Christianity Oasis Forum
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Prayer Request
Prayer Request
Special Prayer Request from Peggy Lesley at Brookwood Church . I am starting a signing for my son's best friend who has cancer (Hodgkin's Lymphoma). He is 11 years old and is not doing well at all. He was diagnosed with this cancer 2 weeks ago and the tumor is next to his jugular vein and entwined in it. It has moved his wind pipe over a inch, making it hard for him to breathe. The tumor is the size of a large eggplant and is sitting right above his heart. This little boy needs all the prayer he can get. I would like you to sign this, say a little prayer and pass it on to as many people as you can. Once we get to a thousand people can you please send this back to me at: (Contact angel for email) When I get the 1000 people that have signed it. I am going to print this up for my sons best friend and show him how many people care and how many people a re praying for him to get better. If you have a heart at all, yo u will all do this for me. I love this
child as though he is my own and we really need all the prayers!
Thank you, Peggy
Lesley - Brookwood Church
4th and 5th grade
Volunteer Coordinator
Hit FORWARD and Add your name to the bottom of the list or as you scroll through the list fill in a spot that was missed and send it out to as many people as you can and pray for him!
1. Dawn Thumm-Blythe
2. Susan Dodge
3. Glen Dodge
4. Mary Korbe
5.. Carol Halstead
6. Melonie Story
7. Peggy Davis
8. Tracy Buchanan
9... Melissa Preston
10. Dionne Wilson
11. B. Peebles
12.. Kimberly Jones
13. Karen Baldwin
14. Nancy Woodard
15.. Cristi Dodge
16. Susan Thomas
17. Bonny Wiggins
18. Michelle McLain
19. Lanee Jones
20. Cindy Albert
21. Pat Park
22. Gloria Carter
23. Barbara Nichols
24. Jamie Garcia
25. Mary Bunn
26. Susie Blunt
27. Latanya Hughes
28. Margie Robinson
29. Nicole Robinson
30. Rosie M.. Ross
31. Sharon Eustice
32. Jackie Canter
33. Andrea Black
34. Jennifer Plyman
35. Jill Hayes
36. Rita Plank
37. Chad Plank
38.. Teresa Frost
39. Steve Frost
40. Cindy Dickerson
41. Tracy Higginbotham
42. Lisa Walker
43. Malinda Hight 44. Sharon Hogan
45.. Joan Watkins
46. Connie Ledford
47. Lisa Adams
48. Tonya Cannon
49. Jan Whitaker
50. Debbie Champion
51. Susan Harris =0D
52. Carol McLaughlin
53. Bebe Burkhardt
54. Cheryl and John ny Wilson (also a Lymphoma patient)
55.. Linda Clark
56. Tom Clark
57.. Kathryn Gale
58. Valerie Zequeira
59. Cali Zequeira
60.. Jeff Glick
61. Barry and Kay Roberts
62.. Jessica Roberts
63.. Jamie Roberts
64. Kelly , Staci, Kelsi, Mackenzie & Sidney Olcott
65. Heather, Lee, Riley and Jackie Taylor
66. Michelle K alb
67. Ted Kalb
68. Cord, Ragan, Cooper & Camden
69.. Craig, Melissa, CJ, Mary & Trent
70. The Creed Family-Chris, Amy,Brooks and Campbell
71. Jeff and Laurie Weber
72. Paul and Lori Webre-(parents to a leukemia survivor love and hugs to > you!)
73. Cathy Stanfield - mom to 'Sabrina' - dx rhabdo at age 14
74. Pat Boyle - mom to 'Sean' - d x rhabdo at age 17
75. Debbi e Frank
76.. Mark and Wendy Collier-parents to Andy leukemia survivor
77. Kathy Pope--Breast cancer survivor
78. Georgia Philpot
79.. Steven Smith
80. Jessica Smith
81. S.Christian
82. D. McGee
83. B. Davis
84. S. Sutton
85. B. Williford
86. T. S.Williams
87.. J. L. Elias
88. B. J. Sanders
89. Alona Henry
90. Allen Filer
91. Terry LeBlanc
92. Sheila LeBlanc
93.. Elesha LeBlanc
94. Reed LeBlanc
95. Vickie Moor
96. Michelle Ham
97. Billy Ham
98.. L Young ---- Breast Cancer Survivor
99.. J Young
100. J. Myres -- Mom to a Hodkins survivor, now in remission!!
101. Curtis and Peggy Koehn
102. Laura Butts
103. Brooke Gust
104. Linda Kemp
105. Sherralind Poehl
106.. Ginger Schultz
107. Joe Schultz
108. Ginger Randermann
109. Amy Reeves
110. Brenda Reeves
111. Audrey Hawkins
112.. Joette Boyer
113. Melanie Jack s on
114. Kortney Rivera
115. Heather Snively
116. Shannon Young
117. Al Studebbaker
118. Herta Adams
120. Kerri L. Ramos
121. Pat ricia Ramos
122. Rosbel Ramos
123... Della Ramos
124. Whitnee Ra mos
125.. Lillian Guidry
126. Dorine Allen
127. Rohte Winthrop
128. Jo Ann Kirsch
129. Lori Cesarek
130. Sunhui Cash
131. Pat Holton
132. Paula De Lucia
133.. Angela I.
134. Alison Dominguez
135. Schlinke Family
136.. Lynn Beasley
137. Kalmba ch Family
138. Casey Clifton
139. Connie Berry
140. Beverly Becker
141. Steve Williams
142. Barbara Funderburg
143.. Carol Ann Durocher
144. Wanda Tucker
145. Kristen Kridner
146. Sophia Noland
147. Holly Bryan
148. Kristen Bryan
149. Peggy Morton
150. Tammy Leopold
151. Terry Blackmon
152. J.D. Blackmon
153. Anthony Fisher
154. Brenda Towns
155. Bonnie Davis
156. Jo A=2 0n n Farrell
157. Amanda Walker
158... Edith Bayless
159. Kitty Granger
160. Justin Bounds
161.. Dan Moore
162. Bob by George
163. Randal Larr
164.. Mike Barbour
165. Phyllis Barbour
166. Anita
167... Mendy Kiolbassa
168. Leah Bolin
169. Carla Stricklin
170... Wayne Sandlin
171.. Terri Bennefield
172. John ny Bennefield
173... Sandra Bronson
174. Robert Bronson
175. Bob by Bronson
176. Patricia Bronson
177. Vine mont Church of God, Vinemont Alabama
178. Riverside Baptist Church , Hanceville Alabama
179. Kim Widner
180.. Al Widner
181. Stephanie Buchanan, Cullman Alabama
182. Victor Buchanan,Cullman Alabama
183. Baeleigh Rodriguez Gadsden, Alabama
184. Nick Howare, Cullman Alabama
185. Andrew Buchanan,> Cullman Alabam a
186. Benjamin Buchanan, Cullman Alabama
187. Wendi Howard
188. Aaron McCray
189. Jill Burgett
190. Ronda Hitt, Blountsville , Alabama
1 9 1. Robert Collier, Haleyville , Alabama
192. Marilyn Folan , Arizona
193. Andrea McCullar, Haleyville , Alabama
194.. Lance McCullar, Haleyville , Alabama
195. Elaine Childers, Quantico , Virginia
196. Chris Childers, Quantico , Virginia
197.. Carl Kauffman, Haleyville , AL
198. Dorene Kauffman, Haleyville, A
199. Jennifer John son, Haleyville Alabama
200. Ken McGough, Haleyville , Alabama
201.. Tracy McGough, Haleyville , Alabama
202. Vickie Aaron, Haleyville , Alabama
203... Gary Aaron, Haleyvlle Alabama
204. susan king haleyville, alabama
205. nathaniel k ing haleyville, alabama
206. Jenna Newby Childs Baldwyn , MS
207. Megan Cagle Hargett
208. Susan Scott
209. Whitney Newman , GA
210. Chandler New man , GA
211... Crawford Newman , GA
212. Austin Newman , GA
213. Ramsey Lawrence , GA
214. Bra ntlee Lawrence .. GA
215. Lawson Lawrence , GA
216. Logan Lawrence , GA
217. Clay Lawrence , GA
