of a mustard seed, great works can be done. So don't be discouraged. you must have some faith or you would not be here... i care about your situation.. and you should know that God cares even more... you're in my prayers .... *PowerOfPrayer*
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Postby Dora » Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:59 am

I care!!!!! Praying for you. *Pray* Gods will be done.
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