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diabeties and weight loss
As a diabetic it seems almost impossible to lose weight. I try to diet but then my sugar drops and I have to eat something. Hence I can't seem to get the weight off. Sure I lose a few pounds but then I get it right back Arrgghh! Now what really doesn't make sense is that I have lost around 40 lbs since I found out I was diabetic but after losing that I can't seem to lose anymore it's driving me nuts. I've been at roughly the same weight for over a year now. I ask myself What was it that I did before to lose the weight? I think it was the exercize but it doesn't seem to do the trick now. It is a constant struggle. Part of it is my own fault for not always sticking to my diet but at least 80% of the time I do. When my sugar dives thats when my diet goes out the window. Once I have a tast of some simple carbs I end up craving them, winding up binging which sets me back. It takes a week to lose 1.5 lbs and 5 minutes to gain 3 lbs back.
I'm so frustrated!
Anyone have any tips or suggestions?
I'm so frustrated!
Anyone have any tips or suggestions?
Ruthk34 - Posts: 122
- Location: new york
- Marital Status: Engaged
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