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I am the way ,the truth, and the life

Postby ronny groda » Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:21 am

"I am the way : those who follow Me shall not go astray. I am the truth: those who belive in Me shall not be deceived. I am the life: who ever is united to Me by charity abides in My life.

I am the way . Time leads to eternity by three way, but two of the ways are not Mine.In Me there is only one way, very diffrent from the other two,
because it alone hae been traced by my devine hands.

I wish to make these three way knowen to you, and to distinguish from among the one which belongs to me, and which those who desire to come to Me must follow.

The first way is wide, easy, and well trodden. This path was traced by satan in the earthly paradise, and the sinner , who is a slave of satan, walks in this way. It is bordered with flowers, but these flowers concel
thornes which cause death, which are the product of hell. Mortals enjoy
themselves there with wild honey which seem sweet to the taste, but which in truth acts as poison to those who eat it, and leaves them without life. The end of this way is eternal abyss.

The second way is less wide, less easy,and less agreeable. It is not traced out by satan but suggested by him, in order to entice mortals afterwards into his own way.The flowers are smaller than the first way and less plentiful; their thornes also which are less sharp and dangerous
do not penetrate to the heart and do not cause mortal wound. Those persons who walk in this second way peserve their life, if they do not leave to enter the first way. they walk on at the end find purgatory and its tormants, transitory indeed, but terrible indeed.

The third way dose not resemble the other two in any manner; it is very narrow, very diffcult,and little trodden. It was I who traced it on calvery,and the Christian soul, who is to me another self, walks along this road. It is covered with thornes, but these shelter flowers which come from heaven, the perfume of which delights the soul, and heals the wounds cause by the thornes. these wounds far from being mortal,
remove all that is corrupt in mankind,and leave untouched everything that is good.

Those persons who walk in this way find nothing which to refresh themselves in their fatiuge except the most bitter wormwood, but when they have had their fill, the bitterness is changed into sweetness.

I am the way i have placed the flowers under the thornes ,i have changed the bitterness into sweetness ,and i give heaven after the journey
is finished. I am the conductoralong this narrow way. I guide those souls who are willing to pursue it,either Myself inperson or by those whom I appoint for this task, but I am the principal guide.

part 1 part two later
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ronny groda
Posts: 10
Location: Onawa,Iowa
Marital Status: Married

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