Christianity Oasis Forum

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Prayer Of The Day

Postby Angelwings » Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:21 pm

Prayer for Friends *Pray*

You have created us to live in community,
O God of love;
bless our friends who provide us
with the grace and love of an extended family.
Endow them with the riches of your blessings:
good health, sight, and mobility,
that they may enjoy the wonders of your creation
and share their delight with others.
Bless them with keen minds and compassionate hearts
that they may create a better life for all.
Guard them from injustice, oppression, and evil
that they may know freedom and hope lifelong.
In their waking and in their sleeping,
in their laughter and in their tears,
surround them with your love
until the end of their days;
and so bring them to eternal life in peace.
Through Jesus Christ, our Savior.
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