Christianity Oasis Forum

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Is Oasis Really a Ministry?

Postby Smiles » Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:54 pm

Hmmm . Is Christianity Oasis Really a Ministry?

I imagine that may get some people's attention. Some are ready to delete this post already. :) Some may answer it's not a ministry; it's just a website. Because it doesn't fit our standard idea of ministry. There's not a piano or an organ. :) There's not a building with a steeple on top. (Don't get me wrong, I believe in the purpose of the church as a local body of believers. And I'm faithful to my church.)

It's interesting how easy it is to have our own conceptions of what is and isn't ministry and even how God does and doesn't work. We've all been there. We see God heal in a certain way and that's how we expect Him to heal the next time. We used to believe that the only Christian music was hymns. Then slowly we realized that while the hymns have their purpose and bless us greatly bringing us into an attitude of worship, that there are also contemporary choruses that we may even sing off of the wall which reach others and bring us into an attitude of praise.

Does this mean that God has changed? That He changes? OH NO!! Hebrews 13:8 says, Jesus Christ IS THE SAME yesterday, today, and forever.
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Amen Smiles!!

Postby UpSide413 » Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:59 pm

Christianity Oasis has been such a ministry to me! I can't tell you how this website and members have impacted my life in the short time I've been here.
I feel like any avenue that teachs, preaches, and brings lost and hurting souls to Christ is a ministry. And in my book, Christianity Oasis definitely qualifies!!

Thanks for the post
Love ya
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Postby mlg » Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:02 pm

What a beautiful message...amen!

luv ya
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Postby Mackenaw » Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:38 pm

Yes it is!!! Woooooohoooooo!!!

God bless you, Smiles.
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Postby SimplyBreezy » Sat Aug 28, 2010 3:03 pm

Thank you Lord for providing this site with all those you bring here, to pour out their heart and souls into making this place what it is for you. :) I feel so very blessed to be a member here and I have learned so much about the Lord and about myself, all because several of you here opened your hearts and answered His calling in your life and took your arms and reached out for me, holding onto my hand and never letting go. Thank you to all that hear His messages and allow His love to shine through you.

May the Lord bless all of you, just as I feel He has blessed me through this site. He has opened my eyes and heart to what His plans are for my life. I am no longer and dead person walking, but a person that can now truly LIVE for Him.


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Postby ciny » Sat Aug 28, 2010 3:30 pm

I agree to that tis is a ministry ordaned by God and a beautiful one thanks for poasting this this ministry is one big giant church and can house millions of people computers are a blessing from God if uesed right.
iam glad that i climb aboard the Oasis Train i pray more will come and climb aboard for the ride and be saved and set free in Jesus name *WelcomeTrain* *WelcomeTrain* *WelcomeTrain* *WelcomeTrain* *WelcomeTrain* *WelcomeTrain* *WelcomeTrain* *WelcomeTrain*
Last edited by ciny on Sat Aug 28, 2010 4:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Ivan » Sat Aug 28, 2010 4:12 pm

Is there love just under sign "love" or it is in your heart?

Is there mercy somewhere else then in your heart?

If God wants to be on web site ...then it is His choice.

But it is not about Jesus,it is about us..what we are and what do we carry in our hearts?

God and His mercy has no limits..if someone wants to do something good to me he can do it by web ministry too..if someone wants to hurt me..he can do it by web site too...

Many are seduced by evil by web sites,porn,satanic etc and we don't ask are they evil..we know that..but Jesus..He always have to proof Himself to matter where He goes and how He comes into peoples life.

Poor Jesus,what a mission on earth for Him :)

Personally,came on this site in the middle of the nightmare of my life and all I can say thanks to Oasis and Phantomfaith for creating this.Thanks to JCs I was rude recently to her,ty lizzie,sorry cos my bad temper :-)ty Pine ,Kim,Real,Susi and many is not Vatican but it works j/k*laughter*

Ty guys

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