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Angel Encounters

Postby Angelwings » Thu Oct 02, 2008 2:18 pm


Angels, watch over my family: One of our sons, was going to a party to meet a friend and my wife told him not to go; he said that he was going and left in the car; as he was going down the highway, he felt angelic communications to the effect that he should turn around; he did not pay attention and was wondering who was he talking to? One exit before his required exit, he felt that someone turned the steering wheel and took the car out that exit; he then felt, that he should listen, and returned home; he relayed the story to us. We found out the next day, that there was a shooting at the party and his friend was killed. I guess, his guardian angel kept him from possibly being killed also. thank you Guardian Angel!

Another time, this same son, was going to meet a girlfriend in NC and his mother again warned him not to go; it was winter and himself or the car were not prepared for the journey. During that night, my wife had a vision, where she saw him stranded on a dark NC roads, in the cold and freezing. Again, she sent his guardian angel and other archangels to assist him. When he returned a few days later, my wife asked him if anything had happened on the road, and because he knows of her gifts, he said Yes and related to us this story. He had run out of gas on a dark road in the middle of the night, and it was very cold, he did not want to stay in the car, so he started walking; a big 16 wheeler came and told him that He WOULD TAKE HIM TO THE GAS STATION, GET SOME GAS. He took him there, gave him a gas can and waited for him, to return him to the car; as my son was putting the gas into his car, he turned around to say THANK YOU and the truck and all had disappeared without a sound or any loud noise from the truck engine. Another one of those angels in disguise.

Another son, was returning home late at night in his small sports car, when at a major intercession, someone ran the light and plunged into his side. The car had one of those iron cages that surround you; he looked in his rear view, as he was pinned very tightly and saw someone who kept telling him: 'Don't loose faith, someone is already on the way.' When the fire rescue people came, he told them that there was someone in the back seat and they said that there was NO ONE THERE! He knew then that it was an angel in disguise, keeping him from loosing his grip on the situation...saved his life! *AngelYellow*

*angelbounce* *angelbounce* *angelbounce* *angelbounce*

Angel Wisdom *Halo*
Sharing their boundless wisdom, guardian angels take us under their wings. Selflessly, they help guide us to the places in our lives that bring us joy and peace of mind. *AngelYellow*

Be an angel to someone today! It won't cost you anything but a thought! *Halo*
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