Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum will help us to learn how to use Preventative Maintenance when it comes to our emotions. Renewing our minds daily in Christ helps us to control our emotions and lead a more productive life in Christ instead of being swept away in the whirlwind of emotions this life can throw at us daily.

what a day.

Postby goldieluvs » Tue Jan 12, 2010 6:29 pm

I wasn't sure where to post this, but wanted to share my day with ya'll. I got called in Human Resources where i was told i would be stepped down to a different position (lots of pluses to it cuz state is changing definitions and after 15yrs I will soon no longer be qualified for the job i do now and no on call!!) I am very grateful that i will still have a job and feel more secure in knowing this. However, it comes at a cost.

One of the people under me is going to lose their job. This i feel badly about, cuz in some ways it is because of me writing them up for various problems. I take some comfort in knowing that they are allready signed up for retirement and although they are a very likeable person, they really are not well suited for the position, although they certainly try very hard.

I don't like feeling like I am responsible for someone either keeping or losing their job. But i guess that goes with the territory. And then i got to thinking it really isn't my responsibility so much as holding someone accountable for their work. But maybe i am just trying to rationalize it so that i don't feel so bad about it.

So, now that this is going into effect soon, i am deluged with paperwork to try to make this as smooth a transition as possible for the person who will take over the position i currently have. I chose emotion management because of the conflicting feelings i have surrounding this. I am very grateful i will still have a job and am excited about having less responsibility with no loss of pay. I am not very nervous about having a new supervisor as it is someone i allready know and i have reassured them that i am fine with this. I just really do feel very badly for the person who will be out of a job. I dunno if they will get fired or will get riffed but i have a feeling that they will get fired so the company wont have to pay for unemployment. So, thats where Im at today. Thanks for listening

luvs u all
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Postby Tam » Wed Jan 13, 2010 3:11 pm

wow goldie that is a tough spot to be in . I will keep you and them in my prayers
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Postby Lionhearted » Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:10 pm

congrats on getting your pot sweetened sis!!!

when the Lord chooses to bless us, there will always be someone who isn't getting a blessing.

i'm not saying were not to have compassion or feel empathy for their situation, scripture is clear: laugh with those that laugh and cry with those that cry; but it doesn't say ... stay crying with those that cry.

i think its perfectly fine to be mourning with and for this persons loss and then to move on from it into what the Lord has given you.

its crazy, but i think sometimes we need permssion to enjoy the good things that come our way.

i remember years ago darrell came home from work this one day, and it was "bonus" time, we used to get HUGE interim bonuses (10-15K); we were out for dinner and he tells me that he had to let 2 guys go ... GAG, i could hardly finish my dinner; these guys had wives and kids.

i wonder, is this part of what paul meant when he said about learning to live in abundance?

sorry, didn't mean to ramble there ... but i think i still struggle with this somewhat. i think, golders, what we do is know the truth ... and keep reminding ourselves of it, until our feelings/heart comes on line with it ... (i think) lol ... like i said ... still chew'n on it.

*hug* luvu
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