218. Evelyn Lawrence , GA
219. Hilary Bennett-Albany , GA
220. Be rt Bennett-Albany , GA
221.. Ford Bennett- Albany , GA
222. Bo B ennett-Albany , GA
223. Chris Cuumings , AL
224. Keith Cummings , AL
225. Richard Cummings , AL
226. William Cummings , AL
227. Davis Cummings , AL
228. Phyllis Kirk , AL
229. Ginny Landrum AL
230... Ph yllis Roberts , AL
231. Priscilla Collums , AL
232. Vickey Mann , AL
233. rossi, toni, al
234. Helen Smith , AL
235. P atsy Stewart , AL
236... George Stewart , AL
237... Maryshay Ray 2
238. Christopher Ray
239. Gerald Stearns
240. Nonnie Stearns
241. Byron Meadows
242. Christy Meadows
243. Luke Meadows
244.. Haley Robinson
245. Trent Ezekiel
246... Christina Brown
247. Bo Brown
248. Amanda Nelson
249.. Zach Nelson
250. Drake Nelson
251. Brad McDonald
252. Natalie Jones
253.. Christopher Jones
254. Leslie James
255. CeDarius James
256. Nikesha Martin
257. Dee Martin
258. Nellie Youngblood
259.. Joe Youngblood
260. Laquitta Smith
261. Elizabeth Butts
262. Ronald Butts
263. Chance Butts
264. Debra Hill
265. Wesley Hill
266.. Ashley Haire
267. Robert Hill
268. Ragan Lockhart
269.. Elijah Lockhart
270. Alexis Lockhart
271. Betty Hunt, Lincoln Alabama
272. Wendy Elmore
273. Kenny & Rachel Rowell (niece to Aus Davis just diagnosed with leukemia), Cordova , AL
274. Cindy Scott
277. Myste Kennedy
278. Gay Wilson
279. George Sanders
280. Patsy Sanders
281... Michelle McCoy
282. Laura Davis
283. Christy Kincaid
284. Angie Kincaid
285. Becky Timmons
286. Sarah Anderson
287. Tabetha Terry
288. Katie Mabry, God Bless
289. Melanie Clark
290. Luella Westmoreland
291. Vickie Westmoreland
292.. Daniel Shew
293. T im Collins
294.. Donna Collins
295. Melanie Warden
296. Richard Warden
297. James Warden
298. Elizabeth Warden
299. Paula McBride (God Be With Your Family)
300. Dwayne McBride
301. Rebecca McBride
302. Hannah McBride
303.. Sarah McBride
304. Elizabeth McBride
305. Jensen Gauldin
306. Anita McHone
307. Darrin Mchone
308. Debbie McHone
309. Jimmy McHone
310.. Carol Reid
311. Paula Reid
312. The Morris Family ( oak Ridge , NC )
313. Dana Morris & Jeremy( Kernersville , NC )
314. Judy Peters
315. Ann Shore
316. Rae Fox
317. Terry Austin
318. Darrell Austin
319. Dana Parham
320. Billy Parham
321. Allison Reece Griffin
322. Stephanie Hitt ( Myrtle Beach , SC )
0A323. Mark Passon ( Myrtle Beach , SC )
324. Braden Passon ( Myrtle Beach , SC
325. Donna Barnhill ( Myrtle Beach , SC )
326. Michelle Fowler ( Conway , SC )
327. Erin Fowler 334
328. Hel e n Larrimore
329. Delbert Larrimore
330. Kari Blanton
331. Bryttani Blanton
332.. Anna Gore ( Hartsville , SC )
333. Blaire Rogers ( Hartsville , SC )
334.. Sherrie Krajack ( Hartsville , SC )
335. Wendy Shuler, Hartsville , SC
336. Tabathia Robinette, Hartsville , SC
337. Barbara Wilks, Hartsville , SC
338. Margaret C. Wild, Patrick , SC
339. Sheila Grant , SC
340. Angela Jones, Hartsville , SC
341. Wanda McCoy Darlington ,20SC
342. Tara Jackson, Darlington , SC
343. Haile y McCoy, Darlington , SC
344.. Angie Bryant, Society Hill , SC
345. Jeff Bryant, Society Hill , SC
346. Harold Bryant, Society Hill , SC
347. Matt Smith, Timmonsville , SC
348. Olivia Smith, Timmonsville , SC
349. Mark Smith, Scranton , SC
350. Jennifer Smith, Scranton , SC
351. Teresa Chewning Cheraw , SC
352. Kathy Grooms - Cheraw , SC
353. Valencia Frazier - Cheraw , SC
354. Peggy Scott-Styles - Farrell , P A
355. Donna Thomas
356. Brittany Darby- God Bless you, your family and friends!! Prayer is such a powerful gift!!
357. Klay Lawler
358.. Joni Darby - Our thoughts and prayers are with you
359.. Cindy Wetzel - Salem , OH
360. Robin Weyant-Salem , Ohio
361. Claudia Orsb urn East Palestine , Ohio
362. Linda Boyle Wellsville , Ohio
363. Steve Allen Monroe, Ga
364. Patty Allen Monroe, Ga
365. Dee Whitaker, Oxford , GA
366... Bob Whitaker, Oxford , GA
367. Amy Allen, Covington , GA
368. Patrick Allen, Covington , GA
369. Michelle Tyre loganville ga
370. John Tyre
371. Pam Wells, North Pole, Alaska
372. Shannon King
373.. Aaron King
374. Kim McCart
375. Lance McCart
376. Cathy Lane , Loganville GA
377. Jerry Lane , Loganvile
378. Renee' Koch Hogansville Ga
379. Jerry Koch Hogansville Ga
380. Roger South Blountsville Al
381. Ronda South, Blou ntsville , AL
382. Holly Watson, Blount s ville , AL
383. Shannon Ritchie
384. Mary Bledsoe
385. Ann Cohen
386.. Gay Jacobs
387. Wanda Elkourie, Hoover , AL
388. Paul Elkourie, Hoover , AL
389. Jessica Elkourie, Hoover , AL
390. Sandie Elkourie
391.. Fred Elkourie
392. Adele Fowler
393. Lynn Fowler
394. Terry Eatman
395. Laura Zargo, Trussville , AL
396. John Zargo, Trussvi lle , AL
397. Brittany Purvis, Margaret, AL
398. Jeremy Purvis, Margaret, AL
399. Chandler Purvis, Margaret, AL
400... Heather Boies
401. Phyllis Roddam, Birmingham , AL
402.. Debbie Hammett - Southside , AL
403. Danny Hammett - Southside , AL
404. Penny Carden
405. Brooke Campbell
406. Levi Campbell
407. Martha Carden
408. Ricky Campbell
409.. Lori Knepper
410. Scott Fricker
411. Brandi Winningham,Southside, Al
412. Brian Winningham-Southside, Al
413. ... Laurie Ford-Glencoe , AL
414. Darrell Ford-Glencoe , AL
415. Carol Lee - Al..
416.. Glorisa Reason - AL
417. Keith Reason - AL
418.. Gloria Wood - AL
419. Larry Wood - AL
420.. Jinell Brittain - Alabama
421. Lesli Shaddix - AL
422... Lisa Miller-Alabama
423. J.. Foster - Bham Alabama
424. Phoebe Waldrop - Birmingham , AL
425.. Sherry Hallmark - Graysville , AL
426.. Kristin Martin-Birmingham , AL
427. LaShunta Boler - Alabama
428. Nick Boler - Alabama
429. Rebecca Snoddy , Alabama
430. C. Griffin , Alabama
431. W. Gantt , Alabama
432. Kaye Gaddy, Alabama
433. Janet Simmons , Georgia
434.. Jennifer Watson, Atmore , Alabama
435. Kay Burnham, Brewton , AL
436. Art Lynn . Alabama
437. Lynn Lynn, Brewton , AL
438. Tara Cook, D FS , FL
439. Yvonne Nolen Brewton,Al
440.. Larry Nolen Brewton,Al.
441. Charles Frazier Brewton, AL .
442. Mary Frazier Brewton, AL .
443.. Kay Wisely-Gilbertsville , KY
444. Peggy Reinhart, Mattoon , IL
445.. Mary Welton, Windsor , IL
446. Angie Sanford, Huntsville , AL
447. Connie Hendrix , Washington , DC
448. Linda Means
449.. Gerald Means
450.. Corey Means
451... Gwen Wills
452. Gedra L. Butler
453.. Carl J. Butler
454. Pauline Giardina
455. Donna Giardina(a cancer survivor three times - Trust in God)
456.. Cindy Snyder
457. Marilyn Ott (14 year cancer survivor)
458.. Anne Hancock ( 12 year cancer survivor)
