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Angelic Encounters

Postby Angelwings » Mon Sep 29, 2008 12:40 pm

Angel Wisdom *Halo*
Father, in praising Your faithful angels and archangels, we also praise your glory, for in honoring them, we honor You, their Creator. Their splendor shows us Your greatness, which surpasses in goodness the whole of creation. Amen. *AngelYellow*


God sent an angel *AngelYellow*
his hair was unkempt and he had on tennis shoes with no socks. He spoke very softly and was very evenly almost eerie in his soothing tone. He asked what had happened and when we told him he turned down into an alley. I was frightened. I thought that he was going to harm us. He pulled into the back of a garage and got out of the car. When he came back he had a set of jumper cables in his car. He took us to the car and told me to stay put and he would help my husband start the car. He did this and the meter had been running and still was. I did'nt know what to do. When he came back I said sir I only have 10.00 and he shut off the meter and just smiled at me and said don't worry about it. I told him to take it as he walked with me to my car. He opened the door and I got in while he turned and went back to the cab. My husband was cleaning windows while the car warmed. He got in and I said where did he go. My husband said he is right there and pointed in front of us. There was nothing no tracks , no footprints, except my husbands footprints and no tire marks. God sent and angel and not one person can change my mind nor my husbands. We both know what happened and we still believe thats what it was. *Halo*
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