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Postby Sassy3 » Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:44 am

Changes!!!! Most of the time I cringe when I hear that word. I'm pretty set in my ways. As I sat quietly (for the most part) Sunday evening and listened as Oasis tried to explain the changes that are to come to our "home site", I could see that he and Phantom have given much thought to these changes.

It is my hope that we will all work together to make the transition easy.

Please don't make me change my screen name....I've carried that name sans the "3" for longer than most of you have lived. LOL

See you in the new Oasis as much as my schedule allows.

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Postby Lionhearted » Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:35 pm

HI!!!! Sassy3

you said:
Changes!!!! Most of the time I cringe when I hear that word. I'm pretty set in my ways.

i understand being set in ur ways!!! ME 2 rofl

altho, there is the "adventureous" side of me that is looking forward to the changes; the unknown .... kinda exciting *angelbounce*

there was this time when i was attending a church and it was growing and then the fateful announcement came, "we will be splitting into two services and reducing each one down to 1 hour each"

the first thing that went through my heart was, "pfffft, that'll NEVER work; what a rip off, i don't want to loose any of the praise and worship time" ...

i waited and watched .... sure enough, it was great; then!! much to my chagrin ... the Lord said, tell pastor what you thought ....

UGH ... OHHH NNOOOOOO, please no, Lord ...

He would have none of it lol ... so i went to pastor and told him my heart ... he laughed ... "i knew you'd be peeved about it robyn ... are you okay with it now tho?"

i guess our shepherds know our hearts huh ...

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Postby lizzie » Tue Dec 29, 2009 4:29 pm

I hear you gals on the change thingy. Yuck, i have been known to fight against change kicking and screaming.

I try to look at it diff now tho. Without change there can be no growth. And our God is not a God of stagnation, but our God is a God of Growth.

I see that common problem with a lot of ministries and Christians (including myself) who are scared to change cuz they have become so used to what they know. But God invites us to step outside of what we believe are boundary lines, kinda like how Jesus beckoned to Peter to step out of the boat, so that Peter could experience the miracle of walking on water.

And we adapt to the changes as they come, knowing our constant no matter what, is our awesome God.

Glad to be growing WITH you folks *GroupHug*
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