Christianity Oasis Forum
Not sure where...
the thought came from except the Lord himself which was something along the lines of,"Do not be afraid of what people will think or say about you.Speak the TRUTH,with love and compassion...People will hate,chastise,gossip,become angered,become indifferent to you as you grow WITH Me(the Lord)..Tarry on.Do not stop..The TRUTH is an absolute rarity in itself anymore.People have been so blind-sided by it,have spent so many years shoving the truth about could be anything "under the rug" as to not have to deal with repercussions,pain,hurt,anger,etc..All the bad feelings that usually stir inside someone as a result of having not "tried it on for size" WITH God as their leader,their King,their EVERYTHING!..IF you are living IN and FOR God,...the weatherman could come on whatever technology gadget you use and tell you your home is about to get leveled by a tornado less than a mile away and you need take cover right away....Rather than panic, you might ,and you simply and VERY calmly go to your place of safe retreat...You place NO value in your worldly possessions.It hasn't even crossed your mind as to what you know you're going to lose.You are not overly concerned with others well-being(as you've been taught prayer IS a very effective tool and the Lord takes care of everyone how he sees fit,even if we don't like it or understand it.HE is the King)but you do take a moment of prayer for them.You don't once pray for yourself although you could and there's alot of people that wouldn't want to see anything happen to you..You have remembered to thank the Lord daily for GIVING you that 1 extra day when He really didn't have to,the dinner you were eating before you got word a tornado was about to hit,that opportunity you took earlier in the day to mow your elderly neighbor's lawn although you didn't have to..I menan,they do have family..BUT you couldn't help but wonder why it's now almost a foot tall...Yessiree...The storm is upon you and you're not sweating one single solitaire thing...FAITH has gotten you this far...TRUTH has kept you there...And you're in jeopardy of losing your home...Where are you going to go?...Do you say,"Wherever GOD takes me OR wherever the WORLD takes me?"...ORRRR....WHEREVER GOD TAKES ME IN THIS WORLD I WILL GO!! ...the storm has passed but ummm,,,you no longer have the comfort of your own home...It's now down the road...Do you go chase after it?...Do you look back?...It was probably time for some "spring cleaning" anyways...Search the deepest part of ourselves..What kind of storms do we have brewing within?...Do we REALLY put our faith in God when it comes down to it?...I see all over this site the word truth and it is capitalized every time I see a new area and it SHOULD be...the TRUTH is God...The TRUTH is LOVE...God is TRUTH AND LOVE...Life is VERY hard at times but I know only one man that can take it ALL on headfirst,level the obstacles with "steamroller" capabilities,had to go through EVERY thing that we all do and then gave his LIFE for us all so we CAN have eternal life?...I don't know about y'all but that house can stay down the road..I'm excited to see what else God has in store for me..Thank you Jesus..All my love, Jami
jamisfaithnjoy - Posts: 98
- Location: Indiana in May 2010
- Marital Status: Divorced
My memory(or lack of)
As I sit here typing this,I'm pretty sure myself and the Holy Spirit are in conversation again..This is happening alot more very recently than it used to and believe you me,it was alot then also...I believe the Lord is causing me to keep things very simple because He's getting so much information to me in such a little bit of time that if I TRY to do what I normally would be doing,which is,exacting every little detail,corrections in my head or anywhere for that matter,there's just no way there all going to get where the Lord intended..Which is nothing short of everywhere but for only reasons known to Him,in the journaling areas on here..It's like He's taking away what was left of my memory after a mini-stroke caused by internal bleeding,and to this day I'm left to wonder if I had an actual heart attack AND actually died for a few moments OR ummmm,an actual heart attack I guess...I just sat here and tried to replay the tape in my head from that particular incident..The only thing i can recall even now is my heart speeding up,feeling really "out of it",then the room spinning and then looking up at Ashley,who was on the computer across from where i was laying@the couch..She looked at me and had a horrible look on her face,trying to understandably remain calm(after it had happened and looking at it in hindsight)but saying,"Mom,you don't look so well.I think I'm going to call 911." and me telling her "No.I'll be fine"...Less than what felt like a whole 5 seconds later,I was dropping to the floor in my then apartment,and waking up out on the stairwell with fireman hovered over me and being hooked up to wires on a heart machine and an IV line running in me and me telling them"I am fine.I just want to go home."...Well,I wasn't going home right then.Instead I was going to a hospital called St. Anne's and there would wait a doctor that actually walked in my room and asked me,"What do you want me to do for you?"