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very frustrated indeed

Postby cimi » Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:01 pm

What do I do with a kid that doesn't want to learn anything?

We started back to our studies today (after a long Christmas break)
and here we are in the same boat that I more than happily jumped out of for our break. I don't know what to do with my son. He started his math at 11:40 and is still not finished and it is now 3:00 pm. And so far, most of his answers are wrong. I threaten him with being in trouble with his dad when he gets home but I don't really want to have to hear yelling when he does.

Anyone know of a program for kids that don't like to sit and write? I've been thinking some type of online school curric. but not sure which are worth it.

I know there aren't many people chatting on this board but just wanted to vent and perhaps someone might see.

gotta go drag a kid back to math.

Luv, me.
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Postby Lionhearted » Thu Jan 07, 2010 9:34 pm

hey cimi *hug*

don't fret my dear sis; boys generally hate seat work (not all but most);

i know the sound in your (voice/typing) i was there myself ... my son would do his work ... but alas, there was the challenge as well ... one night he sat at the kitchen table from 5 until midnight rofl ... only 10 questions to answer ... i think it was grade 6 or 7 ... talk about "staying power"

if i could do those years over again ... i would choose a very "basic" math program; idk if you've ever heard of "Paces" ... that was a good one for us. but with what i've learned over the years i would cut it back even more ... even more basic than using a cirriculum style subject; i would maybe just use a "skills sharpening" book such as mathsmart or a check&double check book (i don't know if you have them where you are) ...

another thing you might want to check is how long you are actually instructing for ... boys generally cannot sit as long as girls, not without having some kind of physical activity between subjects .... have him jump rope (you know show him thats what boxers do, not a 'girlie' thing lol) or use a minitramp or timed runs ... OR a chinup bar ... we used that for a lil while.

i'd be happy to walk thru this with ya ... if this doesn't work, let me know and we can put our heads together and maybe come up with something else!!

praying for peace for you and your son *hug5*

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Hi lionheart.

Postby cimi » Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:00 pm

Thanks for the reply.
I'm about to sit down to dinner right now so will reply asap. Thanks for the info.

Love, cimi.
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Postby Lionhearted » Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:17 pm

np sis ... enjoy!!

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