459.. Carol Hancock
460. Doris Beck , GA. . (Best Wishes)
461. Jean Aker, Albany , Ga (God bless you richly)
462. Pete Aker, Albany > , Ga. (45 year cancer survivor)
463. Helen Durham, Somerville , Tn (GOD will bless you)
464. Dan Durham, Somerville , Tn. (Hang in there Littl> Buddy)
465. Susan Williams, Valrico , FL
466. Cathy Key, Gardendale , ALC2
467. Genna Gregg, McCalla , AL
468. Connie Wallace B'ham, Al
469. Robbie Carroll, Hoover , AL
470. Al Potts, Shannon, Al
471. Paula Cost Manle y - Vestavia Hills Al.
472. Dian Hatton, Chelsea, Al.
473. Beverly Rodgers
474. Tina Ashford, Warriro , AL
475. Richard Wyatt
476. Thorin Shambray (God is able)
477. Lenetta Reese (Prayer changes things, as well as people).
478. Cheryl Boswell and family (God is GREAT!!)
479. Yvonne Crenshaw, Helena, AL
480. Dietriche' L.. Nolen, Birmingham , AL (By Jesus stripes, you are healed)
481... Brandon Nolen, Birmingham , AL
482. Clark and Susan Nolen, Birmingham , AL
483... Valerie Hicks Powe
484. James Hicks
485. Cora Hicks
486. Cynthia Watson
487. Lovan Watson
488. Damon Watson
489. Tora Davis
490. Coral Guice
491. Ouida Moore-Cain
492.. Helen Davenport
493.. Teresa Brown
494. Jeremy Brown
495. Joh nny Davenport
496... Glen Davenport
497. Kadiance Brown
498. Bob by Davenport
499. Kim Davenport
500. Shonda Davenport
501. Brady Davenport
502. Cherlynn Hallman
503. Zac k Hallman
504 . Alex Hallman
505. Winona Weaver
506. Connie Appling- Montevallo, Al
507. Bill Rivers - Birmingham , Al
508. Kim Dease - Birmingham , Al
509. 20Chris, Diana , Meg & Jake Rivers - Birmingham , AL
510. Dunbar family
511. Lucy, Bill, Will and Jonah Rice - Birmingham , AL
512. Lisa Brown - Trussville , AL
513. Angela Buzbee
514. Courtney20Buzbee
515... Kayla Buzbee
516. David Buzbee
517. Kathy Oglesby - Alabama
518. Katie Oglesby - Alabama
519. Austin Oglesby - Alabama
520. Misty Compton - Alabama
521. Charlotte Dyer - Alabama
522. Paula Stewart, Birmingham , AL
523. Jeri Robinson
524. Jamie Wilson
525. Susan Rocheser
526. Mike Rochester
527. Phil Holmes
528. Libby Holmes
529. Sherman Cobb
530. Deanna Guthrie
531. Tammy Savage
532. Tracy Reed
533. Allen Reed
534. Nicole Stewart
535.. Gordon Stewart
536. Suzanne Vernon
537. Jeff Verno n
538. Sheila Buckner Monson
539. Shawn Monson
540. Sullivan Waldrip
541. Alecia Rowe
542. Bob by Rowe
543. Kimberly Hill
544. Brenda Scoggins
545. Keshia Horton
546.. Diane Sybert
547. Malcolm Sybert
548. Juanita Owens
549. Horace Owens
550. Kris Owens
551. Sandy Owens
552. Josh Owens
553. Carrie Owens
554. Amanda Jackson
555.. Josh Jackson
556. Kenzie Price
557. Darren Woods
558. Jennifer Wood s
559. Lindsey Woods
560. Chelsey Woods
561. Krystle Wood
562. Heather James
563.. Stephanie Miller
564. Broo ke Kennon
565. Rae Kennon
566... Terry Parker
567. Elisha Nelson & Family
568. Dustin, Brandye, Ethan, Mary and Willi am Lucas
569.. John ie,Michelle, John ie, and Justin BROOKS
570.. Lawana Marrow
571. Reba Speck
572. Sandy Hubbard
573. Gilda Russo..
574. Jere Gale
575. Cecile Hannafors
576.. The Neal Family
577. The Youngblood F amily
578. Kim Miles
579. Michael Miles
580. Adrian Miles
581. Christopher Miles
582. Kay Walker
583. Brenda Veazey
584. Liz Cole
585. Debbie Merchant
586. Lynn Colpack
587. Freda Britton
588. kim Gragg
589. Phillip Deason
590. Patsy Beard Moody20Al.
591. Rosa Hill , AL
592. Beth Pool-Leeds , AL
593. Becky Mackey - Leeds AL
594. Jennifer Friend - Leeds , AL
595. Veronica Friend - Clay , Alabama
596... April Nichols ??" Warrior, Alabama
597.. Serena Wesley ??" Trussville , AL
598. Debbie Prince Trussville, Al
599.. Judy Shinn, Savannah , GA
600. Kimberly Key, Birmingham , AL
601. Cindy Stieg, Moody, AL
602. Danielle Collar, Birmingham , AL
603. Robin Groom, Madison, AL
604. Sherri Waller, Knoxville , TN
605. Marty Waller, Knoxville , TN
606. Angie Wolfe, Knoxville , TN
607. Homer Wolfe, Knoxville , TN
608. Shaye O'Neal, Knoxville , TN
609. Darryl O'Neal, Knoxville , TN
610. Kathy Swann, Knoxville , TN
611. Doris Crowell, Atlanta , GA
612. Angie Trantham, Lilburn , GA
613. Irene Scott, Hampton , GA
614. Donna Hill, Hampton , GA
615. Ashley Karlsen, Hampton , GA
616. Sharon McKeehan
617. Barbara Sanders Zebulon, Ga
618. Janet Thayer Zebulon, Ga
619. Tabatha Sq uires- Newnan , GA
620. Debbie Jackosn-Gray , GA
623. Michelle Plumley, Locust Grove , Ga.
624. Nikki Rogers McDonough GA
625. Gena, Pat, Kaitlyn, Kenzie, and Patrick Murphy-- Simpsonville , SC Member of Brookwood.
626. Tish, Rob, Taylor, Ashley & Ella Ford~attend Brookwood
627. Mike Schaefer - Heidelberg Germany
628. Tim and Kitty Collins Watkinsville , GA
629. Paul and Diane Boykin Watkinsville , GA
630. Benjamin and DeLane Gossett-- Colbert , Ga.
631. John and Ann Col c lough Penfield , Ga. .
632. Ron & Sandi Beacham, Winder, Ga
633. Joyce & Charles Shores Winder, Ga.
634. Joan Hill Sanford , NC
635.. Randy Hill Sanford,NC
636. Beth Cameron Sanford NC God Bless this family and help them thru this very difficult time
637. John & Terry Caddell Carthage , N.C. .
638. Phil & Diana Graham 44430
639.. Melony Graham, Belcamp , MD
640. SGM Kenneth Graham, APG , MD
641. Janet & Eric Swartzentruber, West End , NC <><
642. Louis & Wanda Tafta Ninety Six, SC
643.. Sandra Boles Greenwood , SC
644. Faye Rush Greenwood, SC
645. Tonya Gamble Greenwood , SC
646. Kelli Mitchell & amp; family Donalds, SC
647.. VIckie Keown
648. Phil Keown
649. Lake Russell Baptist Church Family
650. Dawn Simpson
651. Bootsie Gilliam, Abbeville , SC
652. Jane Stone, Donalds, SC
653. Eddy & Terri Stone, Donalds, S.C..
655. The Stewarts, Gre e nwood , =2 0 S.C..
656.. The Copeland Family of Laurens , SC ----my oldest son also has this type cancer----it came back after aftering Time of 15 years of being cancer free. God bless this child and his family.
657. Rick and Anita Garrett, Laurens , SC
658. Brandi Garrett, Greenwood , SC
659. Laurie Radke, Charlotte , NC
660. Julie Gaines
661. Anna Makar, Beaufort SC
662. Allison Cobb
663. MaryRose Kopchinsky
664. Ginger Villanti - ( Charlotte , NC - Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Board Member; 11 years cancer free from Hodgkin?s disease)
665. Ann Bellinger
666. Denna Watson, Jeffersonville , IN
667. Jennifer Anderson Louisville ,KY
668. Juli Norton Louisville, KY
669.. Helen Heustis, Louisville , KY
670. Kathy Heustis, Walton , Ky
671. Pat Colyer, Mentor , Ky
672. Mary Eicher, Highland Heights , KY
673. Carol e Kaiser, Alexandria , KY
674. Rick Kaiser, Alexandria , KY
675. Dan Long, Ft. Thomas , Ky.
676. Ginger Leppert, Waxhaw , NC
677. Dean Nikodemski,
678. Julie Nikodemski,
679. Mia Nikodemski,
680. Chandler Nikodemski Charlotte , NC
681. Jeff cornatzer
682. Linda Henslee - Charlotte , N.C.
683... Tinker Dalton - G reensboro , N.C. (cancer survivor)
684. Pam Orrell Greensboro Grandmother of 8 year o ld Corbin who has brain cancer
685.. Brenda Cordero - Greensboro , N.C.
