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Postby M1 » Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:24 pm

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Last edited by M1 on Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Things so meaningful

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:00 pm

Hi M1,
I first must say brought back a few memories, you see when my babies....where babies *laughter* they got the stomach flu....not allowed to be around other kids so no babysitter my then wife stayed home for a couple days and then I stayed home a couple days so we shared the time off not to burden either ones job BUT no sooner then getting them over this they got chicken guessed it no babysitter again so she took time then I took time again trying to share the burden
when I returned to work they called me into the office and stated I would be put on probation, I explained my problems but they didn't care so I told them it's fine I didn't care about being on the probation cause I didn't miss much work but I didn't understand what they expected of me and ask if I was supposed to stick my kids up my...well those where my bad days we'll leave it at that, BUT I had previously put in for a friday off the coming month due to it being my anniversary and I would loose $200 reservations I had already made and I would even bring the paper work to prove this AND I would work ANY and ALL weekends needed ( I never worked weekends) to make this work, I will never forget the reply.....this is not feasable.....please I will loose $200! it's just not feasable.
Well little did they know I had been talking to my then wife how it was costing me to go to work, when we figured everything up it was costing me $1 an hour to work there, knowing this and seeing they where not going to budge...I stood up and said well you do what you gotta do and I'll do what I have to do.......what exactly does that mean they said.....I QUIT!!!! and walked out 7+ years of doing ANY and EVERY thing they asked, I actually was doing different jobs that no one else would do AND working mostly 12 hour days while the rest of them was running for the cars when the 8 hours was up but I didn't care BUT THAT WAS THE LAST STRAW!!!
You first try to belittle my taking care of my kids then you take away something you ok'd that would cost me BIG and then you have NO compassion, oh should this be where I say they also gave me a nickle raise just before this all came about, this was so they could tell the big shots everyone got the raises including the guys refusing to do any extra work, oh one of those was the supervisors son(which is probably who got the rest of my raise).

NOW here is the best part and I pray it works the same for you
I found I was right it was costing me to work there, we did better for 2-3 years after that because I stayed home as a stay home dad and took care of everything in the home front, the house - cooking - Laundry - kids to and from school (the youngest started kindergarden) and enjoyed every minute of it, so you see they did me a HUGE favor cause I probably would not have quit but they forced my hand, I pray the same blessings come to you in this hardship.
(sorry so long) :oops:
May God bless you as only He can *hug*
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Re: Things so meaningful

Postby ServeGod » Fri Jan 13, 2012 5:36 am

Hi M1,
When i started my first Job, I worked night shift for about 6mths. One particular person was horrible to me, and I was a victim to bullying, she even sided up with another person. A few people at work told me to becareful, for they were plotting to get me fired. It was a nasty world i didn't belong to, for i had been a stay at home wife for most of my life. They did dispicable things, using all the tools of the devil. But God had other ideas, he saw that I remained true and faithful to my nature (which upset them even more), and he brought me to psalm 31 and psalm 91. Its like wow, it was talking to me. Psalm 31: 18 Let the lying lips be put to silence which speak insolent things proudl and contemptuously against the righteous. 31:14 But as for me, I trust in you, O lord, I say, you are my God. My times are in you hand; deliver me from the hand of my enemies; and from those who persecute me. psalm 31: 3 for you are my rock and my fortress; therefore for your names sake lead me and guide me. Pull me out of the net which they have secretly laid for me. God showed me exactly what was happening and what i must do, and that was to trust him.
Meanwhile i had applied for two other jobs. I patiently waiting for God to do his work. After a couple of months i still waited, and then one of the girls who had been plotting to get me fired, got fired herself for something she did wrong. The jobs i applied for, i had an interview and got both jobs. That is God at work. Praise and Glory to God always.
now i am casual at both jobs, I have no obligations to go to work if kids sick etc. Between both jobs I get plenty of work, and my boss is God. He is my resource and my provider.
To shine in one light.
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Re: Things so meaningful

Postby M1 » Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:05 am

Amen to you both!!!! We often forget that God is our source and provider, we are on HIS time clock here for His purpose not for the will of mankind. It is so amazing that against all odds and in the natural how God pulls through for us as we take that what seems like a scary leap of faith and when we land in HIS lap every time the outcome is better then before. This world system the way it is set up is so devistating for families and for people even without a family because it enslaves people to even have the time or finances to reach out to others and build soild lives and futures for themselves and others.

The world system seems as if it spits on family life raising kids, like kids do not matter and the kids have to deal with mom or dad or both being away all the time and leave it to the so called profesionals and government that think they know better to control our kids while we work to survive. I remember telling others that I did'nt birth my sons to let someone else raise them and for anyone to think that it is not work and not a full time job to be a loving caring attentive parent are cold evil souls. What more then life could life offer then having a family with sons and daughters? If you take family away and our sons and daughters what are we living working and caring for? SELF?? REALLY? That to me is a void vainglory existance if you ask me.

There is a better way then what the world offers, and people like you and me and so many countless others in time, I believe will attempt to change all that and set up a system by either ministry, a few smart people who are the called who can begin to change these devistating issues of abuse on the job, low pay, struggling to survive and being ripped away from our family all in the name to provide. There is a better way and I know God tends to his flock and we are his sheep, and I know He will lead us beside still waters and green pastures. Don't get me wrong, working hard is good for us and man I love to work it makes me feel alive and good and productive, but to invest with purpose not just to get by but to live as the Bible said, When you sow bountiful you shall reap bountiful, and when we do not reap all that good we sow, that is like a farmer sowing into rocky ground and not much will come out of it... I pray for all of you as you press on in life, God will place you in leadership and prosperity to enable you and others to increase in God's kingdom saving lives souls and restoring families, only if God has called you to do so. That is what I am aiming for in my life for me and my sons as well as investing into God's eternal plan and purpose is my aim also. I am not talking about greed or getting rich ect, but to live at the level God desires for me so I can be a blessing to others. Only God can do this in me because without Him this is impossible.

With all my love and faith I bless you both and thank you for sharing your heart with me and others. To God be the glory always!
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