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spiritually healthy

Postby Lionhearted » Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:04 pm

good day fellow "growers"

the new year is always wrought with lots of talk about "getting in shape" and "eating better" or "joining a gym" and all the rest. i heard the best time to buy a used home gym or weights, was in March/April; because all the "hot steam" of the "new year's resolutions" had subsided by the spring... and all the exercise equipment was now in the garage or down in the basement collecting dust ... lol

A little more serious now, at what point does your spiritual steam
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Postby xxJILLxx » Fri Jan 08, 2010 1:32 am

yes i go through spiritual dryness once in awhile.

And i think I dont love Him as much as i should love HIm... and all those lies the enemies likes to throw me at me to make me feel bad about myself.

Today in church as i was praying for God to cleanse my heart and purify my mind and change me to who He created me to be.

I got real with Him and said "God, why do i feel this way? I mean why do i feel like i dont love u enuff, how could you love me when at times i question my love for you?"

Know what He told me?

He said "My precious daughter dont you know by now that love is not a feeling? It is an action. Ive seen in your actions that you love me. And even if I didnt see u loved me i would still love you."

I was like wow... all this time i beat myself up about you dont love HIm as much as you should etc etc... therefore i dont feel i love Him... but He says different, Its in my actions not a "feeling".

So yes i go through stuff like this every once in awhile and i dont feel as close to God as i would like to.

Another thing i have learned is fasting and praying does wonders with our relationship with Him. At least it did me ;) Ty Jesus!

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Postby deetu » Fri Jan 08, 2010 11:55 am

Oh, another thing that people don't realize is...remember when the woman with the blood curse touched Jesus's robe and he felt the power leave him?
We are to freely give because we have freely received.
Sometimes, our blessings leave us to go to another who needs it and we need to recharge and get refilled.
Does that make sense?

For me it's Christian music with me worshiping and dancing to the Lord.

If I get really down, I go for the corporate annointing. Nothing like 1000 people singing their praises to God *WooHoo*
Maybe not 1000 but sure feels that way...
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Postby Lionhearted » Thu Jan 14, 2010 1:24 pm

deeters said:
Sometimes, our blessings leave us to go to another who needs it and we need to recharge and get refilled.
Does that make sense?

makes perfect sense!! hmmmmm, does it makes sense that you could stop it as well ... scary thought.

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