..I recall looking at him like,"You've got to be kidding! "..There I am in a just happened life emergency and I now have the kind of doctors my mom had always warned me about standing in the same room with me asking me,"What do you want me to do for you?"..So I said,"give me something to slow my heart down"..He wickedly calmly just says,"I'll be back."...I tried my hardest to not panic as I was already in cardiac arrythmia and sitting there HAVING TO MAINTAIN my own heart rhythm myself for the duration of a nurse coming back eventually with a slow down pill?.....HOW IN THE WORLD did I even know what to do??...Yes,I had been exposed to every aspect of a hospital as a child BUT not the exact in's and outs of medical science..and here I was,knowing what to do somehow...I'll share with you what that "somehow" was and there's no way it could have been anything but Him because that would not be the last time I was fighting for my life...As a matter of fact,that incident would resemble a walk in the park compared to one that would that occurred just 6 months before and was not heart related but yet again,I was...nevermind..That part of my life will go in my testimony because I have no strong desire to type about that more than I'm required to by the Lord...And that is it..The Lord...He is what saved me that afternoon shortly after 4 p.m. on January 15th...And what I've shared is the basic summary of all the events leading up to and when I would get back home..Which wouldn't happen until over 2 weeks later...You see,I didn't get to come straight back to my own home..For some reason,I couldn't get up off the bed at the hospital OR walk.....Ok,hate to cut this short but I just looked out my bathroom window and there was a pair of red or a glowing orange staring at me and no body...Between my deck and the bathroom window there is about a 15 foot gap and the eyes were mid-air,right in the middle..Yes,I'm a bit scared right now and when I 1st looked I for sure was BUT I just stopped in the middle of this typing and prayed..In the name of Jesus Christ,I rebuke you Satan!!!!...The Bible says to NOT fear so I have no fear.I am afraid of nothing for it is in the Lord I am protected,then,now and forever....And I have no clue what I was originally talking about in this post without going back and reading it...Whatever it...Ok,that was it....I got some memory meds 3 days ago,took it for the 1st day I got it and the day before yesterday but yesterday(Monday evening)I forgot to take them?..And me and Davey were walking the dog and I told him what a friend/neighbor at my old place had done...She had always said she loved having my conversation but she couldn't keep up with me@my serious hyperness,which the doctors and even her thought was due to A.D.H.D. but then i got on a med for about a week and was able to slow wayyyyy down@my brain, and I told her about my memory issues with things unless I pretty much have them in front of me,like something I just read on here..Which is what exactly prompted me to even start this entry..I told davey i had forgot to take my memory meds and he then neighbor did also but as much as we were close,I think her goal was to "fix me",lol...So like yeah...the sentence I read was about a man not being able to remember the 10 Commandments and what happened that he would be able to,(i forget how this part goes)either learn them? or know them?...Something to that affect I recall it was...So anyways,I'm not too sure the memory meds are working..Some moments it seems as if they are but other times,no..I don't care what people say about they wouldn't think Jesus would yank my memory away to extreme proportions SO that i cannot carry excess baggage around,which He knows for certain I would do at the drop of a hat because I'm a worrier by nature...I was reading the Bible before I started this entry and although I was truly enjoying what I was reading,I started feeling depressed just a hair because I wanted to be able to remember what I read..let me share how long that feeling lasted...About a whole 2 seconds and I'm VERY serious about that...The Lord actually took me away from who I normally am and didnt give me a chance to stew in it ..And yes,I have to laugh at that because I'm about to go back in the living room and read some more knowing full and well i'm not going to retain it BUT through Scripture I do remember here and there,sometimes God has to literally transform us,from the inside out to get us to be what HE wants us to be..NOT what we want to be..And if the Lord thinks it's not of importance I have a memory(or good one anyways)right now,I'm totally fine with that...HE has His reasons for that and I'm not going to bother Him about it(much).No matter how long it takes,to spare me from sometimes feeling embarrassed,humiliated,etc...Those feelings are NOT from God and He's the only one in the End I need to win "approval" from..The day I am lifted into Heaven,not a thing about my memory,my appearance,my shoe size,what I own or don't is going to matter in the least bit so guess what?...It doesn't matter now either.....Praise you Jesus,I lift up my hands and praise you...Amen
jamisfaithnjoy - Posts: 98
- Location: Indiana in May 2010
- Marital Status: Divorced
What I'm thinking about at the moment...
