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being a christian

Postby Guest » Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:01 am

Can a person know a lot about the bible and who Jesus is from what they have been told and been reading the bible for years but not be a christian? I mean in the sense of what it says one is in the bible? what if a person doesnt believe everything about Jesus, are they still a christian?
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Postby deetu » Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:23 am

I can say I'm a tree but it doesn't make me one.

Any person can have book knowledge and believe because of it but you are definitely a Christian when you know Jesus by the Holy Spirit who is in you because of Him.
Like the first Christians on the day of Pentecost.
Here is a study that helps to understand ... tepOne.htm

A person is not a Christian if they do not believe in Jesus.
New Age people believe in their own spirituality but it is not true... it is mislead.
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Postby Guest » Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:14 am

I do understand that concept of knowing about something yet not fully embracing it. I asked because a person I know challenged my beliefs in Jesus. It got me to thinking what I really believed about Jesus since He is the one we put our faith in.

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Postby lizzie » Sat Mar 20, 2010 11:43 am

hello communicator :)
blessed day to you

what if a person doesnt believe everything about Jesus, are they still a christian?

Here are my thoughts on this... sometimes our minds are just simply unable to fully grasp the things of God. His power and might and mercy and love and grace... tho we know it to be true in our hearts... may be rather confusing concepts to understand in our minds. We want so badly to understand how, what, why , when... all those fine little details that we feel would make the light bulbs go off in our heads if only we knew them.

So is it that you dont fully understand certain things about Jesus? or that you absolutely in all finallity, do not believe those things? Thats the big question that I feel needs to be considered.

Anyone can read the bible and know ABOUT Jesus. Atheists do it all the time, and those who seek to specifically discredit Christianity. They make sure they read the bible and know exactly what to point out and ask that can cause confusion in the minds of others. So being able to read doesnt make anyone a Christian.

Its the personal relationship with the Lord that does. Yes the Bible is the Word of God, but people can take the most beautiful thing in the world and misuse it, we see it all the time in different ways. In the hands of someone who is sincere and has their heart open to God, it truly becomes what it was given to us to be. God speaking to us, His children. In the hands of someone with a different agenda, or a heart that is not open to receiving, it becomes the same as any literature.

I dont think God expects us to understand every single thing about Him and His plans... the bible tells us that His thoughts are not our thoughts... and His ways not our ways. He knows we are limited in our understanding. But He tells us to keep seeking Him, and He will be found of us. Finding Him and finding answers... not always be the same lol In one's quest for answers, they may very well find God instead of the answers they seek... Or maybe both :)

So if you love the Lord and have accepted Jesus, yet still have a few areas where you feel confused or dont fully understand the how, what, whens and whys, dont let that make you believe that you are not a Christian. I think all of us have questions at one time or other. Take your questions to the source brother :) Ask God, and if it is His will to clarify it for you, He most certainly will. If you dont get that specific answer, its not cuz God is witholding from you... it may just be that this is a test of your faith.

Faith is belief in things we are unable to see, and as our faith in the Lord grows as our relationship with Him grows, those big question marks we may have, we will find peace with them in time... maybe not allllll the answers we seek... but even without those answers God brings us peace.

Just a note of caution sister... There are those out there who are well versed in their game of trying to put doubt into the minds of believers. The pearls to swine scripture comes to mind. Yes there are those with legitimate questions who are seeking also, but the two are different. If someone asks me to explain something that is so far beyond human understanding, how in the world am I to fully explain it in a way that they will make sense of it? There is only so much I can do. I can tell them what I know, what my experience is, what my witness or testimony for the Lord is... But can I make someone understand what makes Jesus real to me in my heart? Hardly likely. That is something unique to each believer I feel... between them and God alone. So we do our part, we share what we can, and the rest we let God handle.

So those are my thoughts.... im kinda chatty today as you see :roll: Thanks for allowing me to share :)

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Postby Guest » Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:52 pm

its okay Lizzie that you were a little chatty, I kind of got what you are saying. thank you for responding. theologically speaking, i think i do understand and believe in Jesus. i think its just certain issues personally that i think i have trouble with.

thanks Deetu for that link. i saw that link but what does it mean it was inspired by the holy spirit of God?

i'm doing this study on the book of john. unfortunately many years ago when i was first enlightened on this study by god, i guess things took a twist and my spiritual life had me sailing off a cliff. i m trying to get back on. but when i try to do this study, things dont work out sort of, its like i can never get back to it to complete my studies and become complete.

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Postby deetu » Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:59 pm

Being inspired by the Holy Spirit of God means that the person writing it was depending on and being guided by the Holy Spirit to write the study... he did not depend on his own understanding or knowledge of the Bible or God.
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Postby Guest » Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:04 pm

i m not sure i know anymore about jesus than i did in the beginning. i m just not really good at relationships too much. how much of this relationship is on my shoulders and how much is it on jesus'? i might be looking at it in the wrong way. i dont see a relationship where i stand, i expect the way i look at relationships. what is the rest of it if i am learning about jesus from the bible, where else do i learn about him from? i cant see him and when i read the bible, i am just reading it trying to understand and learn about who he is. but i think thats as far as it goes, although i pray and attempt to talk to him about things. i know what he feels about things in the bible because it is plain in the way he responded to the people there. yet in my day to day walk, i am not sure where he is all the time. i feel like there is this invisible wall up between us. sometimes the wall is down and i have this desire to see him but then its back up and its like i dont always think about him everyday but i do at times. its more of a prayer like please do this or that or please help me understand this or that. i m sure i do not know what you talk about when you say that its a relationship. since jesus is god, what kind of relationship does he want to have with me. since he knows my thoughts and feelings. i cant grasp when he is responding sometimes to some thing that i have prayed about. i do think sometimes he is following me at times but sometimes i am not sure although it says in the bible he does.

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Postby Guest » Wed Mar 24, 2010 12:26 pm

I don't know if I am putting too much pressure on myself or if something is wrong yet. I think that it kind of borders on something is wrong here.

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Postby lizzie » Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:38 pm

i feel like there is this invisible wall up between us. sometimes the wall is down and i have this desire to see him but then its back up and its like i dont always think about him everyday but i do at times

Need to find out what is causing that wall to keep coming back up preventing you from growing in your relationship with the Lord...

If you are ready to find that out, and ready to take the steps needed to overcome whats holding you back, then click on the link below

GBU sister *hug*
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Postby Guest » Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:53 pm

i m afraid what i might find out. and i dont know if i can do that by myself, as i ve already tried and crashed and burned.

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Postby deetu » Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:58 pm

communicator, did you ever finish the study that lizzie posted? I know you started it. If you didn't finish, it may be good to try to do it again. If you did finish it, the Spirit of Truth study I posted would be next to try to find the answers you are looking for.

Sometimes all it takes is to just call out to Jesus that you want him in your life, you are ready and to forgive you your sins.
It is better to light a candle then curse the darkness *lost*
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Postby Guest » Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:14 pm

no i think it was something about cccc sort of counseling thing? no. i didnt but it was started but not finished. i cant go back .
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