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Terminal Uniqueness

Postby vahn » Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:48 am

Before I type another word , I would like to let everyone reading this , that I am typing all this with with absolute disgust , and exhaustion of all my tolerance level . In addition , knowing myself , do not be surprised or taken aback with my sarcastic , or snide remarks . Those who are doing this (constantly declaring their "Terminally Unique" status ) know who they are , and , probably , given to the notion of their status , think they are WAYYY above responding to this post .

We have had some individuals (two to be exact) , here and chat , that , (at least one of them) , for the past six months or so , been harping on the very same issue(s) they been trying to "deal" with , day in and day out , and no matter what the advice , suggestion , or helpful hand extended to them , they are on this perpetual "But you don't understand .... I am worse , bigger , better , taller , smaller , smarter , dumber ... " ya di da's .

As if all that was not bad enough , we (the geniunely concerned) have , by over-extending ourselves to them with the hopes that something would crack trough their thick skulls and see where they are in dire need for help , have become , in their own eyes , so stupid , that they think they should council US ! ... and that we need to listen ... to THEM ONLY , everyday , everywhere , at any time they deem .

Well you know what ? As reluctantly as I can muster up , to go out of my way to take the extra step and sticking my neck out for them , as last resort , I went web-surfing , looking for a solution for "terminal Uniqueness" or some support group who suffer from same . To my demise , I found one . .... Yes , there is a support group for such ... the only problem is that , they all hold their meetings INDIDUALLY .... In front of their own MIRRORS .... I think the name of this group is "Mirror Mirror on the Wall Anonymous" or something .


Unless of course you have some other perverted reason(s) to be asking (which I believe you do) ... if you already know the answer , wait until someone to ask the question first ?

In Christ , our Lord
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Re: Terminal Uniqueness

Postby Dora » Sat Oct 27, 2012 2:52 pm

rofl You ARE nuts! rofl

No I totally get ya bro. And yeah. Guess we just love on. Love you! :)
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