I'm sitting here reflecting the day sorta..Just a few minutes ago,I was laying on the bed in the spare bedroom,cuddled up with my new kitty addition to the family,Trooper..I was walking Jake down a side street here a few days back now and the kitty came out into the middle of the road to us and started nudging/loving up against the dog?? So i petted the little one and asked him where he lived...There was an apartment building right there on the corner but one thing stood out to me that this kitten did not have an owner..or not one that probably knew where he was i was thinking.Myabe didnt care?i dont know..I'm not supposed to judge but it was REALLY difficult not to at that moment..I took notice that the kitten appeared to have little to no real body weight at all...he was straight bones..I mean,my son took his finger and could put it almost a full 2!inches into his top skin layer before he hit muscle,fat or whatever's under was extremely gross to watch him do that but even more upsetting to me to see how loveable this cat was being and at best,wouldn't be lasting a week longer on the street..there was just no looked extremely grim.. but today he's doing better,...when i found him he was for sure anorexic in animal form... skin and bone,a rounded off belly but I was certain that was NOT from fullness but as a result of malnutrition..For an animal,i compared him easily to the pictures and videos I had seen of the children in dire straits starving in Africa and other countries fairly easily ..i started walking forward a little bit but the kitten kept following me..I started to become feeling kinda hopeless with it because davey has never hid the fact he just doesn't care much for cats..i dont know why...Some people are just that way@dont like things for no apparant reason or can give an answer other than "i just dont,etc...I know many like that and to each their own but..the kitten..was not going to leave us alone...I said a silent prayer in my head along the lines of, "lord,please allow someone to find this kitten and take it in or someone to at least feed him and very soon and keep him from harm"(because he was way too trusting in an area where dogs run loose by the dozen and people do not watch where their driving and speed like tomorrow isnt coming..this kitty had every odd against him, despite the fact he was already more than half way starved to death, and I knew it..But i had to be respectful of davey's wishes also about this animal(if i were to ask)and try to masquerade my feelings at best if he were to say anything like,"no.i already know what you're thinking",anything close to that..I had it already pictured in my mind I would be feeding this kitten off the deck and losing sleep at night the 1st time i'd go outside and wouldn't see it around after a day or 2 at most.(the kitten was in seriously bad shape but i wouldnt realize how bad until later)Let me tell you what..The Lord already had his hands on the situation,on davey and yep,me as well...and my thoughts I would get the same reaction i always did when i'd bring up kittens or cats or remotely started talking about them...I was wrong this time..Davey reached his hand down to the cat and started petting him..he wasn't all into it for sure BUT for someone that didnt like cats,you would've never guessed at that moment..he was "studying" the kitten's appearance and looked at me in a unspoken tone of "this cats really bad off babe"..I looked up at the sky for what seemed like an hour but i know it was only about 15 seconds or so then back down at the kitten again,who by this time,was STILL following us and we were now in our yard..I looked at davey and said,"i dont know what's going to happen with this kitten but I'm going to let him in the laundry room for the night at least and wet down the dog food for him at least and give him some water."(we didnt have a cat so we naturally didnt have any kitten food on hand and for sure not the kind this kitten would be better off with in such bad shape@medicinal food supplements)..He shook his head in agreement and said,"whatever you want to do"..Well,at that point,i wasn't totally sure what I wanted to do about the kitten but i knew it had to eat and come off the streets in that shape...Oh man,what a mess it became in the laundry room and fast...I'll not forget anytime real soon by me just simply picking him up that night,WARNING:EXTREMELY GROSS but expected from his condition...I'd pick him up and all a sudden he'd just start diarehhing everywhere...i mean,coming out of him like someone turned on a faucet on low setting...i'd clean up one mass area after i put him down and go to pick him back up again and the same thing would happen all over again...I had no clue what to do or how to treat anything like that AND no,we did not and do not have money for a vet at this point or anything at all of that nature in case anyone's reading this and pondering why.)..I went online and looked up exactly what was going on with him and obviously everything pointed to,GET HIM TO THE VET...I prayed to the Lord and asked Him if he could just make it through the night please even though i was very much ready to accept the fact he would surely be dying soon,probably even with vet care at that point...he was way too far gone from all outside appearances for real....After I prayed,i laid newspapers all over the laundry room,pet-hugged him,shut the door and went to sleep..I was already VERY exhausted and knew there was nothing more I could do that night or even really attempt until either the food got him nourished back enough to where his stools would even just a little,start to go solid or,the unwanted,we'd find him dead...The next morning,I checked on his stools...they were still very watery diarreah...later in the afternoon,they started to have a little more solidity to them but definitely not was much better than the way they were@straight watery..The next night,against my own better judgement probably because he could really crap the house up in his condition@for whatever reason,picking him up caused him to crap,..I sat on the couch and prayed for him with him on my lap and my hand on him..The next morning he was still alive and kickin...BUT i discovered he had 1 swollen lymph node about the size of a dime on his neck and what appears to be a few different things on the back of his head...a mass tumor,an area where he has a flea infection gotten into his bloodstream turned really bad at the site OR..I had no idea..those were the only i could think of..But it still wouldnt matter...nothing in the line of animal care OR human medical care if free..It doesnt matter how bad you want it...if you dont have the money,an animal in this shape IS going to die and I knew there wasn't a single thing I could do about it AND I was starting to get attached to it from caring for it and monitoring it PLUS that fact,he was sooo loving in spite of his situation..That's what really got me So,to wrap this up,I KNEW and still do,the only way this kitten is coming through this alive period is with DIVINE INTERVENTION-hence,The Lord's work..Nothing else period...It's nothing short of a miracle if Trooper survives ALL that's wrong with him..oops..i forgot to mention he limps very badly when he walks on the left side..My brother says he could have a broken leg or just ate up nutritionally that bad.(he's very smart about cats and the like)..Again,the Lord's work is the ONLY way and His grace is sufficient enough to do it too....It's an "against all odds" situation but you know...I've just got a strong feeling,in spite of everything,this Trooper is going to make it...God is so good! Thank you Jesus.
