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You will soon end your tedious, tiresome journey!

Postby phantomfaith » Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:53 am

A friend of mine shared this with me recently, they are going thru some troubles so please keep them in prayer. God knows what they need. Wanted to share this since it blessed me and hope it will bless u as well in this messed up world we live in today. God Bless and keep you all *hug*

(James Smith, "The Believer's Companion in Seasons of Affliction and Trouble" 1842)

"All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth!" Hebrews 11:13

Every believer is a pilgrim. He is traveling to his Father's house! He is presently a stranger in a strange land, surrounded by temptations, trials, and foes. His journey lies through a great and terrible wilderness. Therefore he must not expect a very smooth path, or many comfortable accommodations. He will have much to grieve and distress him. His heart will be often burdened with grief, and filled with sorrow--tears are common to the Christian. He feels the unsuitableness of the things of time to his spirit, profession, and aim. And therefore he confesses, "I am a stranger and a pilgrim--as all my fathers were!" Psalm 39:12

Weariness and painfulness are his portion now--but a rest remains for him! It is a glorious rest. It embraces and includes all that the believer has prayed for--or can desire!
It waits for him at the end of his journey,
it was prepared for him from the foundation of the world,
it is now promised to him in the faithful word, and
it will be bestowed upon him when he has fought the good fight, and finished his course.

Everything at present may appear gloomy and distressing; but ahead of you, believer, everything is glorious, magnificent, and blessed! Press on then--fight the good fight of faith. Travel on in the strength of Jesus! You are going home--and you have a glorious home to go to!

The minute after you have entered your rest--you will forget all the fatigue, all the dangers, and all the difficulties of the way! You will perhaps be filled with wonder, that you should ever have allowed such trifles to vex you, or such little trials to discourage you--with such a glorious end before you.

Fellow-pilgrim, expect trouble--but also expect mercy to help you in time of need! Expect to feel your circumstances to be trying--but also expect your Savior's strength to be perfected in your weakness! You will soon end your tedious, tiresome journey--and enter into the joy of your Lord!

Never forget you are now a pilgrim--a stranger--only a sojourner here in this poor world. Here you have no continuing city--but you seek for one to come.

Nothing can make this poor world your rest--it will always be a wilderness to you. Be content then, to wait until you get home! There you shall enjoy--and always enjoy, all your desires! There will not be one unfulfilled want, wish, or desire there! All will be satisfied--all will be full. In a little while--you will see the portal of your Father's house, and hear Him say, "Come in, you who are blessed of the Lord, tarry no longer outside! Come, dwell forever with Me!"

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Re: You will soon end your tedious, tiresome journey!

Postby Zinnia » Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:37 am

I really enjoyed that! Just yesterday I was thinking of how this life is like a journey we are on. We are far away from home and our goal is to get to that home but we have things to do as we travel. Journeys are never without their trials and bumps in the road but we keep on because we know the prize at the end is well worth the struggles we face now.
Romans 8:18

Heaven is even sweeter for me now, as last week my family sent our beloved grandma (who was also my best friend) on ahead. She was 98 and ready for a rest where all her aches and pains are now forgotten. She is now experiencing being in the presence of God as only the rest of us can dream of! I am happy for her while still feeling the big hole in my heart. I'm sure she is helping Jesus prepare a place for each of her family members! John 14:2

~K *Strawberry*
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