Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who have and/or are dealing with loved ones who have an illness of ANY type such as Autism, Asthma, ADHD/ADD, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, Disabilities, Mental Illness and much more. Share your story, with others who truly care, understand and TOGETHER with the Lord as our guide, let's rise above it all.

tired of being depressed

Postby Amie80 » Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:45 pm

Hi I was looking through the forums for one that deals with depression I hope I found the right one. Anyways I am Amie and I suffer from severe depression and anxiety. I am on meds and usually they work but I had a major emotional breakdown yesterday and still feel a little depressed today. I have been through therapy and it did a lot of good but it doesnt make the physical reasons for depression go away. I am tired of feeling bad. I am tired because I feel bad......I am just tired I sappose. Anyways thats whats going on with me. :cry:
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Re: tired of being depressed

Postby Timothy » Mon Sep 12, 2011 6:37 am

Hi Amie80 :)

Welcome to the Oasis! *Clap*

Thank you for posting and sharing with us.
You are welcomed to post in this forum when ever you like. *AngelYellow*

When I would get depressed, all I'd want to do was sleep....
Reading the last few Psalms where there is much joyful praise would help me
to get it together. I have found listening to praise and worship music as I fall
asleep helps me to wake up in a good mood.

A few days ago I was feeling sorta warn out. Not looking forward to what I had to do the next day.
A couple of hours before I had to get up I turned the TV on and listened to a Christian station.
I fell asleep to praise music and woke listening to, Sarah, witnessing and giving testimoney and
praying for all of us watching on TV. It was so awesome to wake up and look forward to my
tough day ahead cause I knew God was for me! No weapon against me was going to prevail.
For I had the day's deck stacked in my favor! \0/ He that is in me is the greater!!! \o/ \o/ \0/

I will remember you in my prayers.
May His peace and joy fill your heart.

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Re: tired of being depressed

Postby Amie80 » Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:09 pm

I feel a little better today but not a whole lot. I woke up tired and I am going back to bed lol. I love it here and I have been coming in here on and off for at least 6 months. I do hope this feeling goes away soon. Thanks for your relply Timothy I guess everyone else is busy.
Amie :roll:
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Re: tired of being depressed

Postby Sylvia49 » Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:39 pm

Hi, Amie80! And welcome to Oasis! :) *hug*

I have clinical depression/anxiety issues (among others) also, and I know what it feels like to "feel sick and tired of feeling sick and tired." :cry: Right now, my husband, Carl, wants to watch TV/movies, and all I want to do is lay down (which I'm doing, lol). *Whistle*

Do you ever have trouble falling asleep? I have sleep meds/anxiety meds/anti-depression meds that are supposed to help me sleep. They don't always work... I have found something that helps. I "sing" in my mind...alphabetically (I also have OCD, lol *BigGrin* ). I start with "All to Jesus I Surrender" (and have to remember to actually SURRENDER everything, including my depression/anxiety/etc), "Blessed Assurance," etc., and sometimes before I hit "My Jesus I Love Thee...," I'm asleep! You can use any list you want to, but praising the Lord works for me. And if I'm still awake, my anxiety level has fallen to a point of peace, just because I know Jesus is there with me - through the good, and through the bad. *Clap*

Hope you get to feeling better. This is a safe place to post your feelings and thoughts, positive and negative. We pray for each other, too. And now I hope to hear from you soon... :)

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Re: tired of being depressed

Postby Timothy » Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:48 am

> We pray for each other, too. <

That we do! *Pray*
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Re: tired of being depressed

Postby Sylvia49 » Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:06 am

Thanks, Timothy!

And being bipolar, my anxiety is really acting up tonight.

Prayer would be appreciated.


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Re: tired of being depressed

Postby Timothy » Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:28 am

Heavenly Father, we give you praise and thanks for all your hands do for us.
We thank you for your blessings. We rejoice in your Spirit.
You are strong in moments of our weekness. We seek you, invite you, and ask you to fill us with your Holy Spirit,
specially in our moments of refining. Teach us what we need to know. Remind us of those things you have taught us.
Remind us to put on the Armor Of God, above all taking the shield of faith with which to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. Soften our hearts, comfort our spirit, bring peace to our minds. For you have said to us;
"Come to Me, ... and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls." Help us to remember to forgive. Even if we think we are in the right. Humble our spirit and help us to show grace in the heat of the moment. Have mercy on us, Lord. Help us to understand 2 Corinthians 5:17 where it is written: "Therefore, if anyone is new in Christ, they are a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."

Old things have passed away. Behold, All things have become new.
ALL things have become new!

We are new. WE are new. We ARE new. We are NEW!

Break the chains of bondage, Lord! For we are new in you! We are a new creation! We are no longer bound by things
of the past. We are new! Fresh start! Our thoughts are new. Our actions are new. Our hopes are new. Our bodies are new! Our life is new! Help us to understand how this blessing can manifest itself in us. Help us to see how this can give us a mind like Jesus, a heart of Jesus, a Spirit of Jesus! We are new!!!!

Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Halleluia Halleluia Halleluia \o/ \o/ \o/

In the Holy name of Jesus, we pray!
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Re: tired of being depressed

Postby Timothy » Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:27 am

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Re: tired of being depressed

Postby Sylvia49 » Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:10 pm

Thank you!!! :) *Pray* *hug* *Cross*
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Re: tired of being depressed

Postby Amie80 » Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:06 pm

Thanks guys! I feel a lot better I am so glad I got through this bout of depression. Praise God! Anyways thanks for the prayers and good thoughts! I love you all!
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Re: tired of being depressed

Postby Sylvia49 » Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:11 pm

Amie: *Clap* :) *Cross* *harp* *GroupHug* *ThisMuch* *Cheer2* Angel2 *hug5* *Amen* *LookUp* *BlessYou*

"...neither do I condemn you..." "...we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous."
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Re: tired of being depressed

Postby 1st Timothy 4:12 » Sat Oct 29, 2011 1:59 pm

Hi Amie! (I know you wrote this last week, but please read!)
Yes, you did come to the right forum. Let me ask you one question... Have you gone to God to ask for help? If you did, has He led you to this forum? And if not, I would suggest going to God before you do anything else.
Remember that God said He will never give you too much. You can do this. ANd if you ever need a shoulder to cry on (OR HUGS! ;) ) come to us. We are here for you. Open the Bible and put your finger on a random verse (Don't pay attention to what page or area you are on). If it doesn't help, keep reading. God has this amazing way of lifting our spirits. In fact, whenever I am sad, I hear a voice say I love you. And I just know it is Jesus.
and don't forget that He knows your boundaries. He knows you are strong enough to not only deal with depression, but thrive with it as well. This depression might help you someday. It can help you save a soul that is lost in the darkness of depression. It gives you a sense of empathy!
*REALSolutions* *JITW* *LookUp* *LotsofLuv* If you ever need anything, go to Jesus and then ask me if you ever need anything!
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