Today's Prayer

Today's Prayer
I Drop My Fears
I drop my fears into your ocean
and watch them sink from sight.
I place my fears on your broad Earth
and see them rot away.
I put my fears into your hands
and they are no more.
When you offer your arms to me,
Great Mother,
your hands hold nothing but love.
The first step in recognizing angels is to slow down. Seek the quietness inside through meditation or relaxation.
Today Reading
Jesus and the Woman by the Well
John 4:27-42
Just then his disciples came. They were astonished that he was speaking with a woman, but no one said, What do you want?

I Drop My Fears
I drop my fears into your ocean
and watch them sink from sight.
I place my fears on your broad Earth
and see them rot away.
I put my fears into your hands
and they are no more.
When you offer your arms to me,
Great Mother,
your hands hold nothing but love.


The first step in recognizing angels is to slow down. Seek the quietness inside through meditation or relaxation.

Today Reading

Jesus and the Woman by the Well
John 4:27-42

Just then his disciples came. They were astonished that he was speaking with a woman, but no one said, What do you want?