jamisfaithnjoy - Posts: 98
- Location: Indiana in May 2010
- Marital Status: Divorced
"Catching myself" through God's eyes
Ok,well that idea didn't work@trying to figure out how to get font writing on here to make it easier for people that may have vision problems(as Im supposed to be wearing glasses since I was 14 ) But that's not why I'm coming on here this early in the morn and journaling...Something happened over the course of last night until just a little bit ago that I felt I needed to get "out of my system"..I've discovered through the years and ESPECIALLY since God decided I needed complete "remodeling inside",lol that if I have ANY thoughts going on in my beener(brain) that has ANY possibility of interferring with my walk with Christ?..It's just best to get them out in the open and not ponder on them any longer...Ok,so we're still in the flesh..Of course we still get them out and come back and ponder them and all BUT I believe with the FAITH to get them promptly(like you would take an exlax to clear your system because you know if the stuff doesnt come out,you're going to get sick)..The same goes for your spirituality...If you keep it bottled in,you ARE going to get sick as well..But moving along...A few weeks back,my older brother started developing literal black feet and called me up to say they were swollen and he could not stand on them without being in tears almost...Bumping this up a week there>He went to the doctor's,had numerous tests ran for kidney problems,heart,circulatory,etc..they basically ruled out anything serious for the time being..he doesn't have phenomenal insurance and for anyone that knows how the medical/insurance field operates...UNLESS it's your lucky day,without great insurance(the kind you go broke over),you're not getting very invasive and extensive medical treatment to rule out problems DOWN THE ROAD!,ugh(this is one of my major pet peeves-unless you are of "money",you get less than what EVERYONE deserves to have but anyways.that's another entry I probably wont get into because i got enough of that out before I think)..Fast forwarding until about a few days back...He got circulation stockings to help with the pain,tried going back to work...With a heavy painkiller and now water pills and potassium in his daily regimine,he quickly realized he could not stand on his feet for 8 hours like he had for 12 years at his job...So barely a couple hours into his shift,he had to ask to leave..he did that a couple times and finally had to go down to 20-25 hours a week..Mathematcially,that would not cover his rent,bills OR food..Even if he let his cable go(which will be a definite),he STILL did not make enough to cover his rent AND food...What a choice one has to make but i've been there myself@2007-working to make JUST ENOUGH to put a roof over your head and that's grocery shopping and if you got sick?well,you're out of luck....Moving to last night...My mom calls me up and told me my brother called her up asking if she had any extra Ramen Noodles or anything she could spare..and my brother is NOT the type to call anyone,even my own mom in prior years for anything whatsoever...He's the type to hit rock bottom before he EVEN THINKS of asking for something,even food....well,this was the case finally...Well,my mom lives 2 hours from him and is on complete disability and social security and has not had an extra literal dollar to give to anyone it quite awhile now..Everything's going up but your income scenario..You know how it goes...So she asks me if I had $10.00 I could send him so he could get some food..I totally truly did not...I had just sent my ONLY $10.00 to a good cause and other than my container of pennies BUT no penny rollers to take them to the store and cash them in,i am finanically hit at the moment as far as being able to help anyone...and believe me,I dont sit well with that..i was almost going to send my brother my water bill money yesterday but decided against it...It wasnt a case of "my priorities are more important that someone eating" and even though the enemy had me beliving that for a minute,I knew better...My brother and anyone that knows me well knows that I will do ANYTHING within my means to make sure even an animal does not starve but until we go into town tomorrow evening,im not even able to go to a bank and ask for penny rollers(there's no bank in this little town so thats out)..And she tells me to not tell my brother she had asked me because my brother does have this mountain of pride and she thinks,finds any reason to get ticked at her and STAY mad so she didnt want that...Yes,he gets like that with me too but he knows It wont work with me for long...So i told my mom I would call this lady who had been a tremdnous help to me when I first moved to his town.Her name was Sister Mary...I told my mom I would call her up today and ask her if she could get him some food together.That's what she does up there(hooks people up with their basic needs,community resources)and I had gotten to know her beyond a professional level..I dont think there's a thing Sister Mary wouldnt do for anyone if it was within her means..She's almost 80 years old and just as passionate about humanity as someone would be at a much younger age in her field,lol.That always made me laugh@to watch how she went about her day to day life..Even if she thought she'd get in trouble(actually dropping the food off to people,which she wasnt supposed to do within work hours)it didnt deter her..To her,it wasnt about structured "rules"..She just wasnt about to watch anyone go without,end of story there...So i called her up not long ago,asked and then we arranged for her to pick my brother up and take him to get some food within scheduled business hours..Well,I called him back and he said he was sleepy,basically no...I was not only caught offguard with his response because my mom had clearly spelled out his need to be dire..I was FUMING because I had went to the extreme of surfing online for her number,calling her up and talking to her at a time when some movers were moving her office and she,as always,took the time out for me with all that going on?? AND he is going to put me in the position to call her back and look like a complete idiot and now be telling her he said," too sleepy"..Well,before my call was through with my brother,I let him know how upset I very much was that someone out there was willing to go completely out of their way and he's going to sit there and tell me no and i gotta report that back?...I ended up hanging up,called Sister Mary back,told her what had happened and she said for me to just give him her number and he could call her when he was ready..She handled it much better than I wouldve in my non Christian dont want to know what I wouldve