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Eye Opener

Postby SimplyBreezy » Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:19 pm

Have any of you often wondered if God hears us? I know we all are taught yes, He always listens, always answers. But in truth, have any of you ever felt doubt about that?

There have been times in my life when I have looked back and asked many questions, and really wondered if He truly did hear me. Just as I have heard some others I have met say. I have even been told by some that He doesn't even exist. Well, that never crossed my mind. I know in all that I am that He DOES exist. Just often have wondered if He truly heard me, little non-existent me. Who am I to think that I am deserving to have Him listen to me. I am a nobody. I am nothing. I am trash. All things I have believed over most my life because I chose to listen to others instead of who I was supposed to be.

But over those years of hearing and listening to others, I discovered that how am I to believe that He listens and hears me, when I don't listen and hear Him??? So I began opening my ears better, and because of a friend that I feel He led into my life, I truly began hearing HIM. Truly listening to Him. So much that I began truly feeling His presence in my life. But it took time for me to have that connection to Him. I was lost for so long, hurting.

My friend didn't give up on me, they kept listening to me cry and whine to them all the time saying I don't deserve the Lord's love, I deserve nothing good. But my friend did as the Lord chose them to do, and my friend reached out to me and never has let me fall back into darkness again. They showed me how to find a real relationship, a real and true friendship with God. Through them, I found the right path to follow.

I still have days where I struggle with things, but every day the Lord shows me that I am on the path He has chosen for me. That He truly loves me and He DOES indeed hear me. Yes, little ole me. Just as He does all of YOU.

I will share with you just one of the moments, out of many, where He proved to me what an amazing and wonderful God He is.

For a few weeks I have been talking with another friend that has been battling a lot of spiritual warfare. Sometimes it was so bad that they were feeling abandoned by God, and that they were feeling that Christianity was nothing and that it was all just one big joke. They felt that God has done nothing in their life and never would. That they were undeserving because they had done nothing good for God either, so they felt that God wanted nothing to do with them either. It was a huge battle. I felt deeply saddened for my friend. I could see God all around my friend working in their life, but they didn't see it, no matter how hard I tried showing and telling them the ways. It didn't matter.

So last week at church, my friend, myself and my oldest daughter were all in the service. It was what my church called "prayer service". I had told no one what my friend had been going through. Only God, my friend and I knew what had been discussed and had been going on. So I just felt all that I could do was to pray to God and let it all go to Him. I felt I was not reaching and doing what my friend needed and I needed God's help more then ever because my friend was losing this battle. They were giving up hope. I closed my eyes. I prayed and asked God to reach down and open my friend's heart and soul completely to Him. To bless my friend, just as He blessed me. To show my friend what a loving Father He was. To show my friend TRUTH. My friend just could not see enough of His message through me, they needed to hear it from Him now. I just kept praying the whole service for God to show me the answer. To show me the way in which He wanted me to go with my friend. I did all this in silence. Just me and God. No one but the two of us knew what I was speaking to Him about. Just then my oldest daughter took my hand and said "mommy?" I said, "yes?" She said "mommy, I want to say a prayer. " I said "alright". I then asked her if she wanted to pray with the pastor or just herself and God. She said she wanted to pray with me. I said, alright. I took her hand and then asked her what she wanted to pray for. She then closed her eyes as tears fell upon her cheek. She said she wanted to pray for my friend. She knew of them also. I looked at her and said ok, but asked her why, she said she just felt in her heart that they needed prayer and she continued to cry. I took her in my arms and agreed with her that they indeed needed prayer, and we prayed together for our friend.

After her and I stopped praying, I looked over at our friend and noticed that they were sitting there with their eyes closed. I asked if they were alright, they said yes. As I looked at them, I seen tears running down their cheeks. I again asked, " are you alright?" They again said "yes". I then thought that maybe they had heard what my daughter had said, so I asked them. They said no, but were concerned that something was wrong with my daughter since I had asked them that. I said no, everything was alright. But was still concerned as to why my friend had been so upset.

After the service, I was sitting at a park with my children and my friend and asked again if they were alright because they were so quiet and seemed distant. They looked up at me and started to cry again. I was shocked to see this and just knew something was wrong. I said " It is alright, you can tell me, what is wrong?"They then said that during the service near the end they had a very overwhelming feeling take over them. It filled them with such emotion that they hadn't felt before and then they said that they felt a presence that God was there right beside them, holding them, just as when they had first became a born again Christian and were so alive with His Spirit. They were floating and glowing with His Spirit within them. They said that they could finally feel Him. Something that had never happened to them before. They felt at peace for the first time in a very long time.

This blew me away. He truly opened my eyes completely. God reached out to my friend and touched them. He answered my prayers. He reached out and touched my daughter and had her also feel Him in those moments that He knew my friend needed Him most. It was so amazing. To see His work in progress. I was so emotionally overwhelmed myself to believe that God touched all of us that day and I will always have those memories of that miracle because He blessed me that day by opening my eyes to see what He can do and how He can use anyone to reach out to someone else and just hearing Him can change someone's life forever.

So if you think you are a nobody, and you are not worthy of being His servant, please throw those lies out the window. If He can use someone like me, that has messed up so many times in my life, then He can use you to awaken someone else to His miracles. You can be that ray of HOPE that He uses to show someone His light, His path for them.

We are His children, and He DOES hear us. He loves us like no other. His love is the only unconditional love that will ever be given to us. No matter what we have done, He won't walk away and leave us. Don't give up on Him. He never gives up on you.

Have a blessed day and evening in the Lord.


Life is short, so forgive quickly. Believe slowly. Love truly.

Without God, our week is: Mournday, Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday,
Fightday, Shatterday and Sinday. So, allow Him to be with you every
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