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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Jan 31, 2025 10:31 pm

Hi All,

There is currently talk that the new US government is going to release the JFK files.

The murder of JFK and subsequent cover up was one of the earliest instances I know of (in the modern age) in which the government/media complex went all in on the narrative that 2 + 2 = 5.

The evidence is so abundant and overwhelming, that the real question is not, 'Was there a conspiracy?' Rather, the real question is, 'Which individuals from the government and intelligence community, etc, were in on it?'

There has been consistent suggestion over the decades that LBJ was a central figure behind the assassination. While I withhold my own take on this, it would obviously make sense because he was the main beneficiary (sworn in as the new President on Air Force One only a couple of hours after JFK was removed). Moreover, palace coups go all the way back to the Bible and are a standard aspect of human politics/power.

So, it's obviously not a stretch that LBJ could have been in on it. However, if so, he obviously could not have pulled it off without the CIA, et al, and CIA-controlled mainstream media.

Anyway, some hope that the potential looming release of the JFK files could shed light on CIA involvement in the assassination, and whether LBJ was involved.

It's a tantalising prospect, but my gut feeling is that the CIA has had decades to get rid of anything (classified or not) that could reveal their own involvement in the assassination).

Thus, disappointingly, I believe any such files will be only the ones we're allowed to see, and will be heavily redacted at that.

Links to a recent infowars video clip, and a separate article from another source, on this topic are below: ... tates-fate ... ssination/
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Feb 21, 2025 11:08 am

Hi Friends,

Just a couple of days until the German elections, and the fix appears to be in. After several years of Establishment Party B in power, it looks like there will be a switch back to Establishment Party A.

Of course, minor Establishment parties are invariably needed to cobble together a 'coalition', but that's generally nothing more than an inconvenience.

The spirit of fascism is rising in Germany, and I'm not talking about the much-maligned populist/conservative party known as the AFD (expected to poll in 2nd place at about 20%, but with all other parties already pledging to keep it out of any potential coalition).

No, the bone fide fascism, as it usually tends to do, is coming from the Establishment itself.

There are a number of exhibits I could point to, including persistent talk of banning the AFD. But today I wish to talk about Germany's 'hate speech' laws.

I recently saw a fawning CBS report on the prosecutors overseeing a campaign of repression against free speech across Germany. 'Hate speech' in Germany can include insulting politicians (I'm not exaggerating), criticising government policies on things like energy and Germany's open borders, and saying impolite things about immigrants (not necessarily hateful or threatening, but impolite/insulting. Again, I'm not joking).

In one state of Germany alone, according to the report, several thousand investigations were underway, mainly against people for posting memes and the like.

The CBS crew were present for one police raid on a private residence at 6am(!) While the CBS crew fawned at how righteous they evidently found it, the gestapo/stasi echoes are evident to anyone with an open mind.

The German prosecutors interviewed in the piece, in their broken English, exuded self-righteousness and generally made light of the police intimidation tactics and exorbitant fines they were unleashing on their victims. There is no doubt they are enjoying their work, as Hitler's brown shirts did in the early/mid 1930s.

Germany right now doesn't yet resemble its earlier version of 1939-1945. Rather, it resembles the version of itself from 1933-1938. During the first couple of those years, Hitler allowed the unruly brown shirts to undertake his bullying and thuggery. In 1934, after they had fulfilled their purpose, the Nazi leadership turned on them and wiped out most of their leadership in the 'Night of the long knives'.

The brown shirt thugs, having initially helped to set up the tyranny but also having ultimately used up their usefulness, were gotten rid of. In their place, a more systematic and terrifying tyranny was installed.

There are clear parallels between the thugs of the current system (various politicians, media outlets, legal prosecutors, police etc) on the one hand, and the brownshirts on the other.

Christian news source The Trumpet believes that the anti-Christ will come out of Germany, and that a (soon-to-be) revived Germamy will oversee the culmination of the Beast Empire.

If this is the case, it will certainly take Germany's modern similarities to its former 1933-38 self, and transition these into a new status more in line with its 1939-1945 self.

I personally don't see any surprises coming out of Germany's federal election in a couple of days, but I guess that's the thing about surprises.

The Trumpet has written a fresh article on the upcoming election, and stops short of saying it will contain a major surprise.

Rather, what The Trumpet says is that one day, maybe quite soon, there could be an inconclusive kind of election which could, for example, make it very hard to form a coalition and thus cause chaos. It would thus not be an election, but rather resultant election chaos, in which the anti-Christ could move in.

And as I've outlined, the machinations of tyranny are already there for him to assume control of and mould according to his own tendencies.

Link to the article is below: ... -elections
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Feb 21, 2025 12:15 pm

Hi again,

Only an hour or two after my previous post, I've found a very pertinent article, titled, 'Free speech under attack at home and abroad'.

The title and topic are self-explanatory. There is focus on the death of free speech in Europe, and specific reference to the burgeoning/current tyranny in Germany, outlined in my previous post.

Link below: ... nd-abroad/
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