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Maybe not everyone is meant to be a Christian!!

Postby popples » Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:46 am

Why do I stray from God? Is being a christian only for chosen or certain people? If I stay in this town does it mean I cant be a christian!!!! The only people I know here that go to church are mormons. I thought I actually was doing really well, but I think I either missed somthing or I was kidding myself. Now I am just asking this out loud, just really struggleing to understand how I ended up AGAIN without God. Like I havnt spoke to him in weeks, just sort of slipped away. Its strange really sad actually, how did I end up like this.??? Lots of questions just want anyones opinion please.
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Re: Maybe not everyone is meant to be a Christian!!

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Fri Jul 27, 2012 7:11 am

*hug* *hug*
Yes you are meant to be a Christian but it does not change the fact it is satans will to destroy that and he will any and EVERY chance he is given.
It does not matter who is living around you or what town you live in...those do not change who you are in God only you change that.
Hang in there and tell satan to BACK OFF!!
you need to know we are here and will not judge you for this or any question you have that is what family is for
those weak times are nothing more than satan attacking, do not allow him the satisfaction.
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Re: Maybe not everyone is meant to be a Christian!!

Postby dema » Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:18 am

Try to find ways to integrate God into your life. Crosses, art work. And try to get a schedule where you talk to God often. And develop habits of talking to God. I get on my knees beside the bed every night. If I forget it feels odd. Like not brushing my teeth. I read at least one verse every morning before I leave the house.

You are human and therefore a creature of habit - you need to bring God into your habits.

And God does love you. And I imagine he keeps calling you back and you hear his voice.

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Re: Maybe not everyone is meant to be a Christian!!

Postby Timothy » Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:39 pm

Thems just growin pains, dear.

In my opinion, I think we all go thru..."dry spots" or "distancing", maybe even a little back sliding or just plain fatigue.
In my opinion, God allows this so we will start asking those very questions you are asking. He gives us time to look in
the mirror. He lets us see were we are at in our growth. Helps us to realize where we want and need to go from there.

My suggestion is to find a place, all to yourself, in a nature setting, perhaps by a river or babbling brook,
or perhaps amongs trees, or a flower garden, or on a hill top, etc. Look at the sceanry around you. Ask God your
questions. Then sit back and listen for His answers. Wait for it. Wait for it. Wait for you here it yet?
(shhh).... Ahh yes. That's it. The still soft voice.

Another idea would be to just listen to some good Christian music for a few days.
Another, to read only Psalms for a few days.
Or go to some of the profile pages of your brothers and sisters here on Oasis,
you know, like Mack's page, or mlg's, or Pines, Angelwings, Lani's, Mercy's, Phantomfaith's, and sooo many more...
Feel His Spirit moving thru them. Feel as His Spirit begins to move thru, you.
And if you should find "Plucky" out there somewhere, quickly shoot me a pm!

Popples, in my opinion, "This too shall pass".

My wife shared this prayer with me a while back:

"Lord, sometimes I don't understand Your timing.
Its's often very hard to wait, but I trust You.
I want to rely on Your ways and Your timing.
Help me to learn what I need to learn as I wait.
In Jesus' name, Amen."

Bless You, Popples! *ReadBible*

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Re: Maybe not everyone is meant to be a Christian!!

Postby grandma dolittle » Sat Jul 28, 2012 11:17 am

That is Satan working doing what he does best, creating doubt and fear. Ignore him and tell him to get lost in Christ's name. You don't need to be surrounded by like minded people, but it helps. Being a Christian mean be disciplined. Read the Word; pray; and have talks with Christ all through the day. Thank him for all the things he has blessed you with; a cool rain shower; a beautiful sunset; the food you eat; the home you live in; another day, etc. Go to the library and check out books that are Bible based; let god rule your day... not Popples. grandma
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Re: Maybe not everyone is meant to be a Christian!!

Postby Dora » Mon Jul 30, 2012 7:54 pm

Love you popples. *hug*

Lots of good advice here. I have nothing to add but wanted you to know I love and care about you. Being a christian isn't getting everything right. It's not attending church or saying grace before meals or the way you dress or walk or talk or how often you have bible study time. It's about receiving Gods gift. Being a Christian is about what He did, not what we do.
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Re: Maybe not everyone is meant to be a Christian!!

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:31 am

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Re: Maybe not everyone is meant to be a Christian!!

Postby Jesus4Life » Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:51 am

As I was reading your post, I thought about all the times I have felt the exact same way. What usually happens when I feel this way, is that I get frustrated and I kind of yell at myself and sort of at God. I just say, "That's it, I'm done, This is all yours now God". Then I wait and I try to be still, not really doing much, except I then remember what the Lord says...."Be still and know that I am God", I would encuourage you to simply take the time, close your eyes and go to the throne of Jesus, just sit at His feet and simply worship Him. I think you will be amazed.
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Re: Maybe not everyone is meant to be a Christian!!

Postby grandma dolittle » Sat Aug 25, 2012 11:11 am

popples wrote:Why do I stray from God? Is being a christian only for chosen or certain people? If I stay in this town does it mean I cant be a christian!!!! The only people I know here that go to church are mormons. I thought I actually was doing really well, but I think I either missed somthing or I was kidding myself. Now I am just asking this out loud, just really struggleing to understand how I ended up AGAIN without God. Like I havnt spoke to him in weeks, just sort of slipped away. Its strange really sad actually, how did I end up like this.??? Lots of questions just want anyones opinion please.

You aren't the only one to do this. You do that because you are human. Sometimes it starts with depression over something, etc., but you get numb and cannot pray.... but remember in Romans, Paul tells that when we cannot pray, the Spirit goes before God uttering moanings for us....

I suffer from physical depression , which they found out is a chemical embalance... not mental...I sure wish my brother was reading this! Back to you, I think you are suffering from spiritual depression. They both are real and we need help with both. I take meds and fight with prayer to keep it a bay... you take the friends on this post and fight with prayer to keep it at bay. Either of us is a canditate for Satan and believe me he will zero in on you....

Just remember the Spirit goes to God for you. In John 17:20 Jesus prayed for you too..... Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word. That is awesome to me. Christ took the time to pray for me when he knew the soldiers were coming for him and he would die a horrible death.
I will be praying for you. *Pray* *Pray* *Pray*

Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. I John 4:4
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Re: Maybe not everyone is meant to be a Christian!!

Postby Upward » Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:57 pm

I hope this answers your question.

If your not a sinner whose sick and drowning and in need of a Saviour,who will one day stand before a Holy God to be judged,then yes the Gospel of Christ is not for you.

"It was for those who could by no means save or help to save themselves, that Christ died; it was for ungodly sinners that He gave His life; and if you are not such an one, you have neither part nor lot in the blessings which flow from His death. A lifeboat is for the drowning, a physician is for the sick, and a Saviour
is for lost sinners."
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Re: Maybe not everyone is meant to be a Christian!!

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Fri Sep 07, 2012 7:18 am

I wanted to ask those that have posted here lately to do a favor for me....
I ask that you keep our sister Popples in your prayers as I believe satan is attacking her heavily right now and
is in need of our support and prayers, please do not be offended by no response as she is I think struggling very hard right now.
Please show Gods love to her through here so when she is able to return she will know what seen her through

Gods love and forgiveness *Pray*

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Re: Maybe not everyone is meant to be a Christian!!

Postby grandma dolittle » Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:57 am

I am praying for you. Remember God is in control, not Satan.

Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. I John 4:4
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