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Angelwings favorite bread pudding (yummy)

Postby Angelwings » Fri Jan 02, 2009 4:11 pm


ONE LARGE LOAF FRENCH BREAD(YOU CAN USE SLICE BREAD)3/4-C. RAISINS3-QTS. 2% MILK(i use parts of evap. milk)1-c. bourbon or rum12- eggs 1+1/2- c. sugar4- tsp. vanilla1-tsp. cinnamon1/2- tsp. nutmeg1/8-tsp grd. clove or all spice for pudding , spray 10x 15 baking dish or 2 smaller. tear bread into 1 inch pieces and arrange in prepared dish. sprikle w/raisins. process,milk,burbon,eggs,sugar,van.,and spices in bowl and mix w/elec.mixer or whisk and pour over bread. let stand 5 to 10 min. bake at 350 degrees for about 1+1/2 hrs . or till golden brown, cut into 2 to 3 in.sguares. while pudding bakes ,in a small boiler, bring to a boil; 1/4 stick butter 1/4 c.sugar 4 T.bourbon,4 T. water , boil about 2 to 3 min. and pour over baked & cut pudding, return to oven for about 2 min. * Sauce for pudding*1-lg. can evap. milk1- can water 2-c. milk boil on low, mean while,whisk ,2eggs1+1/2- tsp.cornstarch1-c. sugar1-tsp.vanilla1/2.tsp.almond extract pour into milk and whisk constantly till return to very hot temp. don't boil , will scorch easily.i added a little Rum at the end...Enjoy & Bon Appe'tit *Halo*
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