686... Dayle Vogler - Pleasant Garden, NC
687. ed vaughn - greensboro ,nc
688. ed marsh - greensboro , nc
689. Pauletta Faucette - Non-Hodkins Lymphoma survivor in remission, Greensboro , NC
690. Sandy Stewart
691. Marcie Blizzard
692... donna cooke
693.. Yvette Willis
694. Kimberly Pendergrast
695.. Betty Leonard
696. Bob Sigmon Charlotte NC
697. Ron Thompson, Spartanburg SC
698. Curtis John son, Mobile AL
699. L. Hardman, Mobile , AL
700. P.. Storey, Atlanta , GA
701. P. Carver, Atlanta , GA
702. M Eales, Cumming , GA
703. C Eales, Cumming , GA
704. M Price, Gainesville , GA
705. S. Crespo, St. Augustine , FL
706. A. Crespo, St. Augustine , Fl
707. A. Polk, Jacksonville , Fl.
708. C.. Polk, Jacksonville , Fl..
709. K. Thompson Jacksonville , Fl
710. A. Thomspson Jacksonville, Fl
711. M... Olson Jacksonville , FL
712. N. Olson Jacksonville , FL
713. S. Bowen Jacksonville , FL
714. Elke Glass, Middleburg , FL
715. Angelika Green, Bamberg , Germany
716... Barb Clark , Montana
717. David Clark , Montana
718. Jennilee Bird , Montana
719... Cory Bird , Montana
720. Amanda Domino , Montana
721.. Jim Domino, Montana
722. Dolores Eustice , Montana
723. Evelyn A belin
724. Chris Smith , Montana
725.. Colleen Snell, Montana
726. Mary20Beth Creel, Helena MT
727. Debbie M. Helena , MT
728. Angela Murolo Helena, MT
729. Kara S. Helena, Montana
730. Brandy Spangler- Helena , Montana
731.. Bradley Moden-Helena , Montana
732. Rena Spangler, Helena , Mt
733. Bob Spangler, Helena , Mt.
734. Julie Hadley- Montana
735. Ty Vermillion- Montana
736. Lynne Hadley- Montana
737. Kristin G..- Helena , MT
738. Kristan Barbour, Helena , MT
739. Holter Barbour, Helena , MT
740. Deakon Barbour, Helena , MT
741. Tom Hall - Helena , MT
742. Sarah Steward-Helena,Mt
743. Kathy Bahny - Helena , MT
744. Diana Fiedler, Helena , MT
745. Carol Horrobin, Ellensburg , WA
746.. Mary Kay McPhilllips, Ellensburg , WA
747. Pat McPhillips, Ellensburg , WA
748.. H. Lackey, Selah, WA
749. Ruthanne Cortez - Selah , WA
750. Amy Hajighassem-Virginia Beach , VA
751. Mohssen Hajighassem-Virginia Beach , Va
752. Stefanie Barone- Lemoore, Ca
753. Victor Barone- Lemoore,=2 0Ca
754. Frank Schiavo- Temecula, CA
755. Bob bie Schiavo- Temecula, Ca
756. Ellen Jaeggi - Frazier Park, Ca
757. Darryl Jaeggi - Frazier Park, Ca
758. Jerry Haberlack- Frazier Park, CA
759. Diane Haberlack- Frazier Park, CA
760. Tom Fesler
761. Jo Fesler
762. Andriana Cota
763.. R.J. Castro
764. Madison Castro
765. Adrian Castro
766.. Gina Reyes
767. Joseph Reyes
768. Malory Reyes
769. Kristen Reyes
770... America Lopez
771. ver onica pena
772. Lisa Baeza
773. Olive Page
774. Rosa Valencia
775. Rosalinda Guzman
776. Rosa Palomarez
777. Marlene Torres
778. Norma Delgado
779. Gwenn Lawrence
780. Kim Lawrence
781. Christie Preisendorfer
782. Shauna Preisendorfer
783. Gary Preisendorfer
784. Dillon Preisendorfer
785. Lexi Preisendorfer
786. Hunter Preisendorfer
787. Dana Kinsey
788.. Kevin Kinsey
789. Todd Jacobson
790. Kylie jacobson
791.. Kelly Jacobson
792. Jeff and Angie Newman
793. Amy John son
794. Dave John son
795. Alexis John son
796. Raegan John son
797. Hailey Foley
798. Samantha Foley
799. Frank Godfrey Wenatchee Wa
800.. Kari Godfrey
801... Cole Godfrey
802. Gavin Godfrey
803. JenMelsness E. Wenatchee, WA
804. Andy Melsness
805. Matthew Melsness
806. Angela Anderson
807. Rachel Anderson
808. Melissa Anderson
809.. Regina Nunn
810. Rebecca Weythman
811. Alex Weythman
812. Alicia Hastings
813. Brittni Hastings
814. Kris Weythman
815. Valarie Weythman
816. Krista Weythman
817. Jayde Weythman
818. Shyanna Weythman
819. Mary Grable
820. Jerry Grable
821. Alvin Clemons
822. Debbie Vaughan
823. Donna Tesner
824. Ray Sturgill
825. Roy Hickey
826. Darlene Hickey
827. Brent and Jean Dills
828. Dave and Caree Marcum
829. cynthia tallman - ky
831. Jo & Wayne Scrivner, Tx.
832. Doug & Bren da Vanderford , TX (Trust in HIM)
833. Madeleine Vessels, TX
834. Wayne & Nan Fuller (Wayne 5yrs. cancer free)
835.. Aubrey & Linda Locke , TX .
836. Ben & Charlene Forshee, TX
837.. James & June Parrish, TX
841. Brenda Robertson
842. Donald Robertson
843. Paige Pelton , Texas
844. Jenny Micheletti, Texas
845. Gwen Sarno , Texas
846. Lisa John ston , Texas
847. Sara Bleiberg , Texas
848. Patsy Smith , Georgia
849. Dede Grier , Georgia
850. Mary Turcotte , Mississippi
851. Carol e Scarborough , Georgia
852. Thelma Moore , Tennessee
853. Ethel Adler , Texas
854. Maggie Saucedo , Texas
855. wanda brewer, texas
856. Theresa Hamilton , TX
857. Michelle Mooring , TX
858. Sandra Kretzschmar , TX
859.. Richard Kretzschmar , TX
860. Ben Cain , TX
861. Amy Cain , TX
862. Mike Rushing, TX
863. Jennifer Rushing, TX
864. Cathy Nielsen
865. Julianna Boxwell
866. Kim Bartholomaus
867. Carol Bonaccorso
868. Barbara Taylor
869. Kathy Cherry
870. Connie Gibson
871. Susan Willis
872. Betty Lyon
873. Cathey McCoy
874. Mike James
875. Lauri Jones
876. Ellamae Elder
877.. Elaine Malone
878. Linda Kay
879.. Melissa Pogue
880.. Janet Slaughter
881. Melissa Smith
882. Mary Smith - Alabama
883. Jeannie Walters, Jacksonville , Al..
884. Lila Hamilton, Anniston , AL .
885. Brenda M cAdams, Jasper, AL
886. Donna McMurray,Jasper, Al.
887. Deborah Harris Jasper , AL
888.Larry Harris Jasper, Al
889.NANCY HARRIS, DORA , ALABAMA (Praying for you:)
890.DAVID HARRIS, DORA , ALABAMA (Don't Lose Hope)
891..Reba Barton, Jasper, Al JJesus loves you J
892. Toni Newburn - Keep fighting - Jasper, AL
893. Mark Newburn - God Bless - Jasper, AL
894. Tracy Farley. God heals everyday, you will be healed by Him too.. Trust in only Him.- Jasper, Al
895.Aimee Guin - (Praying for you) Northport, Al
896.Alicia Shelton - Meridian , MS
897..P.J. Barker(they'll be in my prayers)
898.Carrie Lynn Gunn Enterprise, MS
899. Catherine Brooks Meridian,MS
900. Alyson Warren Sebastopol,MS
901. Dana Kitchens Porterville ,MS
902. Kristal Lane (praying for him) Lagrange , GA
903.Denise Grones, Madison , MS
904.Ashley Rea, Madison , MS
905. Sandy Rea, Nettleton , MS
906. Charles Morris, Nettleton , MS
907.Katie McKnight, Pontotoc , MS
908. Heather Frederick , MS
909. Keith Frederick , MS
910. Bradley Frederick , MS
911. Wanda Adams, Fulton, Ms (Non-Hodgkins)
912. Charlotte Williams, Tupelo MS
913. Gary Golden, Pontotoc , MS
914.Brian Elliott, Beloit , WI
915. Tonja Strode, Indianapolis , IN
916. Felicia Banks, Fishers Indiana
917. LaToya Carson, Indianapolis , IN
918. Dr CLF Crayton
919. JDP Trabue
920.La-Kita Williams, Indianapolis , IN
921..Alissa Napier, Indianapolis IN
922.Jason Napier, Indianapolis IN
923..Karen Easton , Indianapolis , In
924.Jim Easton, Indianapolis , In
925. Mary Spall
926 Gary Spall
927. Tina Noble
928. Tim Noble
929. Jackie Noble
930. Paige Noble
931. Mick Noble
932. Kathy Roe
933. Bob Roe
934. Lois Pines, IN
935. Vickie Shields, IN
936. Sylvia McIntire, IN
937. Wilma J. Neal, IN
938. Betty Walston, In
939. Sheri Bryant, IN
940. Judy Roberts, IN
941. Randy Goins, IN
942. Karen McMaster, IN
943. Emily Elick, IN
944.Arielle Dean, IN
945. Belinda Dean, IN
946. Beverly Moore, AL
947.Jimmy Watts
948.Leatrice Watts
949.Latisha Watts
950.Tyshya Watts
951.Jimmy Watts. Jr
952.Crystal Watts
953.Alexis Watts Lee
954.Marlin Harris
955.Karen Robertson (By His stripes you are healed!!!!!!)
957.Annie Blakeney
958.Nicole McFerren (Lansing, IL) I am praying for total healing and it is so in Jesus' name. God Bless you for doing this and yes prayer changes things.
959.Charlene Baptiste
960. Stephanie Tolliver
961.Cary L. Joseph
962.Paula Joseph
963. Leroy Washington
964. Macherrell Washington
965Lisa Mahlmeister
966. Billie S, - Houston, TX - Prayer has carried me through 5 years of serious illessl Keep the faith. - prayer is powerful, live one day at a time, thank God for each day, and He will provide for you.
