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"If I only had a dollar for each time ..."

Postby vahn » Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:42 pm

Even a quarter , for each time someone had been in disagreement with whatever I had said , done or acted upon , I'd be planning my early retirement within the next 6 months .

I remember in the old days , when we would spend hours arguing whether a zebra had white stripes or black .
Sobering up , I don't know what prompted me of asking my sponsor (wrong move) the same question , he said "What's a zebra ?"
Great man , of course he knew , that statement taught me the greatest lesson .

My/our job is to pass on the Word , and the BEST way to do so is to pass it on according to the application of it in our lives and the result of so doing . Now whether people agree with me or not is NOT the issue , but ... it does become an issue , and the purpose lost , if I make it one by taking the disagreement personally and start thinking they are disagreeing with ME .

Ok , listen , SCRIPTURE CHANGE PEOPLE ... INSTANTLY , whether for better or for worse , all depends on the RECEIVING end , not me , for , my life changes for the better instantly just for trying my best to relay the Good News to someone else , to the best of my ability , according to my best knowledge of it ...At-That-Time ... I mean , sometimes I read my old posts , and I find myself asking "What fool wrote that ?" ... See , at that time , according to what went on that day , it applied and made sense ... For That Day ! ...

The people who believed what our Lord was saying , in His days , were very few , the ones who agreed with Him even fewer , and the ones who FOLLOWED His Way the fewest . Was our Lord sorry for people not listening to Him ? No . He was sorry for THEM ! for they could NOT hear , (Cried over Jerusalem) .

Well , I heard because someone spoke , whether I agreed with them at that time or not (which , by the way , I didn't) was irrelevant to them , but it was BECAUSE of what they said , it rang true later ... when it applied to me .

See , at that time , it was applying to them , like the Psalms were applying to David , the Beatitudes were applying to the Jews , the agonies were applying to Job , Abraham's faith was applying to Abraham .

Ezekiel 14:13-14
"Son of man , suppose the people of a country were to sin against Me , and I lifted My fist to crush them , ... destroying both people and animal alike . 14 , Even if Noah , Daniel , and Job were there , there righteousness would save No one but THEMSELVES , " declares our Sovereign Lord .

Zebra's stripes are only good for the zebra , it is for the zebra to know what colour the stripes are and why they are there , the only stripes I am concerned with are on the back of a Jewish Carpenter !

In Christ , our Lord
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Postby Mackenaw » Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:01 pm

Hello Vahn,

God bless you this day.

Oh Vahn, you are something else!!! *hug* Thank you, brother.

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