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Suicide or Jesus? I was Depressed

Postby KelseyLong » Tue May 15, 2012 1:39 pm

No one talks to her, she feels so alone
Shes in too much pain to survive on her own
The hurt she cant handle overflows to a knife
She writes on her arm, wants to give up her life
Each day she goes on is a day that she's brave,
Fighting the lie that giving up is the way,
Each moment of courage her own life she saves when she throws the pills out, a hero is made
This is from the song Hero by Superchick. I can say honestly this used to be me. I was 9 years old, 9! What is happening to kids these days? I used to try to cut and write that, but my nails weren't sharp enough. So I wrote dark poems about death and every now and then cut my arms. This went on until I was 13. I kept this dark and deadly secret to myself for 4 years, even to this day, my parents don't know and Kaylee hardly knows anything. I forced a smile and made it look real. I used to fantasize about suicide and one time, I was sleepwalking and woke up with a knife near my throat. This was almost perfect! In the middle of the night, in the home I loved, I almost slit my throat! It was so hard to put the knife back! This was when I was 12 and into Wicca. I never told anyone until now. This song, Hero, is giving me some strength to write this, but not enough, God has helped. I felt so alone and no one could console me. Soon later I went to church camp and ganed my confindence back and my relationship with God suddenly rocketed forward! Now I help people attempting suicide. Thanks for reading, I can't go on with this writing because it is still to hard!
As a Christian, we will find struggles and hardships like no other, that is why Jesus died for me, that is why he died for YOU! Often times we find ourselves wondering, is this life worth living? I thought I got a great deal when I signed up for this. But here is a reality check, we did not just sign up, we chose to LIVE! God gives us tests, to prove ourselves to him and so we can grow stronger, that is why our hardships are truly blessings in disguise. So count both your hardships and blessings
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Re: Suicide or Jesus? I was Depressed

Postby HelloMyNameIsSimon » Tue May 15, 2012 7:02 pm

Dear Kelsey, you poor thing having to go through such terrible times. *hug* I am sooooooo glad you found God when you did - He is amazing.
And I am so proud that you now help others. You are wonderful person and a true child of God.
*hug* *hug* *hug*
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Re: Suicide or Jesus? I was Depressed

Postby dantyriverside » Tue May 15, 2012 7:47 pm

Hi Kelsey *Wave* I am so glad you were able to share this with us. Your testimony can truely be uplifting to others. I am also glad that you are able to bless others with your experience. Keep up the good work I am so proud of you.

danty *JesusSign*
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Re: Suicide or Jesus? I was Depressed

Postby Dora » Tue May 15, 2012 8:07 pm

I love you Kelsey *hug* I am so glad you are here. You always make me feel warm inside. sometimes when life felt dark I would think of you your sister and get through another day.

I hope and pray you never feel that way again but if you do, please let us know so we can lift you up in prayer and be there for you.

Thank you for sharing this. You are a strong and brave child. I was a strong and brave child too. I wonder what special things God has for the ones He's given such strength and bravery too. :) Some say in heaven we will be like the angels. We will fight the battles. God needs strong and brave angels to war against the enemy for Him. I'm up for it, I bet you are too. ;) Brave child. Even if we are not like the angels I am certain there is a mission for us where strength and bravery is needed. Let's do it! :)
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Re: Suicide or Jesus? I was Depressed

Postby KelseyLong » Wed May 16, 2012 1:33 pm

Thanks everyone, I told my mom yesterday and I told her everything! I still don't know what to think of myself for that. Was I brave each day I went on? Was I weak for letting that get to me and listen to the Devil?
As a Christian, we will find struggles and hardships like no other, that is why Jesus died for me, that is why he died for YOU! Often times we find ourselves wondering, is this life worth living? I thought I got a great deal when I signed up for this. But here is a reality check, we did not just sign up, we chose to LIVE! God gives us tests, to prove ourselves to him and so we can grow stronger, that is why our hardships are truly blessings in disguise. So count both your hardships and blessings
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Re: Suicide or Jesus? I was Depressed

Postby 1st Timothy 4:12 » Thu May 17, 2012 11:15 am

Well, we got something good (or bad) out of this.... We will do highschool online, cause it scares my mom and me. You can't help it if it gets to you Kelsey, cause Satan doesnt attack us where we are strong, it would be useless. You weren't strong there, so he got you there. But you were strong casue you didnt listen to him. I love you Kelsey.
And Pine, you are soo sweet, thanks for saying that. You made my day.
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Re: Suicide or Jesus? I was Depressed

Postby grandma dolittle » Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:03 pm

What a awesome testimony! May God bless and strengthen you and help you hold on thight to his hand. Praise God! He is always there for us when we reach out to him and give us peace only he can give. here is a hug. *hug* grandma
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