Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who have and/or are dealing with loved ones who have an illness of ANY type such as Autism, Asthma, ADHD/ADD, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, Disabilities, Mental Illness and much more. Share your story, with others who truly care, understand and TOGETHER with the Lord as our guide, let's rise above it all.

A Journey of Fertility Problems

Postby Ms. Joyful » Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:14 pm

Please pray for my husband and I. In the two and a half years since we got married, I have been pregnant three times. All of those babies are now in Heaven as they left early on in each pregnancy. While I find comfort that I will one day be with them again and that they are in a much better condition than I could ever provide, I miss them. We have been trying to get pregnant again, but have not been able to. I try to put it out of my mind, but every single month I find myself getting my hopes up. My husband will not often talk about these things with me, and I really need him to sometimes. My children are very real to me, and are on my mind all of the time. However, I understand that no one else got to bond with them. I know you can't replace a person, but I sure would love to have babies to hold now. I want my husband to feel like a father. I want to give my parents the grandchildren they have longed to hold. Most of all, I want to show people God's grace through my life.
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Re: A Journey of Fertility Problems

Postby dema » Tue Dec 17, 2013 6:40 am

*Pray* I know it is really hard right now particularly.

Men tend to brood rather than talk. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus is a good book. I hope you have women friends with whom you can talk.

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Re: A Journey of Fertility Problems

Postby redbandit » Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:37 am

((Ms. Joyful))

I am praying for you and your husband *Pray*
I pray God will help your husband be able to communicate fully with you , that you will be given peace and joy through these trials , and that you both will be able to have a child.
God bless you both
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