968 Paul and Tamie Coontz Louisiana
969.Pappy Chustz Louisiana
970.Harold Guillot Lafayette,Louisiana
971.Reed and Flita Chenevert -Louisiana
972.Troy and Betty Fukcher, Louisiana
973.C Daniel
974.Nita D.( La.)My Prayer Are With You



Special Prayer Request from Peggy Lesley at Brookwood Church . I am starting a signing for my son's best friend who has cancer (Hodgkin's Lymphoma). He is 11 years old and is not doing well at all. He was diagnosed with this cancer 2 weeks ago and the tumor is next to his jugular vein and entwined in it. It has moved his wind pipe over a inch, making it hard for him to breathe. The tumor is the size of a large eggplant and is sitting right above his heart. This little boy needs all the prayer he can get. I would like you to sign this, say a little prayer and pass it on to as many people as you can. Once we get to a thousand people can you please send this back to me at: (Contact angel for email) When I get the 1000 people that have signed it. I am going to print this up for my sons best friend and show him how many people care and how many people a re praying for him to get better. If you have a heart at all, yo u will all do this for me. I love this
child as though he is my own and we really need all the prayers!
Thank you, Peggy
Lesley - Brookwood Church
4th and 5th grade
Volunteer Coordinator
Hit FORWARD and Add your name to the bottom of the list or as you scroll through the list fill in a spot that was missed and send it out to as many people as you can and pray for him!
1. Dawn Thumm-Blythe
2. Susan Dodge
3. Glen Dodge
4. Mary Korbe
5.. Carol Halstead
6. Melonie Story
7. Peggy Davis
8. Tracy Buchanan
9... Melissa Preston
10. Dionne Wilson
11. B. Peebles
12.. Kimberly Jones
13. Karen Baldwin
14. Nancy Woodard
15.. Cristi Dodge
16. Susan Thomas
17. Bonny Wiggins
18. Michelle McLain
19. Lanee Jones
20. Cindy Albert
21. Pat Park
22. Gloria Carter
23. Barbara Nichols
24. Jamie Garcia
25. Mary Bunn
26. Susie Blunt
27. Latanya Hughes
28. Margie Robinson
29. Nicole Robinson
30. Rosie M.. Ross
31. Sharon Eustice
32. Jackie Canter
33. Andrea Black
34. Jennifer Plyman
35. Jill Hayes
36. Rita Plank
37. Chad Plank
38.. Teresa Frost
39. Steve Frost
40. Cindy Dickerson
41. Tracy Higginbotham
42. Lisa Walker
43. Malinda Hight 44. Sharon Hogan
45.. Joan Watkins
46. Connie Ledford
47. Lisa Adams
48. Tonya Cannon
49. Jan Whitaker
50. Debbie Champion
51. Susan Harris =0D
52. Carol McLaughlin
53. Bebe Burkhardt
54. Cheryl and John ny Wilson (also a Lymphoma patient)
55.. Linda Clark
56. Tom Clark
57.. Kathryn Gale
58. Valerie Zequeira
59. Cali Zequeira
60.. Jeff Glick
61. Barry and Kay Roberts
62.. Jessica Roberts
63.. Jamie Roberts
64. Kelly , Staci, Kelsi, Mackenzie & Sidney Olcott
65. Heather, Lee, Riley and Jackie Taylor
66. Michelle K alb
67. Ted Kalb
68. Cord, Ragan, Cooper & Camden
69.. Craig, Melissa, CJ, Mary & Trent
70. The Creed Family-Chris, Amy,Brooks and Campbell
71. Jeff and Laurie Weber
72. Paul and Lori Webre-(parents to a leukemia survivor love and hugs to > you!)
73. Cathy Stanfield - mom to 'Sabrina' - dx rhabdo at age 14
74. Pat Boyle - mom to 'Sean' - d x rhabdo at age 17
75. Debbi e Frank
76.. Mark and Wendy Collier-parents to Andy leukemia survivor
77. Kathy Pope--Breast cancer survivor
78. Georgia Philpot
79.. Steven Smith
80. Jessica Smith
81. S.Christian
82. D. McGee
83. B. Davis
84. S. Sutton
85. B. Williford
86. T. S.Williams
87.. J. L. Elias
88. B. J. Sanders
89. Alona Henry
90. Allen Filer
91. Terry LeBlanc
92. Sheila LeBlanc
93.. Elesha LeBlanc
94. Reed LeBlanc
95. Vickie Moor
96. Michelle Ham
97. Billy Ham
98.. L Young ---- Breast Cancer Survivor
99.. J Young
100. J. Myres -- Mom to a Hodkins survivor, now in remission!!
101. Curtis and Peggy Koehn
102. Laura Butts
103. Brooke Gust
104. Linda Kemp
105. Sherralind Poehl
106.. Ginger Schultz
107. Joe Schultz
108. Ginger Randermann
109. Amy Reeves
110. Brenda Reeves
111. Audrey Hawkins
112.. Joette Boyer
113. Melanie Jack s on
114. Kortney Rivera
115. Heather Snively
116. Shannon Young
117. Al Studebbaker
118. Herta Adams
120. Kerri L. Ramos
121. Pat ricia Ramos
122. Rosbel Ramos
123... Della Ramos
124. Whitnee Ra mos
125.. Lillian Guidry
126. Dorine Allen
127. Rohte Winthrop
128. Jo Ann Kirsch
129. Lori Cesarek
130. Sunhui Cash
131. Pat Holton
132. Paula De Lucia
133.. Angela I.
134. Alison Dominguez
135. Schlinke Family
136.. Lynn Beasley
137. Kalmba ch Family
138. Casey Clifton
139. Connie Berry
140. Beverly Becker
141. Steve Williams
142. Barbara Funderburg
143.. Carol Ann Durocher
144. Wanda Tucker
145. Kristen Kridner
146. Sophia Noland
147. Holly Bryan
148. Kristen Bryan
149. Peggy Morton
150. Tammy Leopold
151. Terry Blackmon
152. J.D. Blackmon
153. Anthony Fisher
154. Brenda Towns
155. Bonnie Davis
156. Jo A=2 0n n Farrell
157. Amanda Walker
158... Edith Bayless
159. Kitty Granger
160. Justin Bounds
161.. Dan Moore
162. Bob by George
163. Randal Larr
164.. Mike Barbour
165. Phyllis Barbour
166. Anita
167... Mendy Kiolbassa
168. Leah Bolin
169. Carla Stricklin
170... Wayne Sandlin
171.. Terri Bennefield
172. John ny Bennefield
173... Sandra Bronson
174. Robert Bronson
175. Bob by Bronson
176. Patricia Bronson
177. Vine mont Church of God, Vinemont Alabama
178. Riverside Baptist Church , Hanceville Alabama
179. Kim Widner
180.. Al Widner
181. Stephanie Buchanan, Cullman Alabama
182. Victor Buchanan,Cullman Alabama
183. Baeleigh Rodriguez Gadsden, Alabama
184. Nick Howare, Cullman Alabama
185. Andrew Buchanan,> Cullman Alabam a
186. Benjamin Buchanan, Cullman Alabama
187. Wendi Howard
188. Aaron McCray
189. Jill Burgett
190. Ronda Hitt, Blountsville , Alabama
1 9 1. Robert Collier, Haleyville , Alabama
192. Marilyn Folan , Arizona
193. Andrea McCullar, Haleyville , Alabama
194.. Lance McCullar, Haleyville , Alabama
195. Elaine Childers, Quantico , Virginia
196. Chris Childers, Quantico , Virginia
197.. Carl Kauffman, Haleyville , AL
198. Dorene Kauffman, Haleyville, A
199. Jennifer John son, Haleyville Alabama
200. Ken McGough, Haleyville , Alabama
201.. Tracy McGough, Haleyville , Alabama
202. Vickie Aaron, Haleyville , Alabama
203... Gary Aaron, Haleyvlle Alabama
204. susan king haleyville, alabama
205. nathaniel k ing haleyville, alabama
206. Jenna Newby Childs Baldwyn , MS
207. Megan Cagle Hargett
208. Susan Scott
209. Whitney Newman , GA
210. Chandler New man , GA
211... Crawford Newman , GA
212. Austin Newman , GA
213. Ramsey Lawrence , GA
214. Bra ntlee Lawrence .. GA
