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Angel Poem

Postby Angelwings » Wed Nov 05, 2008 1:24 pm

Walking with an Angel Poem *AngelYellow*

Walking with an angel,
I do it every day
Your guardian angel is with you,
come what may.
Assigned by God,
and sent to watch over you
He's with you each day,
no matter what you do.

You don't believe,
you don't think this is so
He guards each step you take,
he wants you to know.
Ever been close to death,
just one step away,
Catch yourself saying,
boy was I ever lucky today.

Luck didn't do it,
whether you realize it or not
Protected in his arm's,
the Lord has not forgot
You don't believe,
you don't think this is so
He guards each step you take,
he wants you to know.

More times than you know,
death does knock
But your angel will protect,
if you're planted firmly on the rock.
The next time you come close,
take a good look around,
He may be right next to you,
or no where to be found.

You don't believe,
you don't think this is so,
He guards each step you take,
he wants you to know
You may or may not see him,
but he's always there
Remember that the next time
you miss death by a hair.

Do you need an angel,
do you know where to look
All the promises are given,
just read it in God's book.
You don't believe,
you don't think this is so
He guards each step you take,
he wants you to know

The minute you are saved,
you're assigned an angel of your own.
He will see you through,
till God calls you home.
On that day he will step forward
and take your hand,
He will lead you through the gate,
home to the promise land.
You don't believe,
you don't think this is so.
He guards each step you take,
he loves you, and wants you to know.
*Halo* *Halo* *Halo* *Halo* *AngelYellow* *AngelYellow* *Halo* *AngelYellow*
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