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My Saviour

Postby Angelwings » Sat Oct 04, 2008 5:19 pm

Wheelchair Walking !

What happened to me
To come to this place
Mobility gone
Disabled my race
All freedom gone
To run as I please
Where now my way
!What good ever be

Is there yet treasure
In some way to live
Find different eyes
A new life begin
Is God choosing me
To dwell deep within
Revealing sweet secrets
More love to give

A stillness to know
The song of a bird
The ponder of life
Eternal word
The value of breath
Time on this earth
God wanting me
Chosen from birth

Himself in my soul
No more asking why
But rest in His love
My heart satisfied

When we are suffering,
we plead for our Father's assurance that everything will be okay.
Suffering hearts need a person, not an answer
We can endure almost anything if we know God is right next to us.
God has good reasons for what He does,
and His answer to our suffering is Himself.

Shall we dance?
I rejoice with him whose pain my Saviour heals.
And I weep with him who still his anguish feels.
But earthly joys and earthly tears are confined to earthly years,
And greater good, the Word of God reveals.
In this life we have a cross that we must bear;
It's just a tiny part of Jesus' death that we can share.
And one day we'll lay it down, 'cause He's promised us a crown
To which our suffering can never be compared.

That's why Heaven is nearer to me, and at times it is all I can see.
Sweet music I hear, coming down to my ear,
And I know that it's playing for me.
For I am Christ the Saviour's own bride,
And redeemed I shall stand by His side.
He will say, Shall we dance? and our endless romance
Will be worth all the tears I have cried
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Postby Mackenaw » Sat Oct 04, 2008 6:48 pm

Hello Angelwings *hug*

What a beautiful poem and message. Thank you so very much for sharing, it touched me deeply.

God bless you, Angelwings.
Sister Mack
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