Christianity Oasis Forum

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The state of our States ??

Postby vahn » Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:33 pm

I don't know , I'm a kind of person who , sometimes , for one reason or other , a word gets spoken or a sight I encounter , yes sometimes even a smell of something sends my mind into a whirlwind thoughts for a considerable period of time , until I get to the point where I have to force myself to stop the process .

Such whirlwinds went through my head while at the market about a half hour ago , and here I am typing (forcing) my thoughts away .

To sum up the whole "theme" of the thoughts is a question I found myself asking " Have we (Christians) become a minority ??"

Scary huh ?

Ok , so here is what led to it . In a lighthearted way , Jill's boss says ," Oh don't hand him all the money , he'll end up spending it all at the bar " to which her response was , "He's been sober 11 years " , He goes , "Well , he'll go to the bar anyway and spend it on wild women " and she says "He's a Christian !!" he returns with , "Well then , all the bills will be paid huh ?"

Ok , so , are the Christians the only ones paying the bills ? or is it we pay the bills just because we are Christians ? I mean , if we weren't , we'd be spending all of our times chasing wild women in bars (which by the way , to a certain .. well ok , to the full extent was true with me) . But , most of all what got me was , the "OH , a Christian huh ?" attitude , as if we had four heads on our shoulders or something .

All this would not have been as bad , if , prior to all this , surfing the net , I came across some ancient history still being rehashed about some Christian church wanting to burn another's books , another church protesting a funeral of a soldier , and another guy saying something like "Unless I get x million dollars by Tuesday , the Lord is going to cast me in hell ! "

You know what ? If I were a non-believer , and surfing the net "Checking Christianity Out" just to see if I would fit in ? ... Whoah !

In Christ , our Lord
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Postby vahn » Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:01 am

Hello prayer

Why do you want to deprive anyone of one of the best replies I had ever gotten so far ? :) (Don't get me wrong , I said ONE of the BEST) :)

We need more of you around here . *AngelYellow*

Luv ya
In Christ , our Lord
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Posts: 809
Location: Earth (STILL !!)

Postby sbennett » Thu Nov 11, 2010 12:13 pm

:) Im with you on this one vahn. I hear and see over and over again how the Christians rights are being taken away...OUR freedom of speech and worship. Other religions must be included while mine is removed so as to NOT offend said religions?? Don't get me started on the whole Merry Christmas thing either.

That being said....I know I need to do my part to show TRUTH and LOVE as a Christian because it bears witness to the Savior that I serve.
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