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Today Reading

Postby Angelwings » Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:50 am

Job 8:1-7, 11-19 *Bible*
Bildad Speaks: Job Should Repent

Go on a nature hike and find a stairway to Heaven
Then Bildad the Shuhite answered:
How long will you say these things,
and the words of your mouth be a great wind?
Does God pervert justice?
Or does the Almighty pervert the right?
If your children sinned against him,
he delivered them into the power of their transgression.
If you will seek God
and make supplication to the Almighty,

if you are pure and upright,
surely then he will rouse himself for you
and restore to you your rightful place.
Though your beginning was small,
your latter days will be very great.

Can papyrus grow where there is no marsh?
Can reeds flourish where there is no water?
While yet in flower and not cut down,
they wither before any other plant.
Such are the paths of all who forget God;
the hope of the godless shall perish.
Their confidence is gossamer,
a spider's house their trust.
If one leans against its house, it will not stand;
if one lays hold of it, it will not endure.
The wicked thrive before the sun,
and their shoots spread over the garden.
Their roots twine around the stoneheap;
they live among the rocks.
If they are destroyed from their place,
then it will deny them, saying, I have never seen you.'
See, these are their happy ways,
and out of the earth still others will spring.

Angel Wisdom *Halo*
Learn all you can about angels.
It's a form of higher education. *AngelYellow*

"Whatever we leave to God, God does and blesses us."

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