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Angel Encounters

Postby Angelwings » Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:09 am

The Frozen Creek *Halo*
Submitted by Paula
My two boys, ages 11 and 14, were playing in the creek that runs along the roadside in front of our house right after a freezing spell. (Against their mother's wishes) I was asleep on the couch, when my youngest awoke me and told me this story. He first said, "Mom, an angel saved our lives." They were walking along the creek until they reached a deep part that had iced over. The youngest tried to walk on the ice and fell through down to his chest in this frigid water. The oldest, trying to get his little brother out, also slipped into the deep water as well. The youngest by this time was screaming hysterically that they were going to die. The oldest trying to calm him down as well as trying to get out. But he slipped right back in the deep each time he tried to get out. Out of nowhere, a jogger came by and pulled them out of the water. He said he had heard their screams. As the boys were pulled to safety, the jogger told my oldest to get his little brother home and out of his wet clothes right away. As they started walking by the roadside to go home, they turned to look back to see the direction this man went, and he was gone.

An angel saved my boys. *AngelYellow*

Angel Wisdom *Halo*

One day beside her bedside I was kneeling,
And angel wings were winnowing the air.
She heard the call for supper time in heaven,
And I know she's waiting for me there. *Halo*
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