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Angel Encounters

Postby Angelwings » Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:14 pm

Fiddle Back Spider Bite :roll:
Submitted by Josie
My daughter Bethany, who had just turned 15, had a bite on her leg. We let a day or two go by before she started to really complain that it hurt so bad. When we took her to the doctor, they said it was a fiddle back spider bite. They gave her a shot that sent painful rays all over her body. She also started to swell in the area of the bite and it turned blue and green and yucky looking. We are very healthy Catholics and I tried to say my Rosary 3 or 4 times that day. She slept with me that night and I remember just crying that I felt so bad because she was my baby and I never really acted on her emergencies like I did with my two older boys who are off to college right now. I prayed and asked God to help her. She was in such pain. That night she woke up screaming "momma please don't leave me".

The next morning we looked at her spider bite and it was miracously healing. It was a little red, but nothing like the night before. She had a vein going all the way to the heart that had turned purple from her bite to her stomach. It's like all of a sudden the poison stopped. You can see it clear as day.

Over the next week her Dad and I were so happy that she healed so good. I remembered her nightmares and I asked her why she was having such bad nightmares. She said it wasn't a nightmare, but that someone was standing next to her beside the bed and she thought it was me and then realized it wasn't. She said they told her they were going to watch her and keep her safe all night. She said it was a lady with a metallic robe with a rope around it. That this person had the most beautiful face with makeup that looked so beautiful. She said they were short in stature and were wearing boots. She at first thought it was me because she would look over at me on the other side and I wasn't there. She said when this person would move, that a ray of light all around them would move with them. She really never talks about it, but now and then ask her more and more about that night and it makes me cry to really know in my heart that we all have guardian angels watching over us. My heart will never be the same anymore I will always pray to my guardian angel and my children's guardian angels for always *AngelYellow*

Angel Wisdom *Halo*

Raphael is the angel of prayer, love, joy, light, providence, and especially healing. He is the patron angel of the blind, of happy meetings, and of nurses, physicians, and travelers.
*AngelYellow* *AngelYellow* *AngelYellow* *AngelYellow*
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