215. Lawson Lawrence , GA
216. Logan Lawrence , GA
217. Clay Lawrence , GA
218. Evelyn Lawrence , GA
219. Hilary Bennett-Albany , GA
220. Be rt Bennett-Albany , GA
221.. Ford Bennett- Albany , GA
222. Bo B ennett-Albany , GA
223. Chris Cuumings , AL
224. Keith Cummings , AL
225. Richard Cummings , AL
226. William Cummings , AL
227. Davis Cummings , AL
228. Phyllis Kirk , AL
229. Ginny Landrum AL
230... Ph yllis Roberts , AL
231. Priscilla Collums , AL
232. Vickey Mann , AL
233. rossi, toni, al
234. Helen Smith , AL
235. P atsy Stewart , AL
236... George Stewart , AL
237... Maryshay Ray 2
238. Christopher Ray
239. Gerald Stearns
240. Nonnie Stearns
241. Byron Meadows
242. Christy Meadows
243. Luke Meadows
244.. Haley Robinson
245. Trent Ezekiel
246... Christina Brown
247. Bo Brown
248. Amanda Nelson
249.. Zach Nelson
250. Drake Nelson
251. Brad McDonald
252. Natalie Jones
253.. Christopher Jones
254. Leslie James
255. CeDarius James
256. Nikesha Martin
257. Dee Martin
258. Nellie Youngblood
259.. Joe Youngblood
260. Laquitta Smith
261. Elizabeth Butts
262. Ronald Butts
263. Chance Butts
264. Debra Hill
265. Wesley Hill
266.. Ashley Haire
267. Robert Hill
268. Ragan Lockhart
269.. Elijah Lockhart
270. Alexis Lockhart
271. Betty Hunt, Lincoln Alabama
272. Wendy Elmore
273. Kenny & Rachel Rowell (niece to Aus Davis just diagnosed with leukemia), Cordova , AL
274. Cindy Scott
277. Myste Kennedy
278. Gay Wilson
279. George Sanders
280. Patsy Sanders
281... Michelle McCoy
282. Laura Davis
283. Christy Kincaid
284. Angie Kincaid
285. Becky Timmons
286. Sarah Anderson
287. Tabetha Terry
288. Katie Mabry, God Bless
289. Melanie Clark
290. Luella Westmoreland
291. Vickie Westmoreland
292.. Daniel Shew
293. T im Collins
294.. Donna Collins
295. Melanie Warden
296. Richard Warden
297. James Warden
298. Elizabeth Warden
299. Paula McBride (God Be With Your Family)
300. Dwayne McBride
301. Rebecca McBride
302. Hannah McBride
303.. Sarah McBride
304. Elizabeth McBride
305. Jensen Gauldin
306. Anita McHone
307. Darrin Mchone
308. Debbie McHone
309. Jimmy McHone
310.. Carol Reid
311. Paula Reid
312. The Morris Family ( oak Ridge , NC )
313. Dana Morris & Jeremy( Kernersville , NC )
314. Judy Peters
315. Ann Shore
316. Rae Fox
317. Terry Austin
318. Darrell Austin
319. Dana Parham
320. Billy Parham
321. Allison Reece Griffin
322. Stephanie Hitt ( Myrtle Beach , SC )
0A323. Mark Passon ( Myrtle Beach , SC )
324. Braden Passon ( Myrtle Beach , SC
325. Donna Barnhill ( Myrtle Beach , SC )
326. Michelle Fowler ( Conway , SC )
327. Erin Fowler 334
328. Hel e n Larrimore
329. Delbert Larrimore
330. Kari Blanton
331. Bryttani Blanton
332.. Anna Gore ( Hartsville , SC )
333. Blaire Rogers ( Hartsville , SC )
334.. Sherrie Krajack ( Hartsville , SC )
335. Wendy Shuler, Hartsville , SC
336. Tabathia Robinette, Hartsville , SC
337. Barbara Wilks, Hartsville , SC
338. Margaret C. Wild, Patrick , SC
339. Sheila Grant , SC
340. Angela Jones, Hartsville , SC
341. Wanda McCoy Darlington ,20SC
342. Tara Jackson, Darlington , SC
343. Haile y McCoy, Darlington , SC
344.. Angie Bryant, Society Hill , SC
345. Jeff Bryant, Society Hill , SC
346. Harold Bryant, Society Hill , SC
347. Matt Smith, Timmonsville , SC
348. Olivia Smith, Timmonsville , SC
349. Mark Smith, Scranton , SC
350. Jennifer Smith, Scranton , SC
351. Teresa Chewning Cheraw , SC
352. Kathy Grooms - Cheraw , SC
353. Valencia Frazier - Cheraw , SC
354. Peggy Scott-Styles - Farrell , P A
355. Donna Thomas
356. Brittany Darby- God Bless you, your family and friends!! Prayer is such a powerful gift!!
357. Klay Lawler
358.. Joni Darby - Our thoughts and prayers are with you
359.. Cindy Wetzel - Salem , OH
360. Robin Weyant-Salem , Ohio
361. Claudia Orsb urn East Palestine , Ohio
362. Linda Boyle Wellsville , Ohio
363. Steve Allen Monroe, Ga
364. Patty Allen Monroe, Ga
365. Dee Whitaker, Oxford , GA
366... Bob Whitaker, Oxford , GA
367. Amy Allen, Covington , GA
368. Patrick Allen, Covington , GA
369. Michelle Tyre loganville ga
370. John Tyre
371. Pam Wells, North Pole, Alaska
372. Shannon King
373.. Aaron King
374. Kim McCart
375. Lance McCart
376. Cathy Lane , Loganville GA
377. Jerry Lane , Loganvile
378. Renee' Koch Hogansville Ga
379. Jerry Koch Hogansville Ga
380. Roger South Blountsville Al
381. Ronda South, Blou ntsville , AL
382. Holly Watson, Blount s ville , AL
383. Shannon Ritchie
384. Mary Bledsoe
385. Ann Cohen
386.. Gay Jacobs
387. Wanda Elkourie, Hoover , AL
388. Paul Elkourie, Hoover , AL
389. Jessica Elkourie, Hoover , AL
390. Sandie Elkourie
391.. Fred Elkourie
392. Adele Fowler
393. Lynn Fowler
394. Terry Eatman
395. Laura Zargo, Trussville , AL
396. John Zargo, Trussvi lle , AL
397. Brittany Purvis, Margaret, AL
398. Jeremy Purvis, Margaret, AL
399. Chandler Purvis, Margaret, AL
400... Heather Boies
401. Phyllis Roddam, Birmingham , AL
402.. Debbie Hammett - Southside , AL
403. Danny Hammett - Southside , AL
404. Penny Carden
405. Brooke Campbell
406. Levi Campbell
407. Martha Carden
408. Ricky Campbell
409.. Lori Knepper
410. Scott Fricker
411. Brandi Winningham,Southside, Al
412. Brian Winningham-Southside, Al
413. ... Laurie Ford-Glencoe , AL
414. Darrell Ford-Glencoe , AL
415. Carol Lee - Al..
416.. Glorisa Reason - AL
417. Keith Reason - AL
418.. Gloria Wood - AL
419. Larry Wood - AL
420.. Jinell Brittain - Alabama
421. Lesli Shaddix - AL
422... Lisa Miller-Alabama
423. J.. Foster - Bham Alabama
424. Phoebe Waldrop - Birmingham , AL
425.. Sherry Hallmark - Graysville , AL
426.. Kristin Martin-Birmingham , AL
427. LaShunta Boler - Alabama
428. Nick Boler - Alabama
429. Rebecca Snoddy , Alabama
430. C. Griffin , Alabama
431. W. Gantt , Alabama
432. Kaye Gaddy, Alabama
433. Janet Simmons , Georgia
434.. Jennifer Watson, Atmore , Alabama
435. Kay Burnham, Brewton , AL
436. Art Lynn . Alabama
437. Lynn Lynn, Brewton , AL
438. Tara Cook, D FS , FL
439. Yvonne Nolen Brewton,Al
440.. Larry Nolen Brewton,Al.
441. Charles Frazier Brewton, AL .
442. Mary Frazier Brewton, AL .
443.. Kay Wisely-Gilbertsville , KY
444. Peggy Reinhart, Mattoon , IL
445.. Mary Welton, Windsor , IL
446. Angie Sanford, Huntsville , AL
447. Connie Hendrix , Washington , DC
448. Linda Means
449.. Gerald Means
450.. Corey Means
451... Gwen Wills
452. Gedra L. Butler
453.. Carl J. Butler
454. Pauline Giardina
455. Donna Giardina(a cancer survivor three times - Trust in God)
456.. Cindy Snyder
457. Marilyn Ott (14 year cancer survivor)
458.. Anne Hancock ( 12 year cancer survivor)