told someone had they had an apparant need,people were asking me for help with it,I did it and THEN that person wants to act completely ungrateful with all that had been done..Nevermind...God's not even allowing me to type what the outcome would have been@just got a conviction....Thank you Jesus I needed that...BUT after I hung up with him and Sister Mary both,it dawned on me what was going on..I'm a Christian and my nature is more amplified than it already was with helping people and the enemy was in my brother having him respond like that to GET TO ME AND put me in a state of stewed up emotion to disgrace the Lord..As soon as that "light" went off,rather than sit there and stew in a what wouldve been despression because It hurt for a few minutes that he just acted like I owed him something and what I had done meant crap to him when I was involving other people>...I called him back and told him she said to give him her number.,did he have a pen...Well,to my surprise,he still wasnt budging..Told me to call him later and give it to Him...Emotionally,I just gave it to the Lord and am going to because the "human" side of me just wants to handle it very un-Christian like...Sorry but my God is greater than that...I may have the temptation and I cant predict the future in this situation that I WONT react and be caught offguard once more BUT...the moral of this story is,I prayed,am going to pray again about it and give the Glory and the situation to God...That's the best I can do and what he wants me to do....Hallelujiah,Thank you Jesus,Praise the Lord..Our God is great [/i]
Outside fitting..that's what we do when our walk with the Lord,for whatever reason,starts to slip...So im just outside on the deck and I was thinking to myself,"Why did I react as strongly as I did?"..What if he was really tired?What if it was a result of whatever's going on with him,and even though,yes,he didn't handle it in the way I was wanting(to just say yes,i am suffering and need food_not those exact words but along those lines, and will be ready for her to pick me up between noon and 2:00 p.m....Why such a reaction and im sure it only drew him further away,in his mind(@well,if that's how Christian act,i'll stay atheist.which he has said before)....FEAR..i realize that's why i was so angered and hurt for a few moments...I've lost more people in the last 5-7 years in my family than alot even have in their immediate family....most ALL of it due to self inflicitions/addictions as a result or end older brother i am closest with regardless of our every now and again angers...we always make up and are "back to normal"...I'm just tired of losing people to death and it's really bothering me that im pretty sure alot did not make it to Heaven..So for those that wonder why i have a hard time getting close to people,maybe thats why...Im tired of burying people.and people i love at that. Lord forgive me..Im upset and a little hurt still but i'll be alright..You know I always am Lord,through you ....Correction:Through You Lord and thank you for Your people you bring into my life to help me get through these moments or just knowing that there are still good Christians left out there who care...And bless them also that they may help each other get through this life in You....Lord,you know it's a rocky road and sometimes seems as if only the strong and undying faith folks can make it BUT I know that's not true...I believe ANYONE can get through this life if they so desire to....ALLOW God to lead your paths,find a helping hand to walk through life with and make a difference every opportunity you get..Im learning to not "look" for blessings but rather just do what I do,be who I am,learn that God is the Creator,Ruler,Judge,jury and Executor...not me...and to be the example in the world you want to see..Perfection doesnt work for me..I'd rather people see a REAL person,with REAL struggles and REALLY overcoming them in due time with the Lord's hand and grace...That's where a good portion of what I learn or tend to gravitate to comes into play...Always stay true to you and let God do the work...Amen Lord
Outside fitting..that's what we do when our walk with the Lord,for whatever reason,starts to slip...So im just outside on the deck and I was thinking to myself,"Why did I react as strongly as I did?"..What if he was really tired?What if it was a result of whatever's going on with him,and even though,yes,he didn't handle it in the way I was wanting(to just say yes,i am suffering and need food_not those exact words but along those lines, and will be ready for her to pick me up between noon and 2:00 p.m....Why such a reaction and im sure it only drew him further away,in his mind(@well,if that's how Christian act,i'll stay atheist.which he has said before)....FEAR..i realize that's why i was so angered and hurt for a few moments...I've lost more people in the last 5-7 years in my family than alot even have in their immediate family....most ALL of it due to self inflicitions/addictions as a result or end older brother i am closest with regardless of our every now and again angers...we always make up and are "back to normal"...I'm just tired of losing people to death and it's really bothering me that im pretty sure alot did not make it to Heaven..So for those that wonder why i have a hard time getting close to people,maybe thats why...Im tired of burying people.and people i love at that. Lord forgive me..Im upset and a little hurt still but i'll be alright..You know I always am Lord,through you ....Correction:Through You Lord and thank you for Your people you bring into my life to help me get through these moments or just knowing that there are still good Christians left out there who care...And bless them also that they may help each other get through this life in You....Lord,you know it's a rocky road and sometimes seems as if only the strong and undying faith folks can make it BUT I know that's not true...I believe ANYONE can get through this life if they so desire to....ALLOW God to lead your paths,find a helping hand to walk through life with and make a difference every opportunity you get..Im learning to not "look" for blessings but rather just do what I do,be who I am,learn that God is the Creator,Ruler,Judge,jury and Executor...not me...and to be the example in the world you want to see..Perfection doesnt work for me..I'd rather people see a REAL person,with REAL struggles and REALLY overcoming them in due time with the Lord's hand and grace...That's where a good portion of what I learn or tend to gravitate to comes into play...Always stay true to you and let God do the work...Amen Lord
jamisfaithnjoy - Posts: 98
- Location: Indiana in May 2010
- Marital Status: Divorced
Hello Joy I hope you don't mind me responding.
