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Father's Love Letter
Father's Love Letter
An Intim ate Lette r
from God to You!
My Child ,
You may not know me,
but I know every thing about you.
Psalm 139: 1
I know when you sit down
and when you rise up.
Psalm 139: 2
I am famil iar
with all your ways.
Psalm 139: 3
Even the very hairs
on your head
are numbe red.
Matth ew 10: 29- 31
For you were made
in my image .
Genes is 1:27
In me you live
and move
and have your being .
Acts 17: 28
For you are
my offsp ring.
Acts 17: 28
I knew you even befor e
you were conce ived.
Jerem iah 1: 4-5
I chose you
when I plann ed creat ion.
Ephes ians 1: 11- 12
You were not a mista ke,
for all your days
are writt en in my book.
Psalm 139: 15- 16
I deter mined
the exact time of your birth
and where you would live.
Acts 17: 26
You are fearf ully
and wonde rfull y made.
Psalm 139: 14
I knit you toget her
in your mothe r's womb.
Psalm 139: 13
And broug ht you forth
on the day you were born.
Psalm 71:6
I have been misre prese nted
by those who don' t know me.
John 8: 41- 44
I am not dista nt
and angry ,
but am the compl ete
expre ssion of love.
1 John 4:16
And it is my desir e
to lavis h my love on you.
1 John 3:1
Simpl y becau se
you are my child
and I am your Fathe r.
1 John 3:1
I offer you more
than your earth ly fathe r
ever could .
Matth ew 7:11
For I am
the perfe ct fathe r.
Matth ew 5:48
Every good gift that you recei ve
comes from my hand.
James 1:17
For I am your provi der
and I meet all your needs .
Matth ew 6: 31- 33
My plan for your futur e
has alway s been fille d with hope.
Jerem iah 29: 11
Becau se I love you
with an everl astin g love.
Jerem iah 31:3
My thoug hts towar d you
are count less as
the sand on the seash ore.
Psalm s 139: 17- 18
And I rejoi ce over you
with singi ng.
Zepha niah 3:17
I will never stop
doing good to you.
Jerem iah 32: 40
For you are
my treas ured posse ssion .
Exodu s 19:5
I desir e to estab lish you
with all my heart
and all my soul.
Jerem iah 32: 41
And I want
to show you great
and marve lous thing s.
Jerem iah 33:3
If you seek me
with all your heart ,
you will find me.
Deute ronom y 4:29
Delig ht in me
and I will give you
the desir es of your heart .
Psalm 37:4
For it is I
who gave you
those desir es.
Phili ppian s 2:13
I am able to do
more for you
than you
could possi bly imagi ne.
Ephes ians 3:20
For I am your
great est encou rager .
2 Thess aloni ans 2: 16- 17
I am also the Fathe r
who comfo rts you
in all your troub les.
2 Corin thian s 1: 3-4
When you
are broke nhear ted,
I am close to you.
Psalm 34: 18
As a sheph erd
carri es a lamb,
I have carri ed you
close to my heart .
Isaia h 40: 11
One day
I will wipe away
every tear
from your eyes.
Revel ation 21: 3-4
And I'll take away
all the pain
you have suffe red
on this earth .
Revel ation 21: 3-4
I am your Fathe r,
and I love you
even as I love
my son, Jesus .
John 17: 23
For in Jesus ,
my love for you
is revea led.
John 17: 26
He is
the exact repre senta tion
of my being .
Hebre ws 1:3
He came
to demon strat e
that I am for you,
not again st you.
Roman s 8:31
And to tell you
that I am not
count ing your sins.
2 Corin thian s 5: 18- 19
Jesus died
so that you and I
could be recon ciled .
2 Corin thian s 5: 18- 19
His death was
the ultim ate expre ssion
of my love for you.
1 John 4:10
I gave up
every thing I loved
that I might gain
your love.
Roman s 8: 31- 32
If you recei ve the gift
of my son Jesus ,
you recei ve me.
1 John 2:23
And nothi ng
will ever separ ate you
from my love again .
Roman s 8: 38- 39
Come home
and I'll throw
the bigge st party
heave n has ever seen.
Luke 15:7
I have alway s been
Fathe r,
and will alway s be
Fathe r.
Ephes ians 3: 14- 15
My quest ion is
Will you be my child ?
John 1: 12- 13
I am waiti ng for you.
Luke 15: 11- 32
Your Dad

An Intim ate Lette r
from God to You!
