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Today's Quote

God has two dwellings; one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart.
-Izaak Walton
Angel Wisdom

As we learn more about angels and their service, we will learn more about God. Our appetite for the spiritual life will increase and out longing for intimacy with our Creator will grow.
Hint Of The Day

Make Your Own Last-Ditch Cleaner
For stains that just won't come out, give this a try: For white chlorine-bleachable clothing, fill your kitchen sink with one gallon of hot water; pour in 1/2 cup of dishwasher detergent and 1/4 cup of bleach and nothing else. Stir until it's dissolved. Add the clothing and let it soak for 15 minutes or a bit longer, if stains remain. For fabric that can't be washed in hot water, let the solution cool before putting clothing in it.

Entrance Exam

A Christian, a Muslim and a Buddhist die and arrive at the Gate of Heaven. An angel (or deva) stops them and asks, "Why do you come here? Can you tell me the reasons why you are allowed to enter Heaven?"
The Christian replies, "My ancestors disobeyed God, and I sinned all my life: I killed, I lied, I cheated my wife and I was greedy. However, Jesus died for me and all my sins are forgiven. So I deserve to enter Heaven."
"OK," replies the Angel. "Sounds good, but I must give you an entrance examination before you can enter." The Christian promptly agrees and the Angel asks him: "How do you spell God?" It is an easy question, and the Christian passes through the Gate.
Next came the Muslim, who says, "I did not do any especially good or evil things during my life but I was very devout. I prayed to God five times a day. So, I too should enter Heaven." The Angel replies, "It sounds OK to me, but I have to give you a test also. How do you spell Allah?" The Muslim passes the test and enters Heaven.
Finally, it is the Buddhist's turn. He tells the Angel, "I've done all the good things in my life and I followed Buddha's five precepts: I never killed, I donated to charities, I meditated every day, and I never cheated my boss nor my customers." The Angel replies, "That is very good, but there are no exceptions. You must pass the entrance test also in order to get in." Thinking that the test should be simple, the Buddhist happily agrees.
The Angel then asks him: "How do you spell Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva?"

Angelwings - Posts: 710
- Location: Louisiana
- Marital Status: Married
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