459.. Carol Hancock
460. Doris Beck , GA. . (Best Wishes)
461. Jean Aker, Albany , Ga (God bless you richly)
462. Pete Aker, Albany > , Ga. (45 year cancer survivor)
463. Helen Durham, Somerville , Tn (GOD will bless you)
464. Dan Durham, Somerville , Tn. (Hang in there Littl> Buddy)
465. Susan Williams, Valrico , FL
466. Cathy Key, Gardendale , ALC2
467. Genna Gregg, McCalla , AL
468. Connie Wallace B'ham, Al
469. Robbie Carroll, Hoover , AL
470. Al Potts, Shannon, Al
471. Paula Cost Manle y - Vestavia Hills Al.
472. Dian Hatton, Chelsea, Al.
473. Beverly Rodgers
474. Tina Ashford, Warriro , AL
475. Richard Wyatt
476. Thorin Shambray (God is able)
477. Lenetta Reese (Prayer changes things, as well as people).
478. Cheryl Boswell and family (God is GREAT!!)
479. Yvonne Crenshaw, Helena, AL
480. Dietriche' L.. Nolen, Birmingham , AL (By Jesus stripes, you are healed)
481... Brandon Nolen, Birmingham , AL
482. Clark and Susan Nolen, Birmingham , AL
483... Valerie Hicks Powe
484. James Hicks
485. Cora Hicks
486. Cynthia Watson
487. Lovan Watson
488. Damon Watson
489. Tora Davis
490. Coral Guice
491. Ouida Moore-Cain
492.. Helen Davenport
493.. Teresa Brown
494. Jeremy Brown
495. Joh nny Davenport
496... Glen Davenport
497. Kadiance Brown
498. Bob by Davenport
499. Kim Davenport
500. Shonda Davenport
501. Brady Davenport
502. Cherlynn Hallman
503. Zac k Hallman
504 . Alex Hallman
505. Winona Weaver
506. Connie Appling- Montevallo, Al
507. Bill Rivers - Birmingham , Al
508. Kim Dease - Birmingham , Al
509. 20Chris, Diana , Meg & Jake Rivers - Birmingham , AL
510. Dunbar family
511. Lucy, Bill, Will and Jonah Rice - Birmingham , AL
512. Lisa Brown - Trussville , AL
513. Angela Buzbee
514. Courtney20Buzbee
515... Kayla Buzbee
516. David Buzbee
517. Kathy Oglesby - Alabama
518. Katie Oglesby - Alabama
519. Austin Oglesby - Alabama
520. Misty Compton - Alabama
521. Charlotte Dyer - Alabama
522. Paula Stewart, Birmingham , AL
523. Jeri Robinson
524. Jamie Wilson
525. Susan Rocheser
526. Mike Rochester
527. Phil Holmes
528. Libby Holmes
529. Sherman Cobb
530. Deanna Guthrie
531. Tammy Savage
532. Tracy Reed
533. Allen Reed
534. Nicole Stewart
535.. Gordon Stewart
536. Suzanne Vernon
537. Jeff Verno n
538. Sheila Buckner Monson
539. Shawn Monson
540. Sullivan Waldrip
541. Alecia Rowe
542. Bob by Rowe
543. Kimberly Hill
544. Brenda Scoggins
545. Keshia Horton
546.. Diane Sybert
547. Malcolm Sybert
548. Juanita Owens
549. Horace Owens
550. Kris Owens
551. Sandy Owens
552. Josh Owens
553. Carrie Owens
554. Amanda Jackson
555.. Josh Jackson
556. Kenzie Price
557. Darren Woods
558. Jennifer Wood s
559. Lindsey Woods
560. Chelsey Woods
561. Krystle Wood
562. Heather James
563.. Stephanie Miller
564. Broo ke Kennon
565. Rae Kennon
566... Terry Parker
567. Elisha Nelson & Family
568. Dustin, Brandye, Ethan, Mary and Willi am Lucas
569.. John ie,Michelle, John ie, and Justin BROOKS
570.. Lawana Marrow
571. Reba Speck
572. Sandy Hubbard
573. Gilda Russo..
574. Jere Gale
575. Cecile Hannafors
576.. The Neal Family
577. The Youngblood F amily
578. Kim Miles
579. Michael Miles
580. Adrian Miles
581. Christopher Miles
582. Kay Walker
583. Brenda Veazey
584. Liz Cole
585. Debbie Merchant
586. Lynn Colpack
587. Freda Britton
588. kim Gragg
589. Phillip Deason
590. Patsy Beard Moody20Al.
591. Rosa Hill , AL
592. Beth Pool-Leeds , AL
593. Becky Mackey - Leeds AL
594. Jennifer Friend - Leeds , AL
595. Veronica Friend - Clay , Alabama
596... April Nichols ??" Warrior, Alabama
597.. Serena Wesley ??" Trussville , AL
598. Debbie Prince Trussville, Al
599.. Judy Shinn, Savannah , GA
600. Kimberly Key, Birmingham , AL
601. Cindy Stieg, Moody, AL
602. Danielle Collar, Birmingham , AL
603. Robin Groom, Madison, AL
604. Sherri Waller, Knoxville , TN
605. Marty Waller, Knoxville , TN
606. Angie Wolfe, Knoxville , TN
607. Homer Wolfe, Knoxville , TN
608. Shaye O'Neal, Knoxville , TN
609. Darryl O'Neal, Knoxville , TN
610. Kathy Swann, Knoxville , TN
611. Doris Crowell, Atlanta , GA
612. Angie Trantham, Lilburn , GA
613. Irene Scott, Hampton , GA
614. Donna Hill, Hampton , GA
615. Ashley Karlsen, Hampton , GA
616. Sharon McKeehan
617. Barbara Sanders Zebulon, Ga
618. Janet Thayer Zebulon, Ga
619. Tabatha Sq uires- Newnan , GA
620. Debbie Jackosn-Gray , GA
623. Michelle Plumley, Locust Grove , Ga.
624. Nikki Rogers McDonough GA
625. Gena, Pat, Kaitlyn, Kenzie, and Patrick Murphy-- Simpsonville , SC Member of Brookwood.
626. Tish, Rob, Taylor, Ashley & Ella Ford~attend Brookwood
627. Mike Schaefer - Heidelberg Germany
628. Tim and Kitty Collins Watkinsville , GA
629. Paul and Diane Boykin Watkinsville , GA
630. Benjamin and DeLane Gossett-- Colbert , Ga.
631. John and Ann Col c lough Penfield , Ga. .
632. Ron & Sandi Beacham, Winder, Ga
633. Joyce & Charles Shores Winder, Ga.
634. Joan Hill Sanford , NC
635.. Randy Hill Sanford,NC
636. Beth Cameron Sanford NC God Bless this family and help them thru this very difficult time
637. John & Terry Caddell Carthage , N.C. .
638. Phil & Diana Graham 44430
639.. Melony Graham, Belcamp , MD
640. SGM Kenneth Graham, APG , MD
641. Janet & Eric Swartzentruber, West End , NC <><
642. Louis & Wanda Tafta Ninety Six, SC
643.. Sandra Boles Greenwood , SC
644. Faye Rush Greenwood, SC
645. Tonya Gamble Greenwood , SC
646. Kelli Mitchell & amp; family Donalds, SC
647.. VIckie Keown
648. Phil Keown
649. Lake Russell Baptist Church Family
650. Dawn Simpson
651. Bootsie Gilliam, Abbeville , SC
652. Jane Stone, Donalds, SC
653. Eddy & Terri Stone, Donalds, S.C..
655. The Stewarts, Gre e nwood , =2 0 S.C..
656.. The Copeland Family of Laurens , SC ----my oldest son also has this type cancer----it came back after aftering Time of 15 years of being cancer free. God bless this child and his family.
657. Rick and Anita Garrett, Laurens , SC
658. Brandi Garrett, Greenwood , SC
659. Laurie Radke, Charlotte , NC
660. Julie Gaines
661. Anna Makar, Beaufort SC
662. Allison Cobb
663. MaryRose Kopchinsky
664. Ginger Villanti - ( Charlotte , NC - Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Board Member; 11 years cancer free from Hodgkin?s disease)
665. Ann Bellinger
666. Denna Watson, Jeffersonville , IN
667. Jennifer Anderson Louisville ,KY
668. Juli Norton Louisville, KY
669.. Helen Heustis, Louisville , KY
670. Kathy Heustis, Walton , Ky
671. Pat Colyer, Mentor , Ky
672. Mary Eicher, Highland Heights , KY
673. Carol e Kaiser, Alexandria , KY
674. Rick Kaiser, Alexandria , KY
675. Dan Long, Ft. Thomas , Ky.
676. Ginger Leppert, Waxhaw , NC
677. Dean Nikodemski,
678. Julie Nikodemski,
679. Mia Nikodemski,
680. Chandler Nikodemski Charlotte , NC
681. Jeff cornatzer
682. Linda Henslee - Charlotte , N.C.
683... Tinker Dalton - G reensboro , N.C. (cancer survivor)
684. Pam Orrell Greensboro Grandmother of 8 year o ld Corbin who has brain cancer
685.. Brenda Cordero - Greensboro , N.C.
