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Moses /Promised land

Postby vahn » Tue May 25, 2010 8:17 pm

So , ok ... 40 years in the desert , three days away from the Promised land , the Land of milk honey , Moses had gotten mad a couple of times , striking a rock for water , killing an Egyptian guard and so on and so forth ... God tells him , "Ok , Moe , you done very well , followed my commands and accomplished what I sent you out to do and so on .. but , however , a couple of things you'd done that I simply cannot just turn a blind eye and let it slide just because you been a good boy , and for that I am not going to let you see or enter the Land I had Promised you and everyone else ok ? I know you will understand " .

So , we fast forward to Jerusalem , Jesus is around , He goes up to a High Mountain to pray (oh by the way , just like Moses did) only Moses didn't have Peter and John with him , and His face shines brighter than the sun and clothes turn whiter than the finest bleaching could not whiten as much as the ones He was wearing , yep , the Transfiguration right ?

Ok , here's the thing , Peter looks up , and lo and behold , there are two more people with Him , one was Elijah ... Ok so , everyone was expecting him to begin with (let it be known while we're at it , that , at that time they didn't have the New Testament yet [He WAS the New Testament] and everyone , including Jesus , were still going by the Old Testament right ?)

Who was the other guy with our Lord now ? Oh yeah , Moses . (((((MOSES ?!??))))
I mean listen to this , Jerusalem !! On top of a high mountain , where ? SMACK-DAB-RIGHT -IN-THE-MIDDLE OF THE PROMISED LAND !!!

What happened ??

In Christ , our Lord
Last edited by vahn on Tue May 25, 2010 8:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby xxJILLxx » Tue May 25, 2010 8:39 pm


Ok vahn

this is what i found

Moses was present, and represented those who will be raised from the dead at the second appearing of Jesus. And Elias, who was translated without seeing death, represented those who will be changed to immortality at Christ's second coming, and without seeing death will be translated to heaven.

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Postby vahn » Tue May 25, 2010 9:17 pm

Ok , ok , ... So , apart from Jesus who died physically to release The Christ and come back from the dead by whom we are saved (my opinion ... We're saved by The Christ and not necessarily Jesus) But anyway ... Apart from our Lord there were three people who didn't "die" , they were lifted up , while still alive , one was Elijah , the other Moses and the third , I believe it was Enoch or somebody , IDK , (and all that , is besides the fact that Samuel was never mentioned as dying either , after picking and meeting with David he just simply vanishes from the Bible , it was David who brought the news to Saul , while Saul was still waiting for Samuel's return , but that's besides the point .)

So , Moses having not "died" (yet ?) makes it even more quizzical to me that God's word should still stand as for him not seeing the Land .

Ok , now I'm getting to thinking , (uh oh) , Jesus came back from the dead as Christ , and He is still with us , does not that mean that since neither of the other three died , should they not still be with us as well ? After all , our Lord told us He did not come here to abolish the Law (given by God to Moses to bring to us) but to fulfill it , and besides the fact that all three answers that our Lord gave satan while being tested by him in the wilderness came directly from Moses (Exodus/Deuteronomy) , I don't know , kinda makes me scratch my head a bit .

In Christ , our Lord

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Postby Mackenaw » Tue May 25, 2010 10:22 pm

Hello Vahn *hug*

God bless you this day.

I know of only two, in the Bible, that did not die but were taken by God and those are Enoch (Genesis 5:24) and Elijah (II Kings 2:11).

Moses did die -- see Deuteronomy 34:5

Also, see Matthew 17:1-8
There were 3 in total: Jesus, Moses and Elias (also known as Elijah in Hebrew).

Jesus eventually died and was resurrected, Moses died without having entered into the Promised Land, Elias (a.k.a. Elijah) did not die, but was taken up to Heaven, alive, by a whirlwind.

The events that took place in Matthew 17:1-8 (my words) It seems Jesus allowed Peter, James and John to see into the spiritual realm, when they saw Jesus transfigured and then talking with Moses and Elias (Elijah).

I hope this helps, and I hope I addressed all your questions.

One more thing. Samuel died also, see I Samuel 25:1

God bless and keep you.
Last edited by Mackenaw on Wed May 26, 2010 12:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby xxJILLxx » Wed May 26, 2010 6:18 am

Hi vahn

Jesus told his disciples that there were some standing with him who should not taste of death till they should see the kingdom of God come with power. At the transfiguration this promise was fulfilled. The fashion of Jesus' countenance was changed, and shone like the sun.

Love you

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