My Child ,
You may not know me,
but I know every thing about you.
Psalm 139: 1
I know when you sit down
and when you rise up.
Psalm 139: 2
I am famil iar
with all your ways.
Psalm 139: 3
Even the very hairs
on your head
are numbe red.
Matth ew 10: 29- 31
For you were made
in my image .
Genes is 1:27
In me you live
and move
and have your being .
Acts 17: 28
For you are
my offsp ring.
Acts 17: 28
I knew you even befor e
you were conce ived.
Jerem iah 1: 4-5
I chose you
when I plann ed creat ion.
Ephes ians 1: 11- 12
You were not a mista ke,
for all your days
are writt en in my book.
Psalm 139: 15- 16
I deter mined
the exact time of your birth
and where you would live.
Acts 17: 26
You are fearf ully
and wonde rfull y made.
Psalm 139: 14
I knit you toget her
in your mothe r's womb.
Psalm 139: 13
And broug ht you forth
on the day you were born.
Psalm 71:6
I have been misre prese nted
by those who don' t know me.
John 8: 41- 44
I am not dista nt
and angry ,
but am the compl ete
expre ssion of love.
1 John 4:16
And it is my desir e
to lavis h my love on you.
1 John 3:1
Simpl y becau se
you are my child
and I am your Fathe r.
1 John 3:1
I offer you more
than your earth ly fathe r
ever could .
Matth ew 7:11
For I am
the perfe ct fathe r.
Matth ew 5:48
Every good gift that you recei ve
comes from my hand.
James 1:17
For I am your provi der
and I meet all your needs .
Matth ew 6: 31- 33
My plan for your futur e
has alway s been fille d with hope.
Jerem iah 29: 11
Becau se I love you
with an everl astin g love.
Jerem iah 31:3
My thoug hts towar d you
are count less as
the sand on the seash ore.
Psalm s 139: 17- 18
And I rejoi ce over you
with singi ng.
Zepha niah 3:17
I will never stop
doing good to you.
Jerem iah 32: 40
For you are
my treas ured posse ssion .
Exodu s 19:5
I desir e to estab lish you
with all my heart
and all my soul.
Jerem iah 32: 41
And I want
to show you great
and marve lous thing s.
Jerem iah 33:3
If you seek me
with all your heart ,
you will find me.
Deute ronom y 4:29
Delig ht in me
and I will give you
the desir es of your heart .
Psalm 37:4
For it is I
who gave you
those desir es.
Phili ppian s 2:13
I am able to do
more for you
than you
could possi bly imagi ne.
Ephes ians 3:20
For I am your
great est encou rager .
2 Thess aloni ans 2: 16- 17
I am also the Fathe r
who comfo rts you
in all your troub les.
2 Corin thian s 1: 3-4
When you
are broke nhear ted,
I am close to you.
Psalm 34: 18
As a sheph erd
carri es a lamb,
I have carri ed you
close to my heart .
Isaia h 40: 11
One day
I will wipe away
every tear
from your eyes.
Revel ation 21: 3-4
And I'll take away
all the pain
you have suffe red
on this earth .
Revel ation 21: 3-4
I am your Fathe r,
and I love you
even as I love
my son, Jesus .
John 17: 23
For in Jesus ,
my love for you
is revea led.
John 17: 26
He is
the exact repre senta tion
of my being .
Hebre ws 1:3
He came
to demon strat e
that I am for you,
not again st you.
Roman s 8:31
And to tell you
that I am not
count ing your sins.
2 Corin thian s 5: 18- 19
Jesus died
so that you and I
could be recon ciled .
2 Corin thian s 5: 18- 19
His death was
the ultim ate expre ssion
of my love for you.
1 John 4:10
I gave up
every thing I loved
that I might gain
your love.
Roman s 8: 31- 32
If you recei ve the gift
of my son Jesus ,
you recei ve me.
1 John 2:23
And nothi ng
will ever separ ate you
from my love again .
Roman s 8: 38- 39
Come home
and I'll throw
the bigge st party
heave n has ever seen.
Luke 15:7
I have alway s been
Fathe r,
and will alway s be
Fathe r.
Ephes ians 3: 14- 15
My quest ion is
Will you be my child ?
John 1: 12- 13
I am waiti ng for you.
Luke 15: 11- 32
Your Dad

Angelwings - Posts: 710
- Location: Louisiana
- Marital Status: Married
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