It's just I saw something from standing back here listening that maybe you can't see right now because your disappointed and frustrated.
Remember this....
He's the type to hit rock bottom before he EVEN THINKS of asking for something,even food....well,this was the case finally
Possibly his need to sleep was his way of hiding from a very depressing situation and from his fears.
You're a very sweet woman and friend. I'm not sure how you can best help him other than maybe make a pot of soup and take it to him. If his feet hurt then shopping and cooking may be very uncomfortable as well.
Saying a prayer for him and for you. Love you!
It's just I saw something from standing back here listening that maybe you can't see right now because your disappointed and frustrated.
Remember this....
He's the type to hit rock bottom before he EVEN THINKS of asking for something,even food....well,this was the case finally
Possibly his need to sleep was his way of hiding from a very depressing situation and from his fears.
You're a very sweet woman and friend. I'm not sure how you can best help him other than maybe make a pot of soup and take it to him. If his feet hurt then shopping and cooking may be very uncomfortable as well.
Saying a prayer for him and for you. Love you!
Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up! Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us.
Dora - Posts: 3759
- Location: In Gods Hands
- Marital Status: Married
Anxiety and over-thinking im sure but neccessary..
I've been sitting and thinking on and off for the last few days what the next part of my testimony will be..I have no intent on making it "book style" or to set it up in such a way that it will become like a journal..I realize there's a "lock" mode and I may end up using it for this...Everything I put in it is my former life,over and done with,for better or for worse,either way..My new life in Christ is much more satisfying without a doubt..It is said by doing a testimony others can learn from it..I definitely understand that aspect of it but I can also see where someone may not have developed a walk in Christ yet or not strong enough in it and as absurd as it sounds,could actually try to use your information for a specific area in their life they could be going through(as you have went through) and "try it on for size" in their own life for a positive outcome..As is stated on another part of this site from Brandon,.."One size does NOT fit all" or generate the same outcome nor should you want it to..I imagine alot of the testimonies placed are about serious struggles and not-so-great things that have happened to people(these are increasingly more of what im seeing with my own eyes that the Lord is using to work with,mold and lead them to lead people)and some things what the world may see as just plain "out there"...Well,I'm pretty certain "perfected" people don't have a need for a church,prayer or anything of the just keep that in mind as I can speak for myself too,that not so much within the last year but before that,..I would look to other people to "learn from" but with the Lord opening my eyes to it realized,it isn't always the most intelligent route to take...Remember,people come with faults and flaws and do you REALLY want to follow in someonelse's footsteps UNLESS it is the Lord's?..I retain alot of caution even with my old man and son..The Lord made me very aware that I am being indirectly "studied" in this household...As a Chrstian,people can tell you are "different" and IF the LORD has drawn them to you,they ARE going to be watching what you do,how you handle things and so on and so on....Doesn't mean you have to try to be perfect but if people are aware that they may be "leading" others,yes,try your very best to lead them the right way...Having them attend church with you,Bible studies at home(we've begun that),encourage Christian fellowship..if they take no interest initially,pray about it and yep,as stinky as it sounds,we gotta set the example..What a job huh?..Might have it' downsides but i guarantee the Lord put alot of great benefits in the package as well Just a set of random thoughts there...God bless everyone and may you have a wonderful weekend as well
jamisfaithnjoy - Posts: 98
- Location: Indiana in May 2010
- Marital Status: Divorced
To Pine
he lives in another state...but we did finally end up in a 5 minute argument today,me hanging up,him calling back and us going at it again but we both finally put down our swords..He took her number could very well be ebcause of what you mentioned@sleepy from depression,etc..and this will lead into another big entry but the super short version so you know why i get so heated over stuff like that with him is because he treats his alcoholic friends who have helped to get his health where it is ,a whole lot better than me and i do much more than neccessary to ensure he doesnt do without if i can and he's in need...but it seriously isnt about any of that even though i let you in on that...with God looking down at me,it's because im afraid im going to be burying him as the result of some sorta drinking related death...Funny he has all these "friends" there that had no problem calling him up and coming over for beer or can go out to eat with him when he had the money before his work went downhill but when it comes down to it and he has a SERIOUS need(he hisself has told me this),they are nowhere to be found...So that steams me up...BUT i have to totally and completely keepm in mind WHY all that is happening(he hasnt went to the Lord) and remember,all my anger,care,concern,help,not helping or anything in the world isnt going to make a bit of a difference UNTIL God gets ahold of him..and i know's just my "human" side doing what it does@having those fluctuation of feelings...God knows my heart and even though Im sure he wasn't happy with me earlier,he forgave me and still loves me..That's all I ask
jamisfaithnjoy - Posts: 98
- Location: Indiana in May 2010
- Marital Status: Divorced
Amen and I for one aint out looking to see if you've errored.
