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Sept. Newsletter

Postby Timothy » Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:50 am

...every moment is a new opportunity...

The other day I went thru the drive thru of a fast food hamburger resturant.
The first window was the cashier. As a cog in a machine he accepted my money
and handed me my change. I smiled and said "Thank you." He just looked at me
with a blank stare. Then I pulled up to the next window for my food. After a
brief wait the young lady handed me my order and said, "Sorry for the wait."
I paused a moment while accepting the bag and cup. she looked at me and I
smiled and said, "Thank you." she just looked at me like I was some kind of a nut.

The next day I had opportunity to return. The same cashier was at the window.
I smiled and said, "Thank you." He smiled back! The same young lady as the
previous day was at the next window. She handed me my food. I paused.
She looked up. I looked her straight in the eyes, smiled and said, "Thank you."
This young lady's face just lit up like a halogen spot light! She lifted her face,
her eyebrows rose, her eyes sparkled, and with the biggest smile on her face
she said, "Your welcome. Have a nice day!"

To be honest I was a bit shocked, but filled with joy! I grabbed hold of her blessing
for my day and went on my way. As I drove down the road I realized that in my meager
little atempt to share the joy of the Lord, the Holy Spirit FILLED that young lady and
inturn blessed my day! I accepted that blessing and went on to have a GREAT day!

Yep, "Sounds Like A Plan" to me.

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Posts: 667
Location: Michigan
Marital Status: Married

Re: Sept. Newsletter

Postby Maverick_Reborn » Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:02 am

Aww, that was really nice of you. I hope you have a nice day too =)
God bless you
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