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Prayer For Today

Postby Angelwings » Thu Aug 21, 2008 10:17 am

Look to Thee in Every Need *Praying*

I look to Thee in every need, and never look in vain;
I feel Thy strong and tender love, and all is well again.
The thought of Thee is mightier far than sin and pain and sorrow are.

Discouraged in the work of life, disheartened by its load,
Shamed by its failures or its fears, I sink beside the road.
But let me only think of Thee and then new heart springs up in me.

Thy calmness bends serene above, my restlessness to still;
Around me flows Thy quickening life, to nerve my faltering will.
Thy presence fills my solitude, Thy providence turns all to good.

Enfolded deep in Thy dear love, held in Thy law, I stand;
Thy hand in all things I behold, and all things in Thy hand.
Thou leadest me by unsought ways, and turn my mourning into praise *amen9*

Reading Of The Day

Philip Is Guided by the Lord
Acts 8:26-40 *Bible*

Then an angel of the Lord said to Philip, Get up and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.
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