686... Dayle Vogler - Pleasant Garden, NC
687. ed vaughn - greensboro ,nc
688. ed marsh - greensboro , nc
689. Pauletta Faucette - Non-Hodkins Lymphoma survivor in remission, Greensboro , NC
690. Sandy Stewart
691. Marcie Blizzard
692... donna cooke
693.. Yvette Willis
694. Kimberly Pendergrast
695.. Betty Leonard
696. Bob Sigmon Charlotte NC
697. Ron Thompson, Spartanburg SC
698. Curtis John son, Mobile AL
699. L. Hardman, Mobile , AL
700. P.. Storey, Atlanta , GA
701. P. Carver, Atlanta , GA
702. M Eales, Cumming , GA
703. C Eales, Cumming , GA
704. M Price, Gainesville , GA
705. S. Crespo, St. Augustine , FL
706. A. Crespo, St. Augustine , Fl
707. A. Polk, Jacksonville , Fl.
708. C.. Polk, Jacksonville , Fl..
709. K. Thompson Jacksonville , Fl
710. A. Thomspson Jacksonville, Fl
711. M... Olson Jacksonville , FL
712. N. Olson Jacksonville , FL
713. S. Bowen Jacksonville , FL
714. Elke Glass, Middleburg , FL
715. Angelika Green, Bamberg , Germany
716... Barb Clark , Montana
717. David Clark , Montana
718. Jennilee Bird , Montana
719... Cory Bird , Montana
720. Amanda Domino , Montana
721.. Jim Domino, Montana
722. Dolores Eustice , Montana
723. Evelyn A belin
724. Chris Smith , Montana
725.. Colleen Snell, Montana
726. Mary20Beth Creel, Helena MT
727. Debbie M. Helena , MT
728. Angela Murolo Helena, MT
729. Kara S. Helena, Montana
730. Brandy Spangler- Helena , Montana
731.. Bradley Moden-Helena , Montana
732. Rena Spangler, Helena , Mt
733. Bob Spangler, Helena , Mt.
734. Julie Hadley- Montana
735. Ty Vermillion- Montana
736. Lynne Hadley- Montana
737. Kristin G..- Helena , MT
738. Kristan Barbour, Helena , MT
739. Holter Barbour, Helena , MT
740. Deakon Barbour, Helena , MT
741. Tom Hall - Helena , MT
742. Sarah Steward-Helena,Mt
743. Kathy Bahny - Helena , MT
744. Diana Fiedler, Helena , MT
745. Carol Horrobin, Ellensburg , WA
746.. Mary Kay McPhilllips, Ellensburg , WA
747. Pat McPhillips, Ellensburg , WA
748.. H. Lackey, Selah, WA
749. Ruthanne Cortez - Selah , WA
750. Amy Hajighassem-Virginia Beach , VA
751. Mohssen Hajighassem-Virginia Beach , Va
752. Stefanie Barone- Lemoore, Ca
753. Victor Barone- Lemoore,=2 0Ca
754. Frank Schiavo- Temecula, CA
755. Bob bie Schiavo- Temecula, Ca
756. Ellen Jaeggi - Frazier Park, Ca
757. Darryl Jaeggi - Frazier Park, Ca
758. Jerry Haberlack- Frazier Park, CA
759. Diane Haberlack- Frazier Park, CA
760. Tom Fesler
761. Jo Fesler
762. Andriana Cota
763.. R.J. Castro
764. Madison Castro
765. Adrian Castro
766.. Gina Reyes
767. Joseph Reyes
768. Malory Reyes
769. Kristen Reyes
770... America Lopez
771. ver onica pena
772. Lisa Baeza
773. Olive Page
774. Rosa Valencia
775. Rosalinda Guzman
776. Rosa Palomarez
777. Marlene Torres
778. Norma Delgado
779. Gwenn Lawrence
780. Kim Lawrence
781. Christie Preisendorfer
782. Shauna Preisendorfer
783. Gary Preisendorfer
784. Dillon Preisendorfer
785. Lexi Preisendorfer
786. Hunter Preisendorfer
787. Dana Kinsey
788.. Kevin Kinsey
789. Todd Jacobson
790. Kylie jacobson
791.. Kelly Jacobson
792. Jeff and Angie Newman
793. Amy John son
794. Dave John son
795. Alexis John son
796. Raegan John son
797. Hailey Foley
798. Samantha Foley
799. Frank Godfrey Wenatchee Wa
800.. Kari Godfrey
801... Cole Godfrey
802. Gavin Godfrey
803. JenMelsness E. Wenatchee, WA
804. Andy Melsness
805. Matthew Melsness
806. Angela Anderson
807. Rachel Anderson
808. Melissa Anderson
809.. Regina Nunn
810. Rebecca Weythman
811. Alex Weythman
812. Alicia Hastings
813. Brittni Hastings
814. Kris Weythman
815. Valarie Weythman
816. Krista Weythman
817. Jayde Weythman
818. Shyanna Weythman
819. Mary Grable
820. Jerry Grable
821. Alvin Clemons
822. Debbie Vaughan
823. Donna Tesner
824. Ray Sturgill
825. Roy Hickey
826. Darlene Hickey
827. Brent and Jean Dills
828. Dave and Caree Marcum
829. cynthia tallman - ky
831. Jo & Wayne Scrivner, Tx.
832. Doug & Bren da Vanderford , TX (Trust in HIM)
833. Madeleine Vessels, TX
834. Wayne & Nan Fuller (Wayne 5yrs. cancer free)
835.. Aubrey & Linda Locke , TX .
836. Ben & Charlene Forshee, TX
837.. James & June Parrish, TX
841. Brenda Robertson
842. Donald Robertson
843. Paige Pelton , Texas
844. Jenny Micheletti, Texas
845. Gwen Sarno , Texas
846. Lisa John ston , Texas
847. Sara Bleiberg , Texas
848. Patsy Smith , Georgia
849. Dede Grier , Georgia
850. Mary Turcotte , Mississippi
851. Carol e Scarborough , Georgia
852. Thelma Moore , Tennessee
853. Ethel Adler , Texas
854. Maggie Saucedo , Texas
855. wanda brewer, texas
856. Theresa Hamilton , TX
857. Michelle Mooring , TX
858. Sandra Kretzschmar , TX
859.. Richard Kretzschmar , TX
860. Ben Cain , TX
861. Amy Cain , TX
862. Mike Rushing, TX
863. Jennifer Rushing, TX
864. Cathy Nielsen
865. Julianna Boxwell
866. Kim Bartholomaus
867. Carol Bonaccorso
868. Barbara Taylor
869. Kathy Cherry
870. Connie Gibson
871. Susan Willis
872. Betty Lyon
873. Cathey McCoy
874. Mike James
875. Lauri Jones
876. Ellamae Elder
877.. Elaine Malone
878. Linda Kay
879.. Melissa Pogue
880.. Janet Slaughter
881. Melissa Smith
882. Mary Smith - Alabama
883. Jeannie Walters, Jacksonville , Al..
884. Lila Hamilton, Anniston , AL .
885. Brenda M cAdams, Jasper, AL
886. Donna McMurray,Jasper, Al.
887. Deborah Harris Jasper , AL
888.Larry Harris Jasper, Al
889.NANCY HARRIS, DORA , ALABAMA (Praying for you:)
890.DAVID HARRIS, DORA , ALABAMA (Don't Lose Hope)
891..Reba Barton, Jasper, Al JJesus loves you J
892. Toni Newburn - Keep fighting - Jasper, AL
893. Mark Newburn - God Bless - Jasper, AL
894. Tracy Farley. God heals everyday, you will be healed by Him too.. Trust in only Him.- Jasper, Al
895.Aimee Guin - (Praying for you) Northport, Al
896.Alicia Shelton - Meridian , MS
897..P.J. Barker(they'll be in my prayers)
898.Carrie Lynn Gunn Enterprise, MS
899. Catherine Brooks Meridian,MS
900. Alyson Warren Sebastopol,MS
901. Dana Kitchens Porterville ,MS
902. Kristal Lane (praying for him) Lagrange , GA
903.Denise Grones, Madison , MS
904.Ashley Rea, Madison , MS
905. Sandy Rea, Nettleton , MS
906. Charles Morris, Nettleton , MS
907.Katie McKnight, Pontotoc , MS
908. Heather Frederick , MS
909. Keith Frederick , MS
910. Bradley Frederick , MS
911. Wanda Adams, Fulton, Ms (Non-Hodgkins)
912. Charlotte Williams, Tupelo MS
913. Gary Golden, Pontotoc , MS
914.Brian Elliott, Beloit , WI
915. Tonja Strode, Indianapolis , IN
916. Felicia Banks, Fishers Indiana
917. LaToya Carson, Indianapolis , IN
918. Dr CLF Crayton
919. JDP Trabue
920.La-Kita Williams, Indianapolis , IN
921..Alissa Napier, Indianapolis IN
922.Jason Napier, Indianapolis IN
923..Karen Easton , Indianapolis , In
924.Jim Easton, Indianapolis , In
925. Mary Spall
926 Gary Spall
927. Tina Noble
928. Tim Noble
929. Jackie Noble
930. Paige Noble
931. Mick Noble
932. Kathy Roe
933. Bob Roe
934. Lois Pines, IN
935. Vickie Shields, IN
936. Sylvia McIntire, IN
937. Wilma J. Neal, IN
938. Betty Walston, In
939. Sheri Bryant, IN
940. Judy Roberts, IN
941. Randy Goins, IN
942. Karen McMaster, IN
943. Emily Elick, IN
944.Arielle Dean, IN
945. Belinda Dean, IN
946. Beverly Moore, AL
947.Jimmy Watts
948.Leatrice Watts
949.Latisha Watts
950.Tyshya Watts
951.Jimmy Watts. Jr
952.Crystal Watts
953.Alexis Watts Lee
954.Marlin Harris
955.Karen Robertson (By His stripes you are healed!!!!!!)
957.Annie Blakeney
958.Nicole McFerren (Lansing, IL) I am praying for total healing and it is so in Jesus' name. God Bless you for doing this and yes prayer changes things.
959.Charlene Baptiste
960. Stephanie Tolliver
961.Cary L. Joseph
962.Paula Joseph
963. Leroy Washington
964. Macherrell Washington
965Lisa Mahlmeister
966. Billie S, - Houston, TX - Prayer has carried me through 5 years of serious illessl Keep the faith. - prayer is powerful, live one day at a time, thank God for each day, and He will provide for you.
968 Paul and Tamie Coontz Louisiana
969.Pappy Chustz Louisiana
970.Harold Guillot Lafayette,Louisiana
971.Reed and Flita Chenevert -Louisiana
972.Troy and Betty Fukcher, Louisiana
973.C Daniel
974.Nita D.( La.)My Prayer Are With You








Angelwings - Posts: 710
- Location: Louisiana
- Marital Status: Married
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