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what's holding me back ...

Postby Lionhearted » Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:41 pm

in the introduction for this form (on the index page) this is part of the explanation:
Together, lets seek what might be standing between us and truth...

it just struck me ... that "I" am quite often in the middle ... standing between me and truth.

what a revelation. the me that "me thinks" i should be and the real me that the Lord wants me to be. the only way to remedy this lil problem of ... me ... is to have less of me and more of HIM!!


*dunno* make sense ...
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Postby goldieluvs » Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:02 pm

wow Lion, u must have been reading my mind, cuz i was just thinking that same thing earlier. Yes I too stand in the way, scared of what i may learn or find more fault in myself. Reality is, Jesus told us to take His yoke upon us and learn... it is not heavy but light. A lesson in there for me for sure. Thanks for sharing sis!

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Postby vahn » Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:59 pm

Oh oh , now they tell me ! Lionheart can read minds ! I really need to get outa here now huh ? *Whistle*

How true it is Lion , when we really and honestly take a closer look at what went "wrong" thing , the answer almost always , the "what" ended up being me ! At least that's what the case had always been with me anyway , see , I had always been my own worse enemy , and I get so wrapped up with the me's that I tend to forget that God don't make junk ! So don't treat yourself as such , for it may sadden Him !

Gotta get outa here before she starts reading more of my mind !!
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Postby deetu » Wed Jan 06, 2010 8:14 pm

I find that when I say "Okay Lord, whatever you want...use me" and become an open conduit works best for me *BigGrin*
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Postby Lionhearted » Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:09 pm

doesn't it tho deeters!!

i do find that its in layers also tho huh; not so much going around the same mountain/sin ... but digg'n deeper into it, for deeper healing. say if you struggle with fear (which i did) ... the Lord keeps providing different ... flavours, shall we say, of areas to keep sharp and "clean" of it.

if anyone out there has dealt with fear on any major scale, don't you find that you bounce back quicker now ... after you've dealt with it head on a few times?

whenever it gets to be too much of me in the way ... i can always trace it back to the fear ... which "stops-up" the vessel that i really want to be.

it really is required that you, "... take up your cross..." daily... so that you can continue to die to self.

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