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Ears To Hear

Postby carebear » Sun Mar 21, 2010 10:45 pm

Ears to Hear

The Spirit of the Lord says;
Keep your eyes and mind stayed on the details that I Am performing on the behalf of My Bride. I Am setting the climate for her to beautify herself by the washing of My Word. The purification process is to bring her away for sanctification... Trusting Me for all that will cause her to attract those that are in need of My love. Her sweet fragrance will come from her intimate time with the Lover of her soul. She must come away with Me to the high places of testing, where she will be made stable and immovable. I am going to blow over her garden a different kind of wind that she has not known yet.
Look out at the world, where all stability is being shaken, and turn to Me, for I Am never moved. The global condition of the earth is affecting all things, plants, animals, insects and humans. This change has created new and different climates in various places. It has altered the oceans and seas, as well as the earth quaking in diversified ways. Soon fires are about to erupt from the earth. The heavenly atmosphere will show unusal signs and wonders that have not been seen or recorded to this date. I Am fulfilling My word, and yet My Bride is preoccupied with her temporary time here. I have sent notice time and again, to let My Bride know that it is high time for her to awaken herself to love. The season is upon us and there is much to be done in our time of preparation. You must be without the blemishes of this world. I have made for you, My dear ones, a 'spiritual sauna' that will be a deep cleanser, that if yielded to it will remove things that are deep-rooted in you. It will penetrate and arouse in you affections and remembrance of our Home. You will look longingly for Me as you have done in the past. You will not be content to settle for only 'seen things' on the earth. You will sharpen your sights for all that is above. Heaven-ward!
I Am coming for you, and you can believe Me. I Am reliable! I will keep My promises. You must be familiar with My promises, in order to expect Me. Don't be found fighting against My Word, know My times and My seasons. I do not want you to be ignorant of My ways of accomplishing My Word. There have been many times My Church has prayed against My divine times. It is imperative that you become more intimate with Me through My written Word and those times of sweet worship. This will stimulate what lies within you, ears to hear Me. You will have an unction from Holy Spirit, who takes of Mine and reveals it to you, My Bride. This present glory that is soon to be revealed in My Bride will astound even her. She does not really know herself; the caliber of anointing and glory that is about to be disclosed. So, stay in the process, do not quit. Some have let go because of deceitful lusts, riches and longings, that they perceived were being filled. You have held your hand steady in Mine. You will reap a bountiful harvest in this life and in the one to come.
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Postby momof3 » Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:00 am

Hi carebear, God bless you sis.

this was good. i read this too from the daughters of Z. thanks for sharing it, sis. please know you are in my prayers, sis. Love you

in Jesus,
love momo *Halo*
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Postby Dora » Mon Mar 22, 2010 1:37 pm


What an encouraging and empowering word!

Thanks for sharing!

Praying for you.
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Postby xxJILLxx » Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:43 pm


That was beautiful thank u so much for sharing :)

God bless you

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