Have you share with your brother this.....
it's because im afraid im going to be burying him as the result of some sorta drinking related death
It's his choice to stop but I think sharing your fear wouldn't hurt.
Anyhow prayers are with you
Have you share with your brother this.....
it's because im afraid im going to be burying him as the result of some sorta drinking related death
It's his choice to stop but I think sharing your fear wouldn't hurt.
Anyhow prayers are with you
Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up! Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us.
Dora - Posts: 3759
- Location: In Gods Hands
- Marital Status: Married
C Me Dance
I just got done watching a faith-filled movie called C Me Dance..I would definitely recommend it In a nutshell,it's about a teen whose a tap dancer but finds out she has advanced Leukemia..In the movie,it shows how she draws closer to God and the ways the enemy tries to attack her BUT,she doesn't lose her faith ...There's more to it than that but if I tell the whole movie,that'd be no fun:) Love everyone,God bless you and goodnight
jamisfaithnjoy - Posts: 98
- Location: Indiana in May 2010
- Marital Status: Divorced
A wonderful excerpt
Are You A Good Person?
Meet Mr. Nice Guy.If good people go to Heaven,he will be first in line.(he believes until faced with God's truths)
Mr. Nice Guy-"Well,I try to do what's right."
"Have you kept The Ten Commandments?
Mr. Nice Guy-Pretty much.
"Really?Do you mind if I look at them?"
Mr. Nice Guy-"Um..all right."
"Have you ever told a lie?"
Mr. Nice Guy-"Yeah,who hasn't?"
"What do you call someone who lies?"
Mr. Nice Guy-"A liar."
"Have you ever stolen anything?"
Mr Nice Guy-(flashes a big smile) "Nope."
"But you just told me you're a liar."
Mr. Nice Guy-(suddenly looks annoyed then thinks, "Well,I did steal some candy once as a kid."
"What do you call someone who steals?"
Mr. Nice Guy-"A thief."(starts scratching his back)
"Have you ever looked at someone with lust?"
Mr. Nice Guy-"Of course."
Jesus said, "Whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her in his heart."(Matthew 5:28)
"Have you ever used God's name to curse?"
Mr. Nice Guy recalls a time he was in a traffic jam and just let 'er rip.
"That's called blasphemy."The Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name."(Exodus 20:7)
"By your own admission,you're a liar, a thief,an adulterer at heart..And that's just four of The Ten Commandments."
"Ok,so I'm not perfect."
"Actually,it's worse than that..Sin isn't just doing things we shouldn't.It's also Not doing< the things we should."(Anyone who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it,sins."James 4:17)
"There's more..Suppose we could put a device in your brain that would record all your private thoughts for a week..And then play them on a movie screen for your friends and family to see".
Mr. Nice Guy-"That would be embarrassing." (God knows the secrets of the heart."(Psalm 44:21)
Mr. Nice Guy-"Well,compared to some people,I'm a saint!"
"True.But the standard is God's law,not other people".
"Besides,even if you sin just 5 times a day..In one year,that's 1,825 sins!if you live to be seventy,you'll have broken God's law over 127,000 times."
"You'll have to answer to every sin on Judgment Day,when "each of us will give account of himself to God."(Romans 14:12)
Mr. Nice Guy-"But won't God just forgive me?"
"Try that in court..."(a depiction of a man saying to the judge,"I know I keep breaking the Law but can't you just let it slide?")
"Only a corrupt judge would do that.A good judge would say, "Justice demands that you pay for your crimes".
"God is a holy righteous judge.He hates sin.Jesus warned that God,will cast all of him into eternal fire where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth".
Mr. Nice Guy-*gulp* "Then how can anyone get to Heaven?"
"There's only one way...if a sinless person offered to take your punishment,then justice would be served and you could go free".
"God loves you so much his sent his son Jesus to suffer and die for your sins..Then he rose from the grave defeating death"
"You can't earn eternal life.It is God's gift to all who humble themselves and come to Jesus. "turn to God in repentence and have faith in the Lord Jesus"(Acts 20:21)"he will forgive your sins and give you a new heart! "if anyone is in Christ,he is a new creation!"(2 Corinthians 5:17)
Meet Mr. Nice Guy.If good people go to Heaven,he will be first in line.(he believes until faced with God's truths)
Mr. Nice Guy-"Well,I try to do what's right."
