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W.W.Y.D. (What Would You Do???)

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:07 am

I had heard this before but I want to thank John for stirring something in me with posting this time.

A man named Jack was walking along a steep cliff one day, when he accidentally got too close to the edge and fell. On the way down he grabbed a branch, which temporarily stopped his fall. He looked down and to his horror saw that the canyon fell straight down for more than a thousand feet.

He couldn't hang onto the branch forever, and there was no way for him to climb up the steep wall of the cliff. So Jack began yelling for help, hoping that someone passing by would hear him and lower a rope or something.

HELP! HELP! Is anyone up there? "HELP!"

He yelled for a long time, but no one heard him. He was about to give up when he heard a voice. Jack, Jack. Can you hear me?"

"Yes, yes! I can hear you. I'm down here!"

"I can see you, Jack. Are you all right?"

"Yes, but who are you, and where are you?

"I am the Lord, Jack. I'm everywhere."

"The Lord? You mean, GOD?"

"That's Me."

"God, please help me! I promise if, you'll get me down from here, I'll stop sinning. I'll be a really good person. I'll serve You for the rest of my life."

"Easy on the promises, Jack. Let's get you off from there; then we can talk."

"Now, here's what I want you to do. Listen carefully."

"I'll do anything, Lord. Just tell me what to do."

"Okay. Let go of the branch.""What?" "I said, let go of the branch. Just trust Me. Let go."

There was a long silence.

Finally Jack yelled, "HELP! HELP! IS ANYONE ELSE UP THERE?"

Now yes it IS funny, BUT WHAT WOULD YOU DO????

Seriously if you were in this EXACT nightmare and you heard that voice and felt in your heart it was REALLY the Lord your God.....would you......could you......let go.......and let God!
Can't wait for the responses *BigGrin*
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Re: W.W.Y.D. (What Would You Do???)

Postby grandma dolittle » Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:39 pm

That is one leap of faith! rofl If you don't mind, I rather not be put to that test.
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Re: W.W.Y.D. (What Would You Do???)

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:22 pm

Well Grandma,
First I don't think we have actually met yet *Wave*
welcome to the Oasis, I have seen you around, I pray you are finding all you are looking for including the love of brothers and sisters, this is an AWESOME site and it is filled with the spirit of God....I love it and the people *Clap*

Now as for the post, I was waiting to see if anyone else would post, I saw yours earlier, I guess it's not as interesting of a topic as I thought.
But as for your reply, first I am scared to death of heights so theres problem one for me *BigGrin*
But I think for me the biggest part is the part of knowing in my heart it was Him speaking to me I would hope I could let go with a smile cause I do trust Him with all I am I just tend to allow cruddy to cause doubt in me and that is what hurts
and if I hit the bottom that just means that much sooner I get to be with Him *Clap*

Just my thought
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Re: W.W.Y.D. (What Would You Do???)

Postby realtmg » Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:25 pm

Thanks CC.
Something to ponder on daily.

GBU Bro.

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Re: W.W.Y.D. (What Would You Do???)

Postby ILuvAnime » Sat Jun 23, 2012 8:26 pm

well...hmm. hard question 2 answer. i think...well. I would let go. If it was God, I would be saved. If it weren't, well, I'd die and go 2 Heaven. So...its a win-win situation right? :D luv ya allz.
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Re: W.W.Y.D. (What Would You Do???)

Postby popples » Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:46 am

I think I would let go as well, but praying at the same time. Its definitly somthing to think about.
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Re: W.W.Y.D. (What Would You Do???)

Postby vahn » Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:00 am

This post reminded me of another "Leap of Faith" situation .

Fire , engulfing everything around you , and you're running as fast as you can from it , the faster you ran , the faster the fire cought-up to you .... till you come to a sheer 90 degree cliff ... One thing left to do right ? .... Get on knees and get the "Me, me me me's " going ... and then , as answer , you hear this Awsome voice saying , "JUMP!!" .... Ha hah ! ... , huh ?
Ok , ok , so we prayed and told Him we'd do ANYTHING He asks right ? ...uh huh *Whistle*

Why do we look down to see where we gonna "land" ? .... and as if that wasn't "bad" enough , upon looking down the cliff , we see that to the right , ther's water , and to the left , sharp jagged rocks ! .... Decisions , decisions :roll:

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Re: W.W.Y.D. (What Would You Do???)

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:07 am

Thanks Vahn, I wondered if you would be one to post on this (hoping so is more like it :) thanks)
As for your leap of faith situation yes that would be another one that would terify me but the looking down....
If I knew it was the Lord saying jump and I could I would jump blindly :oops: because the looking down would cause me to freeze......I know this to be a fact (I sorta found this out the hard way) *Whistle*

Thanks brother

Thanks to ILuvAnime, realtmg and popples as well
ILuvanime, yes that was my point in this is I would hope I could let go cause either He would save me from the fall in some way OR I would die and go to heaven and be with Him so either way I win, thanks and God bless, hang on tightly to Him little one *hug* *Wave*
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