Christianity Oasis Forum

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Praying for People

Postby Mercy » Wed Sep 17, 2008 2:24 am

A hospital chaplain visited a delightful old lady in the hospital. As he approached her bed he noticed that with the index finger of one hand she was touching, one by one, the fingers of the other, with her eyes closed. When the chaplain spoke to her she opened her eyes and said, "Ah, minister, I was just saying my prayers--- the prayers my grandmother taught me many years ago."

The chaplain looked puzzled, so she went on to explain, "I hold my hand like this, my thumb towards me. That reminds me to pray for those nearest to me. Then, there is my pointing finger, so I pray for those who point the way to others---teacher, leaders, parents. The next finger is the biggest so I pray for those in high places. After that comes the weakest finger---look it won't stand up by itself, so I pray for the sick and the lonely and the afraid. And this little one---well, last of all I pray for myself."

Isaiah 55:8
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
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Postby Angelwings » Wed Sep 17, 2008 10:24 am

*Hug9* Thank you Mercy that was soooooo beautiful. I'm so happy you post in my Forum. Remember *JesusLuvsU* God *BlessYou*
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