"Have you kept The Ten Commandments?
Mr. Nice Guy-Pretty much.
"Really?Do you mind if I look at them?"
Mr. Nice Guy-"Um..all right."
"Have you ever told a lie?"
Mr. Nice Guy-"Yeah,who hasn't?"
"What do you call someone who lies?"
Mr. Nice Guy-"A liar."
"Have you ever stolen anything?"
Mr Nice Guy-(flashes a big smile) "Nope."
"But you just told me you're a liar."
Mr. Nice Guy-(suddenly looks annoyed then thinks, "Well,I did steal some candy once as a kid."
"What do you call someone who steals?"
Mr. Nice Guy-"A thief."(starts scratching his back)
"Have you ever looked at someone with lust?"
Mr. Nice Guy-"Of course."
Jesus said, "Whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her in his heart."(Matthew 5:28)
"Have you ever used God's name to curse?"
Mr. Nice Guy recalls a time he was in a traffic jam and just let 'er rip.
"That's called blasphemy."The Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name."(Exodus 20:7)
"By your own admission,you're a liar, a thief,an adulterer at heart..And that's just four of The Ten Commandments."
"Ok,so I'm not perfect."
"Actually,it's worse than that..Sin isn't just doing things we shouldn't.It's also Not doing< the things we should."(Anyone who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it,sins."James 4:17)
"There's more..Suppose we could put a device in your brain that would record all your private thoughts for a week..And then play them on a movie screen for your friends and family to see".
Mr. Nice Guy-"That would be embarrassing." (God knows the secrets of the heart."(Psalm 44:21)
Mr. Nice Guy-"Well,compared to some people,I'm a saint!"
"True.But the standard is God's law,not other people".
"Besides,even if you sin just 5 times a day..In one year,that's 1,825 sins!if you live to be seventy,you'll have broken God's law over 127,000 times."
"You'll have to answer to every sin on Judgment Day,when "each of us will give account of himself to God."(Romans 14:12)
Mr. Nice Guy-"But won't God just forgive me?"
"Try that in court..."(a depiction of a man saying to the judge,"I know I keep breaking the Law but can't you just let it slide?")
"Only a corrupt judge would do that.A good judge would say, "Justice demands that you pay for your crimes".
"God is a holy righteous judge.He hates sin.Jesus warned that God,will cast all of him into eternal fire where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth".
Mr. Nice Guy-*gulp* "Then how can anyone get to Heaven?"
"There's only one way...if a sinless person offered to take your punishment,then justice would be served and you could go free".
"God loves you so much his sent his son Jesus to suffer and die for your sins..Then he rose from the grave defeating death"
"You can't earn eternal life.It is God's gift to all who humble themselves and come to Jesus. "turn to God in repentence and have faith in the Lord Jesus"(Acts 20:21)"he will forgive your sins and give you a new heart! "if anyone is in Christ,he is a new creation!"(2 Corinthians 5:17)
jamisfaithnjoy - Posts: 98
- Location: Indiana in May 2010
- Marital Status: Divorced
A miracle happened today...
I was rubbing the back of Trooper's head(the malnourished,sick,in general bad shape kitten I found not very long ago)a few hours ago and noticed the mass lump that was on the back of his head when I found him is now gone!! ..I told Davey and my son when we were all sitting here in the kitchen that Trooper's mass was gone!!..He said,"What,did you pray for him?"...I told him that I had pretty much every night since he's been here except the night/morning(Friday that just passed)we left for Tennessee..That just makes me feel so good because it lets me know the Lord is still pouring out blessings even when we don't "notcie them" and even for the kitty...God loves everything...He is sooooooo great...Just phenomenal
jamisfaithnjoy - Posts: 98
- Location: Indiana in May 2010
- Marital Status: Divorced
Keep it simple stupid..
someone once told me..i was like,"what?did you just call me stupid?"..She said,"No."..there i was thinking,"well it sure sounded like it."..And so I brought it up again, "You did too call me stupid"..Again,she vowed she had not called me stupid...Ok,now I'm thinking, "Is she trying to pull a fast one? and why...why am I so bothered by the fact that she MAY have called me stupid? I didn't live for her..i lived for God and my children..Used to always be so entirely concerned with what anyone thought of me..Not in outward displays but yeah,i'd roll a ton of stuff through my head that would neither make or break my day..I looked to the source(who she was) and then got "outside of the box" to be able to listen to what she was telling me...Oh wow...It was really that simple..Keep it simple..And I felt like I had lost 50 pounds spiritually,mentally and physically.Now if I could have just stayed away from the Krispy Kreme's...Simplicity really is the best...How beautiful..Thank the Lord our God in the highest.
jamisfaithnjoy - Posts: 98
- Location: Indiana in May 2010
- Marital Status: Divorced
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