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What's wrong?

Postby Ivan » Wed Jan 13, 2010 3:58 pm

What's wrong with the world today?

That's what I am asking my self so many times...

As usuall,I have a debate with some familly members and we had nice conversation with lots of fun and at the the end of all topics God came as topic.
It is unbeliavable how people simply don't understand God.
God,church, is all so strange to many of them.
I've heard everything..Jesus is just man who lived in past,priests are mostly thiefs and sexual abusers..believers are just blind sheeps etc etc..

Those nice people hurts me every time they open their mouth and start to talk about religion.
Why they don't believe???I always wondering about it..??
Why is it so hard to understand those simply words from Jesus and prophets?

What's wrong with them?
What is the they have no mercy from God or we believers are simply smarter to understand?

Every time I see real believer in his simple faith I see intelengence,real intelegence,capable to understand divinity.

I don't understabd why God didn't alowed to all of people to understand those simple words,words of Life.

That first step is so important,to understand His words.

I hope that He'll give chance to all to come closer to Him.
Jesus,give them a chance to recognize you as saviour.

GBu all
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Postby Lionhearted » Thu Jan 14, 2010 2:22 pm

hey ozzie nice to meet you and WELCOME to oasis!!

i hear your plea brother, it does get frustrating sometimes, especially where family is concerned.

when i married my husband we were both unbelievers, i became born again 4 years into our marriage ... and then came my 14 year walk of asking the same questions you just asked ... why can't he see it!!?

i learned a few things during those years, actually, i learned alot ... but the most important thing was my "perspective" change. it wasn't that my husband didn't want to see ... he couldn't. you know how God says that His word is folly to those who don't have the Holy Spirit, that spiritual things are discerned by/through the spirit.

when i would get impatient with my husband, God showed me that i was expecting a "blind" man to "see" ... that my ways were not God's ways ... and that i did not think like the Lord either. it was then that i learned to place my family on God's altar.

the hardest thing for me to accept was the powerlessness of it; but in reality, i was. it was between him and God ... just like it was when i chose to follow Him.

i think its God's mercy that keeps Him patient with those who are stubborn lol

blessings brother
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Postby Ivan » Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:27 pm

Ty Lionhearted :)

I just can add that most of those people pretend like they don't understand what is all is really funny to see them acting their roles.

There is one more thing;it looks like they enjoy to make "troubles" to believers and that is not innocent thing.I don't like to talk about enemy of our souls but it could be that we serve God or we serve evil,I mean it looks like we have to choose side,we wanted it or not.

GBu :)
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Postby Lionhearted » Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:02 pm

hey ozzy,

you know the people who were most antagonistic towards my faith were my family; in all honesty, i did bring a certain amount of it on myself ... but not always.

as far as the "world" of unbelievers go ... they didn't really care one way or the other ... the general consensus that i experienced was, "well, that's great for you, i'm glad you've got something that works for you. *dunno*

they won't be ready until God makes them ready ... so we continue to pray.

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