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Giving this another try

Postby Pert » Mon Jan 06, 2014 9:32 am

Hey everyone.

I have not been on the site for a very long time. Almost a year maybe? But I then I got an email from the site admins saying I haven't logged in for a while and maybe I should. I have to admit, when I read it, I hesitated. Hesitated for about 3 days actually lol

When I found this website I was going through an incredibly difficult time in my life. I had no one in my life to support me and I thought that this would be the perfect place for Christian fellowship and support. I did not have that kind of experience. I made a few posts and commented on a few threads, but I was treated very poorly. I was mocked, laughed at, and I was very, very hurt by the things people would say. I was judged and made to feel like I was some kind of lesser Christian because I was experiencing a trial in my life and didn't have all the answers.

My experience on this site was truly a bad one, and I wanted nothing more to do with it. But we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of Almighty God. Even though my previous experience was so bad, I realize that not everyone is like that. I need to extend the same grace to others that God extends to me every single day, even to the people that treated my poorly. I forgive them, as I am forgiven. I will give this another try. I will keep my heart guarded, but I will give it another try.
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Re: Giving this another try

Postby dema » Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:10 pm

Welcome back. I hope you find wisdom and growth here.
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Re: Giving this another try

Postby mlg » Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:03 pm

Hi Pert *hugs* I'm glad you have chosen to forgive and come back to the Oasis. I am so sorry you had a bad experience here, and hope that this time around we can more than make up for it by showing you that there are people here who care about you and also there is a lot of love here to go around. Please let us know if you need anything or if we can help you in anyway. May God Bless you and again welcome back.
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Re: Giving this another try

Postby Pert » Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:40 am

Thanks guys! I'm looking forward to and hoping for a better experience. I'm looking up!
I may have wisdom, and knowledge on Earth
but if I speak wrong, then what is it worth?
See, what we now know is NOTHING compared
to the love that was shown when our lives were spared!
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Re: Giving this another try

Postby Truesovereigncrown » Thu Jan 16, 2014 1:57 am

Welcome back Pert, God bless you :)
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